NAF World Headquarters

North America - The Challenge of Q'ermitt V - April 18th + 19th

Spazzfist - Oct 23, 2008 - 08:22 PM
Post subject: The Challenge of Q'ermitt V - April 18th + 19th
I have booked the location for Challenge of Q'ermitt V. Currently it is the same location as last year - which is my basement!

I know that there was some concern about the cramped quarters, seeing as the attendance for last year's tourney was at a record high. Given that the attendance has fluctuated wildly I am reluctant to book a bigger space in case I end up losing tons of money again. However, I have decided on a course of action which should suit everyone concerned.

1) I will be looking into and then booking an alternate space on the hope that attendance will be at least comparable to last year's.

2) I figure that the magic number for attendance that I will have at my place is 14. If the number of pre-payers is greater than that, then I will keep the rented space. If the number of pre-payers is 14 or less by the time that I can cancel with full refund, then I will cancel the space and hold it at my place.

I fully realize that I may have 14 people pre-pay for the tourney and then have more than that show up on the day, but I figure that there will not be so many show up unexpectedly that I will not be able to accommodate them at my place.

So in other words - pre-pay people!

The Challenge of Q'ermitt V
April 18-19th 2009

The tourney will be showcasing at least one new board, and I know that there were other people who mentioned that they might bring some custom boards*, so it will be interesting see what we have available!

*if enough people give me enough notice that they will be bringing custom boards, then I will make a Best Custom Board trophy.

Preregistration draw
1st, 2nd, 3rd Place
Best Team
Most TDs
Most Cas
Best Smack-Talk
Most Entertaining (an alteration of the Most Sporting award)
Best Custom Board (a possibility)

Tickets will be $40 with a $5 discount for early payment

I will post something when there is new rules for the upcoming board and for any other changes which may take place.

If people would like to start the discussion about the draft, then I am open for discussion on the matter. My understanding is that people are okay with the hiring of star players, but do not want the stars getting additional skills. The floor is open on this one, so feel free to speak your piece.

Look forward to seeing you out there!

Planning on Attending
Eric R

Stunty Cup Participants (max eight)

1. Karl Lagerbottom (still iffy as to whether he can make it - so I will take a ninth just in case) - skinks
2. Cramy - TBA
3. Adam - TBA
4. Greg - Skinks
5. Eric - the Defending Champion!
9. (alternate) Dan
Eric.R. - Oct 23, 2008 - 11:08 PM
Post subject: RE: The Challenge of Q
I plan on bringing a New Custum board to the tourny. Not to mention I will be defending my Smack Talk trophy aswell.
Clan_Skaven - Oct 24, 2008 - 12:36 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: The Challenge of Q
      Eric.R. wrote:
I plan on bringing a New Custum board to the tourny. Not to mention I will be defending my Smack Talk trophy aswell.

My only beef is I dont want to play on a custom pitch with the regular rules only worded differently (huge blunder last year Spazz!)
Spazzfist - Oct 24, 2008 - 06:43 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: The Challenge of Q
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
      Eric.R. wrote:
I plan on bringing a New Custum board to the tourny. Not to mention I will be defending my Smack Talk trophy aswell.

My only beef is I dont want to play on a custom pitch with the regular rules only worded differently (huge blunder last year Spazz!)

I understand what you are saying up to the point where it becomes a "huge blunder" and the part where it is my fault.....

A custom board is nice to play on, even if it is the regular rules with the regular words. As Eric had not approached me with any special rules for his pitch, I feel it would have been more of a blunder on my part to have allowed anything but regular rules without a chance to review them.
Eric.R. - Oct 24, 2008 - 06:50 PM
Post subject: Re: RE: The Challenge of Q
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
My only beef is I dont want to play on a custom pitch with the regular rules only worded differently

Calm down, that was my blunder/lazyness so do not blame Spazz. This year I plan to have specific rules for the pitch.

On the same note, does anyone have LEGO® to spare? No, it is not a l LEGO® pitch (though I have thought of making one) it just helps to make moulds. It will not harm the LEGO® BTW. This actually was started LONG ago but has been put on hold due to other commitments and painting for DBVI.
Eric.R. - Oct 24, 2008 - 06:58 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: The Challenge of Q
BTW, I have updated the website for the CoQ V [ ]. AFAIK, no changes are being made from last year.

@Spazz: any changes, let me know ASAP.
Eric.R. - Oct 24, 2008 - 07:14 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: The Challenge of Q
Also, I would like to point out:

Game on Mutha<CENSORED>!!!

GalakStarscraper - Oct 24, 2008 - 11:32 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: The Challenge of Q
Spazz .... are the 3 new teams allowed?

Clan_Skaven - Oct 25, 2008 - 01:25 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: The Challenge of Q
      Eric.R. wrote:
Also, I would like to point out:

Game on Mutha<CENSORED>!!!

Bro I give you full credit... I hope you can hold it as long as I did....

I pass the Stunty Torch to you my friend (2 time Champ was long enough for me, time to pass the torch elswhere....I'm done with the Stunty Cup (Champion 2 of 4 years in the tournies running!)

I might say althouthough not an official NAF sanctioned tourney, my Niagara Boys have claimed it 3 of the 4 times (myself claiming it twice & Grell once!, its only a matter of time before Talons or smalls takes the the title back home to Niagara!!!!

Spazzfist - Oct 25, 2008 - 08:03 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: The Challenge of Q
      GalakStarscraper wrote:
Spazz .... are the 3 new teams allowed?


YES! Q'ermitt would LOVE to see some of his frog-like brethen hit the pitch! In fact I will announce it now that as the odd-man out for my own tourney, I plan on painting up a Slann team.

So Slann, Chaos Pact and Underworld Creepers are all legal at the Q'ermitt. Thanks for pointing that out Galak.
GalakStarscraper - Oct 25, 2008 - 04:20 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: The Challenge of Q
I sent Lycos the LRB 5.0 rules document for the 3 new teams for you to link to with your tournament rules.

However ... unless I'm not seeing them he has not yet post them.

Spazzfist - Nov 17, 2008 - 11:23 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: The Challenge of Q
The tournament info has been entered to make this NAF sanctioned, and so just waiting for th ebutton to be pushed on that one. I am still not certain if that is what was holding it up from being stickied (along with some other Ontario tourneys) but if that could be taken care of, that would be greatly appreciated!
Notorious_jtb - Nov 17, 2008 - 11:49 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: The Challenge of Q
      Spazzfist wrote:
The tournament info has been entered to make this NAF sanctioned, and so just waiting for th ebutton to be pushed on that one. I am still not certain if that is what was holding it up from being stickied (along with some other Ontario tourneys) but if that could be taken care of, that would be greatly appreciated!

Sorry craig, don't think being green allows me to do either of those things (approve or sticky).
Or if I can I can't work it out.
Clan_Skaven - Jan 08, 2009 - 04:46 AM
Post subject:
Ok I know I'll be there, so will Greg from the Falls, (Greg won my tourney past Sept.) for those who may not know/remember him.

So 2 for sure from Niagara, but could be more.
Clan_Skaven - Jan 08, 2009 - 04:53 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
The Orc Stadium....

The Mordinhiem Stadium...

The Norse Stadium...

The Dessert Stadium....

The Skaven Sewer Stadium....

The Goblin Swamp Stadium...

The Halfling Stadium.....

Q'ermitt Stadium.....

The Undead Graveyard Stadium....

The Chaos Dwarf Stadium....

The Boat Stadium....

Spazz if I'm missing any let me know....

So there you have it Peeps! With all those boards, why would you even want to miss the action at this year's C of Q !!!!!

There's da boards again, minus Dwarf pitch, don't have that one....
Spazzfist - Jan 08, 2009 - 07:13 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:

There's da boards again, minus Dwarf pitch, don't have that one....

And a shot of Garth's chest in the last one! Good old Garth..... I wonder if he will ever come out again?
Spazzfist - Feb 19, 2009 - 06:00 PM
Post subject:
Alright, the time is drawing near and to avoid the over-crowded conditions of the last Q'ermitt I have located an alternate venue. But I need to know ASAP if people are planning on attending so I know on what kind of space I need.

I am going to be having a really sweet early registration prize, to give people incentive to pay early. But I also need to know whether people are even planning on coming.

Appreciate it!
Eric.R. - Feb 19, 2009 - 06:29 PM
Post subject:
I do plan to attend. The Q`ermitt is [to the best of my knowledge] the only tourney I have successfully attended every year since I started playing in the BB tourney scene.
jrock56 - Feb 20, 2009 - 07:36 AM
Post subject:
I plan to attend as well Craig and I am pretty sure Glenn will want to defend his title from last year. Had a blast last year and should have no problem coming again. Most of the dates seem to work for me right now so as long as the dates remain the same I should be good to go,

Cramy - Feb 20, 2009 - 10:16 AM
Post subject:
I plan to attend as well.
Shadowseer2005 - Feb 20, 2009 - 07:21 PM
Post subject:
You can count on the Blood Bowl whore to show up.
KarlLagerbottom - Feb 20, 2009 - 08:18 PM
Post subject:
Hey Craig...can you direct me to the rules related to the Stunty Bowl? (This is not a set-up to a joke...I may actually try to make it back up there for this and wanted to consider what rosters were available for Stunty.)

Spazzfist - Feb 20, 2009 - 08:56 PM
Post subject:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
Hey Craig...can you direct me to the rules related to the Stunty Bowl? (This is not a set-up to a joke...I may actually try to make it back up there for this and wanted to consider what rosters were available for Stunty.)


That would be awesome if you could come out again. For rules on the Stunty Cup, follow the link in my sig - go to "tournaments" and then look for the "comprehensive rules" under the Stunty Cup heading.
Spazzfist - Feb 23, 2009 - 08:02 PM
Post subject:
I have updated the first post to list anyone who has told me that they are coming. I would really appreciate any who are planning on coming to give me an idea of what kind of space I need.

@Rod - could you give me an idea of who from the Falls may be coming out?
@Adam - can you get word form Glenn and the other Ottawa crew?
@Dan - can you get in touch with Chairface and the London Lads?

I will be posting news of the early pay incentive draw soon. Keep posted!
Eric.R. - Feb 23, 2009 - 09:17 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
I have updated the first post to list anyone who has told me that they are coming. I would really appreciate any who are planning on coming to give me an idea of what kind of space I need.

The sign-up page on the website is up to date. Just thought I would mention Razz
Clan_Skaven - Feb 23, 2009 - 09:59 PM
Post subject:
Ok from the Falls

Greg & Myself for sure...

Rob, Jesse, Chops & Joe , I'm not sure.....

I could ask your best friend John Wink

Also I have the rules for Greg's Lustria Pitch we are planning on taking to the CoQ.

Do you want me to PM them to you or on put them on this forum?

Spazzfist - Feb 24, 2009 - 05:06 AM
Post subject:
Put them on the forum - we can get more feedback that way.
Spazzfist - Feb 24, 2009 - 07:28 AM
Post subject:

I am starting to order the prizes and materials for the Q'ermitt and qould appreciate people who are planning on attendng paying me ASAP so that I can start to pay the bills!

Keep in mind that early payment will also get you a $5 discount. Paying now is a price of $35 and will get you the following:

* admission for the tourney for both days
* lunch on both days
* a set of limited edition Q'ermitt "earth dice" to complete the set fo the four elements. This will be the last set of Q'ermitt d6 to be made!
* one halfling hot dog vendor sculpted by Alex Garett (picture below)
* opportunity to bask in my greatness

The ealier you pay, the greater the chance that you will win the prepay prize which is a set of LRB5 Inducement cards as made by our Canadian brothers to the West - Thunderbowl Comics (see pic at the bottom of this post). I am offering one complete set of cards to one luck pre-payer. Your name will be entered into the draw the following number of times:

Pay On:
Feb 24 - 28 Name entered eight times
Mar 1 - 7 Name entered seven times
Mar 8- 14 Name entered six times
Mar 15- 21 Name entered five times
Mar 22 - 28 Name entered four times
Mar 29 - Apr 4 Name entered three times
Apr 5 - 11 Name entered twice
Apr 12 - 17 Name entered once

All payments can be made to my Paypal account:

... and now for the pic


Here is a pic of the vendor in the sculting stage - he has a rolling BBQ and is holding a hot dog in a pair of tongs. This model is a great addition to any halfling team, can be a turn counter for many teams, and is also useful when implenting the rules for the hot dog vendor in the halfling pitch in the CoQ!!

Notorious_jtb - Feb 24, 2009 - 08:41 AM
Post subject:
Cramy - Feb 24, 2009 - 08:42 AM
Post subject:
Where's the hot-dog vendor?

I like those cards. Looking forward to the event.
Cramy - Feb 24, 2009 - 09:08 AM
Post subject:
Is there a stunty cup this year? If yes, I want in.
Spazzfist - Feb 24, 2009 - 09:22 AM
Post subject:
      Cramy wrote:
Where's the hot-dog vendor?

I like those cards. Looking forward to the event.

Sorry - left out the vendor - rectified!
Spazzfist - Feb 24, 2009 - 09:29 AM
Post subject:
      Cramy wrote:
Is there a stunty cup this year? If yes, I want in.

I think the Stunty Cup is a given each year now - people want it, so I will have it!

It is first-come-first-serve, and Marc-Andre, you are the second to join (assuming the first can make it) I will update this on the first post.
Alkaline13 - Feb 24, 2009 - 10:08 AM
Post subject:
That hotdog vendor is worth the trip alone!
Clan_Skaven - Feb 24, 2009 - 12:13 PM
Post subject:
I dont understand pay pal (never have) can I just mail you amoney order?
Spazzfist - Feb 24, 2009 - 12:22 PM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
I dont understand pay pal (never have) can I just mail you amoney order?

Sure thing.
Shadowseer2005 - Feb 25, 2009 - 06:58 AM
Post subject:

Put me down as the ninth for the Stunty Cup. If anyone on the list does not attend or changes their mind I will jump in.

Also as per The Canadian Open make me the OMO. I am currently looking at a 12 + weeks of rehab and who nows how my body will feel.
jrock56 - Feb 25, 2009 - 09:05 AM
Post subject:
Hey Spazz, I will forward payment to you as soon as possible, can you put me down for the stunty cup as well...would like to try it out this year.

As for the Ottawa crowd coming to this event I am pretty sure of Glenn and myself attending, Marc-Andre seems to be a lock as well.

I will have to check with Joe, Rob K, Stephan, Alex, Mike O, Mark D, Chris W to see if any of them have interest in coming. I have room to bring 5 total in my car and Marc-Andre mentioned his van if need be so I will figure things out with everyone and keep you posted. Take it easy,

Clan_Skaven - Feb 25, 2009 - 12:14 PM
Post subject:
I'll not be returning to the Stunty Cup 4 is enough for me, but put Greg Down for it with Skinks.

Eric.R. - Feb 25, 2009 - 08:20 PM
Post subject:
I better get in on the Stunty before it is filled up. I have something of worth to defend for once!!!
jrock56 - Feb 25, 2009 - 09:14 PM
Post subject:
What are the team building rules for Stunty Cup, as well as game rules for playing Stunty Cup. Have no idea as I was too intoxicated/disoriented from the waft of man stench in the basement to notice last year Razz

Spazzfist - Feb 26, 2009 - 07:39 AM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:
What are the team building rules for Stunty Cup, as well as game rules for playing Stunty Cup. Have no idea as I was too intoxicated/disoriented from the waft of man stench in the basement to notice last year Razz


Follow the link in my sig to the website and look for the Stunty Cup rules there.
Clan_Skaven - Feb 27, 2009 - 05:41 AM
Post subject:
If you look at the winners of the the first 4 Stunty Cup Champs (Stunty Cup I : Joe M. from Niagara, Stunty Cup II : Rod D. (me) from Niagara, Stunty Cup III : Rod D. (me) from Niagara, & Stunty Cup IV : Eric R. from Brampton/Toronto area. Sadly we all, (even if we all combined our records/rankings) will mostly still have poor NAF records/rankings & so therefore would not be considered top contending NAF Coaches.

But hey! If we (the winners of the previous 4 Stunty Cups can win all the Glory of the Stunty Cup in it's opening 4 years, then where are all you high ranked NAF members? (I guess you don't have the insentive to detrone a Stunty Cup Champ!)

Anyone can win a regular old NAF tourney, right Eric & Joe? But it takes a great BloodBowler to be crowned the Stunty Cup Champ!

Why the Stunty Cup Champ is the only "real" title of a "True BloodBowl Hero!"

Spazzfist - Mar 02, 2009 - 06:41 PM
Post subject:
Way to go Rod! Warming up the lips flaps in contention for the "Best Smack Talk" award! Nice!

Thought I would post some pics of the new Q'ermitt dice - the final set - Earth!

(note: the Q'ermitt symbol is printed in white, as the mock up made it to hard to see with the gold swirls in the dice)

Two dice will be given to all participants. For anyone who wanted to buy previous sets (fire, water, air) these are available in limited supply for a cost of $5 per set.
Taxal - Mar 02, 2009 - 06:57 PM
Post subject:
Craig cannot make it this year but would really like to get a set of earth and fire if possible. Have the other two and it would be nice to have the complete set. The Sweetbun Dice is the same die Embarassed

jrock56 - Mar 02, 2009 - 07:57 PM
Post subject:
Hey Craig, I only have last years dice but would like to have the whole collection if available. Were last years air or water? Regardless I would like to get Fire and whichever set was not last years. I will be attending this year and look forward to the earth dice, very sharp looking. See you in a couple weeks for the Canadian Open. Can I get the other sets then? I know I will have to wait until Quermitt for the earth set. Take it easy,

Clan_Skaven - Mar 02, 2009 - 10:57 PM
Post subject:
I also lost one my my "air" if you any left I'd like to buy a replacement.

Spazzfist - Mar 03, 2009 - 06:58 AM
Post subject:
      Taxal wrote:
The Sweetbun Dice is the same die Embarassed

So you have it made up already? Damn man, if I had known I would have gone for a granite look or something....

I will put a couple of those other dice aside for you.
Spazzfist - Mar 03, 2009 - 06:59 AM
Post subject:
@Jrock - last year's set was the air dice - so I will put you down for the other sets

@Clan-Skaven - did you lose one or both of your air dice? Maybe Fran Drescher ate them!
jrock56 - Mar 03, 2009 - 11:06 AM
Post subject:
Thanks Spazz, much appreciated. Want to collect as many tourney dice as possible. Love all the different themed dice.

Cramy - Mar 03, 2009 - 09:19 PM
Post subject:
I would also like a set of fire dice please. Wink
Cramy - Mar 03, 2009 - 09:25 PM
Post subject:
I am now paid. I think it paid in French. Hoping it won't cause too much confusion. Wink

Can't wait to get my hands on those cards.
Spazzfist - Mar 04, 2009 - 07:09 AM
Post subject:
      Cramy wrote:
I am now paid. I think it paid in French. Hoping it won't cause too much confusion. Wink

Can't wait to get my hands on those cards.

Thank Marc-Andre, you are the first to pay so far, so you are the top contender for the cards which should be in my possession shortly!

I have to admit that your payment almost got pushed to the "Spam" box in my e-mail. With my limited French "Vous avez reçu un paiement" almost got lost in the translation. Luckily my greedy eyes dechiphred "paiement" as "payment" and I looked into it.

Remember people, the sooner you pay, the greater the chance of winning those sweet inducement cards! Help Spazz pay his bills!
Spazzfist - Mar 04, 2009 - 09:58 AM
Post subject:
Okay, got the bill from Impact! for the figs and the extra prizes. I am going to offer the card set as the first draw for early payments, and then there will also be two Impact! cases for early payment prizes, so lots of incentive to pay early!

I would like to save the stress on my bank account as much as possible so would appreciate people paying me ASAP!
Taxal - Mar 04, 2009 - 06:23 PM
Post subject:
Thanks alot Craig for putting the dice aside for me. Since I collect dice it just would not be right to not have those ones.

jrock56 - Mar 07, 2009 - 10:59 AM
Post subject:
Hey Craig, would like to pre-pay for the tourney today so I get seven entries for your early bird prizes but need your info to forward it to you. Do you have it set up through PayPal or another venue to receive payments. If you have an account with TD I can just do an instant transfer to your account (for the latter I would need your branch and account numbers though). The price is $35 correct? Thanks,

Spazzfist - Mar 07, 2009 - 11:12 AM
Post subject:
You can pay me through Paypal @

I agree with Joe that the fees suck, but it is by far the easiest method for people to pay me by.
jrock56 - Mar 07, 2009 - 11:32 AM
Post subject:
Cool I am paid, will now have 7 entries for those awesome looking cards/carrying cases. SWWWWEEEEEEET!

See what you mean with there fees man, are there any alternatives you could consider?

Thanks, See you soon

Spazzfist - Mar 08, 2009 - 12:58 PM
Post subject:
Alright so far I have the following people pre-paid:


REmember there are going to be two Impact! cases and a sweet set of inducement cards for pre-pay prizes! Best get your money in soon!
Spazzfist - Mar 08, 2009 - 06:29 PM
Post subject:
Some bad news.... It seems that the halfling vendor model will not be ready in time for the tourney. It will, however, be ready in tome for the Golden Sweetbun (quite appropriate when you think about it). I will get them out when I get them, we'll see what we can do about distributing them at future tourneys to save postage.
Eric.R. - Mar 08, 2009 - 09:50 PM
Post subject:
Boo!!! You suck!!! U r the worst T.O. EVER!!! I am so going to unsanction your event because of this!!!

LOL, naw just kidding. Not like the higher-ups would ever give me that power . . . they know me too well Razz I doubt this will have any impact on the tourney as it has been nothing but a quality event.
Spazzfist - Mar 11, 2009 - 02:59 PM
Post subject:
Hey all,

I have been in touch with LordChaos of Thunderbowl Comics out in Vancouver. We are trying to work something out where he will send me copies of his comics which I will in turn sell at the Q'ermitt. If anyone has not had a chance to check out Thunderbowl Comics on Talkbloodowl, then follow the link below - it is some pretty funny stuff!

I know that some people are unable/unaware/unwilling to buy stuff on-line, so figured that this would be a good solution for those who would like to have it but haven't for any one of the "un's" mentioned above.

I am asking only for the comics, not the models. I figured that anyone who wants them can get them straight from the source itself - Alex Garrett.

By the time my tourney rolls around the third issue should be available. The comics are $5 each. Just so I can get a rough idea, who would be interested in buying these?
Clan_Skaven - Mar 12, 2009 - 03:23 PM
Post subject:
Greg & myself will be paid together trough paypal on by Saturady at the latest. (A friend of Greg's will pay using his paypal)

Spazzfist - Mar 13, 2009 - 06:25 PM
Post subject:
I got the cards in today! They far surpassed my expectations! I will bring them to the Open to show them off, and hopefullyget a few more of you to prepay! Get your money in now! You do NOT want to miss your opportunity to miss out on getting your hands on these cards!
Spazzfist - Mar 16, 2009 - 03:46 PM
Post subject:
Just received payment from Brian Belder for two people - can the real Brian Belder please stand up please stand up please stand up

Just need to know who to credit!

Am currently working on the rules for the new board - will have them up today or tomorrow.
Clan_Skaven - Mar 16, 2009 - 04:27 PM
Post subject:
Brian Beldar paid for me & Greg
Spazzfist - Mar 16, 2009 - 06:52 PM
Post subject:
Here are the rules for the new pitch all thoughts welcome:

Necrotic Fairy Tale Pitch

Basket of Goodies:Each coach received a basket of goodies which they can use to encourage their knocked out players to take to the pitch again. One coach should roll a d3 and this is how many goodies are in each of the baskets.

For any player whom the coach would like to use the goodies on, receive an additional +1 modifier to the roll to revive them for each goody they use. (note ??? any number of goodies can be given to one player, and have effect for that player only ??? i.e. you cannot give 2 goodies to 2 players and have +2 to each of their rolls). For each goody that player ingests, roll a d6, on a ???1??? it was a poisoned apple and that player should be moved to the Dead and Injured box.

Breadcrumb Trail:
One of the kick off results will allow team members to follow a breadcrumb trail into the forest. Each trail has two numbers beside it. On the player???s first turn following the kick off result, the coach may attempt to bring his player back. The coach should pick one trail and roll a d6, if the dice result matches the trail then they can return to the game from that trail (with full movement). If the result does not come up, then the coach may try again with a different trail in the next turn, and then again in the third turn if they are unable to match the result. If after the third turn they do not match the breadcrumb trail, then place the model in the Knocked Out box to represent the time spent trying to find their way back (they cannot be brought back with goodies!)

Forest Denizen:
The forest of Grimm is home to many strange creatures. There may be an occurrence where one of them decides to take a more active role in the game.

When a ???Forest /Denizen??? result is rolled, roll a d6 and consult the following table to see who has emerged from the forest.

1-2 Fairy 6 1 3 5 dodge, stunty, titchy, disturbing presence (will try to stay next to the ball carrier/ball)
3-4 Hansel 7 3 3 7 (will attack the nearest standing player or foul the nearest prone)
5-6 ??? Treekin 1 4 1 9 stand firm (will attack the nearest standing player)

The denizen will come in from one of the breadcrumb trails (roll a d6 to determine which)

The denizen will move on the turn it emerges and then in a Player 1/ Player 2 / denizen format.

The Witch:
The witch is the keeper of this pitch and acts as it???s referee. Any player caught fouling (or eating her house) are subject to her wrath and are turned into a toad.

Any player turned into a toad will have the following stats:
4 1 3 4 dodge, stunty, titchy, leap
There can only be one toad at any one time. If there is already one toad on the pitch, then the player who is already a toad will be turned back, and the newly offending player will become a toad.

To revert back to normal a player must be removed from the pitch, or another player must be turned into a toad.

The Weather Table:
2 ??? Fog ??? A thick mist has filled the forest reducing visibility to a few inches. All players count as Bonehead for as long as the fog lasts. In addition, all pass actions are treated as having one more -1 modifier than normal (i.e. a quick pass will be +0, short passes -1, etc.) Hail Mary Passes may not be made at all until the fog has lifted. Each team may still make 1 Hand Off per turn.

3 - Very Windy - Strong winds are gusting, making passing the ball very difficult. All attempts to pass the ball are subjected to an additional -1 modifier.

4-10 ??? Nice- Perfect Blood Bowl weather.

11 - Pouring Rain - It???s raining, making the ball slippery and difficult to hold. This causes a -1 modifier an all attempts to catch the ball, including picking it up and handing it off.

12 - Blizzard! - It???s cold and snowing! The ice on the field means that any player attempting to move an extra square will slip and fall on a roll of 1-2, while the falling snow means that only quick or short passes can be attempted.

The Kick Off Table:
2 ??? Something in the Oven ??? There are hideous screams coming from inside the house and the witch is seen occasionally poking her head out the window. Her watch is not so vigilant, so each team has one extra Bribe!

3 ??? Happily Ever After ??? The fans are demanding a happy ending by seeing their team come out victorious. But not everyone can be happy! Each coach rolls a d6 and adds their FAME. If the winning coach is ahead in the score, then the clock moves forward d3 turns, if the winning coach is behind in the score then the clock will go back d3 turns.

4 ??? Basket of Goodies - Each of the coaches find that a basket of goodies has been delivered to their respective dugouts. The goodies are so tasty and smell so delicious that they may encourage players who are otherwise incapacitated to rejoin the fray. See the full rules under ???Basket of Goodies???.

5 ??? High Kick (as per normal kick off rules)

6 ??? Cheering Fans (as per normal kick off rules).

7 - Weather change (as per normal kick off rules)

8 ??? Brilliant coaching (as per normal kick off rules)

9 ??? Quick Snap (as per normal kick off rules)

10 ??? Trail of Breadcrumbs ??? Each team must nominate one player to follow a trail of breadcrumbs into the forest. See the full rules under ???Breadcrumb Trail??? above.

11 ??? Forest Denizen! ??? One of the denizens of the Grimm Forest has emerged to take part in the game. See the full rules at ???Forest Denizen??? above.

12 ??? ???Who???s been eating my house???? Someone has been eating the candies on the witch???s house. Each coach should roll a d6 and add their FAME. The losing coach must randomly determine one of their players. That player will be turned into a toad as described in ???The Witch??? section above.[/i]
Clan_Skaven - Mar 16, 2009 - 08:40 PM
Post subject:
Nice rules Spazz....

A sugestion for players lost in forrest that go to K'O'd bin..... , put them in opponents K'O'd bin (so no goodies get accidently used on them by mistake)

Clan_Skaven - Mar 16, 2009 - 10:36 PM
Post subject:

Floating Lilly Pads
Before weather is rolled both coaches get 4 Lilly Pads each to place on thier half of the pitch. Since the Lilly Pads float on the pitch from the sidelines, when placing the Lilly Pads each coach can only place them on a side line, but not thier endzone. Then they will immidiately float out D3 squares (towards the center of the pitch , using the throw in template.) A lilly Pad will not float on top of another Lilly pad (it will stop just before it.) A Lilly Pad can not float off pitch through endzone, (if it reaches endzone with more squares to move it will stop in endzone.) A Lilly Pad may float to opposing Coaches side of field. Once all Lilly Pads have been placed they will stay in that spot (no more floating away).

If a player enters the square of a Lilly Pad from a push or as part of his move or blitz action, then the action stops & roll a D6 on following chart. (A player falling prone or stunned on Lilly pad needs not roll on chart.) Players falling prone onto Lilly Pad do not roll on chart below.

Lilly Pad Chart

1 Just a Lilly Pad : No effect , immeadiately remove Lilly Pad from play.

2 Venus Skink Trap : The player immeadiately takes a STR 2 hit (rolled by opponent, no assists can be given either side). Once hit is resolved, remove Lilly Pad from play.

3 Sink Hole : The player's foot has sank into a deep sink hole of very thick & sticky mud. They can not leave square untill next turn, but must pass a STR roll with a +1 Modifier (a roll of one before modifier always fails). Players Stuck in Sink Hole have no Tackle Zone, nor are they able to take any action other than a move to try & free themselves on future turns. (They also can not lend assits as they are too busy trying to free themselves.) Opposing players blocking or blitzing a player stuck in a sinkhole can free them on any result that pushes player back. Sink Holes are not removed & stay on Pitch all game. Players entering Sink Holes later in game must pass STR roll or they stop all movement this turn. (Prone players standing up on sink hole still must pass STR roll to leave.)

4 Venus Saurus Trap : Same rules as Venus Skink Trap but use a STR 4 instead of STR 2 for the hit.

5 Spawning Pool : Many Lizardmen Eggs just hatched & the lil Darlings are hungry! Roll a D6 & add score to make STR of hit made against player. (STR 1 to STR 6 ). Spawning Pools remain on Pitch all game, but a new D6 roll is made everytime a player enters this square. (the Hatchlings only attack players in square that are standing).

6 Just a Lilly Pad : Same as result 1, except do not remove Lilly Pad.

Prone or Stunned players have no effect on Lilly Pads (except Sink Hole of coarse). ASlso a prone player standing up & leaving Lilly Pad makes no roll. (again unless it was a sink hole).

Amazon & Lizardmen teams may reroll resut of Lilly Pad Table (but must take 2nd Roll).


2-4 Sweltering Heat (As per normal weather rules.)
5-6 Very Sunny (As per normal weather rules.)
7-10 Nice
11 Pouring Rain (As per Normal weather rules.)
12 Torrential Rain : A torrential downpour is making the ball slippery & difficult to hold. This causes a -1 modifier on all attepts to handle the ball (Picking Up, Catching & Intercepting). In addition Long Bombs & Hail Mary Passes may not be attempted. Also all player's MA is reduced by 2 (minnimum of 1) due to the extreamly muddy conditions. (This Rain Fall is notoriously quick; roll again on the weather table after this drive before setting up).


2 Get The Ref

3 Riot

4 Blood Bowl Bunnies! The lovely ladies of Lustria have emerged from the Jungles to flirt with players of the better team. The team with the Higher Fame (if tied then both teams), have a -1 modifier on thier next KO checks after this drive. (This only lasts for KO checks at end of current drive.)

5 High Kick

6 Cheering Fans

7 Changing Weather

8 Brilliant Coaching

9 SWARM! A swarm of giant insects has flew, hopped, creeped & crawled it's way onto the pitch. This is a very quick swarming attack (but retively harmless). Roll for each player on the pitch on a result of a one they have dove for cover! Place player prone, but do not roll for AR.

10 Liquid Courage Where theres BloodBowl there's Beer! Where there's Beer, theres Bloodwieser Babes!The team with the Higher Fame (if tied then both teams), have a +1 modifier on thier next KO checks after this drive. (This only lasts for KO checks at end of current drive.)

11 Trow a Javalin Same as Throw a Rock, except the player may attempt to catch the Javalin with a -2 modifier to thier AG, (Catch Skill or RR may be used) to try & catch Javalin. A play who succesfully catches the Javalin gains the Stab skill until the end of the current drive. Failing to cath the Javalin hurts! (roll directly for Injury !)

12 Hold The Score The Slann Priests are Happy with the current game score. So thier best Spear Infrantry has been Ordered to take position in each endzone! Any Player entering either Endzone must pass a Stab Roll to remain Standing in Endzone. (Players falling prone into endzone do not need to have a Stab Roll Made.)
Due to the Slann Priests Fickle Nature, this only lasts to end of the current Drive!

There done, any thoughts?

Spazzfist - Mar 17, 2009 - 07:18 AM
Post subject:
We have already discussed these, and I like the ideas put forth in them.

One question: on the '6' result of the lilypads, you say that the lilypad stays there - does that mean that the next person who steps on it has to roll again, or is it reall just a lily pad?
Clan_Skaven - Mar 17, 2009 - 02:33 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
We have already discussed these, and I like the ideas put forth in them.

One question: on the '6' result of the lilypads, you say that the lilypad stays there - does that mean that the next person who steps on it has to roll again, or is it reall just a lily pad?

No on a roll of a 6 the Lilly Pad is ignored, but anyone entering the same one later on must roll on Lilly Pad chart to see new outcome.
Clan_Skaven - Mar 18, 2009 - 04:22 AM
Post subject:
After play testing it, I think it is best that if the ball ever comes to rest on a lilly pad , or spawning pool that you roll for picking up the ball only after you work out the Lily Pad/spawning pool result. Ball landing on Sinkhole will always bounce & scatter one square.

Also if hit by a Venus Skink or Venus Saures Trap, or the Spawning Pool & Pow , Pushback/Pow , are the result, ignore the pushback, & just falldown in same square. Obviously ignore Pushback results aswell.

Spazzfist - Mar 18, 2009 - 07:42 AM
Post subject:
why ignore the pushback? It could represent a desperate attempt to get away, or reeling from the blow - just roll scatter for the push.
Clan_Skaven - Mar 18, 2009 - 02:37 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
why ignore the pushback? It could represent a desperate attempt to get away, or reeling from the blow - just roll scatter for the push.

Mainly as a time saver. Since the attack is in the same square as the player on direction pushed becomes a 1-8 probabilty, but only empty squares are available. So if a 4 was rolled & 4 is occupied then you must roll again for an unoccupied square, so lets say then a 3 is rolled, but that is as well occupied, roll again ect...

Trust me it just works better to ignore pushbacks & all knockdowns happen in same square.

Spazzfist - Mar 22, 2009 - 07:14 PM
Post subject:
I wanted to get people's perspective about the bidding war. For reference here is it again,11

The Bidding War
The Challenge of Q'ermitt tournament, is designed to bring out the best teams in all the world of Blood Bowl. Q'ermitt wants to see the best of the best, and the teams that come out are those that gave to such legends as Hubris Rakarth, Pudgy Baconbreath and even the legendary Morg???n???Thorg himself!

The Star Players which are listed under the inducements section in the LRB5 rulebook may be bought as regular members of the team. All race restrictions, as listed on the Star Player, are of course, in effect. But players of this calibre are not always easy to come by, there may be other teams who will try to offer a sweeter deal to this gifted player!

How to Buy a Star Player
Under this system, each of the Star Players may be bought by one team, and one team only. This is because the Star Player was always on this one team, and has developed up from a green rookie into the superstar that they are today. This includes all Star Players, including all those with Secret Weapons.

In order to buy a Star Player, coaches will set aside a certain amount of money during team creation to be able to bid on the Star Player of their choice. Coaches should be advised, however, that the Stars may be in high demand, and they may not be able to get them for the listed price (NB ??? Star Players may not be purchased at a cost lower than the listed price ??? the listed price is the absolute minimum). There is no maximum that a Star will go for ??? it is all dependent on how much the coaches are willing to pay for him/her/it.

At the beginning of the tournament, promptly at 10:00 a.m. the Bidding War will begin. Any coaches arriving late, will be registered by an assistant, and once registered, may take their part in the Bidding War, missing out on any deals that may have transacted before they arrived.

At the onset of the Bidding War, all coaches in attendance who wish to purchase Star Players must draw a number. The coach with the lowest number picks one of the Star Players that they wish to bid on and will bid their opening price (i.e. the price listed). Then any coaches who also wish to recruit that player may make counter-offers, going in order of their draw number. Successive bids must be at least 10,000 g.p. greater than the one before it. Once the bidding for the one player is resolved then move on to the next coach, and so on, until all coaches are done bidding. Once all coaches are done bidding on their first picks, then move on to those who still have money for a second pick, and so on.

There will be no limit to the number of Star Players that a coach can purchase provided that they have the money for them.

Loner Trait
Seeing as the Star Player has been with this team for a while, and they are not a free agent, then they will not have the Loner trait.

As none of your other players will be allowed to have more than two skills each at the onset of the tournament, Star Players are the only way that you are going to have such developed players to start. For this reason, during Team Creation, Star Players may not be upgraded in any way (Skills or Stats), however they may receive skills after the tournament has started just as any other player.

Coaches who plan on using a Star Player should also have the model available for use during this tournament, but it is my intention to paint a model for each of the Star Players to avoid having coaches bringing models unnecessarily (i.e. they do not win the bid).

The Star Player you purchase take up a positional spot according to what they are e.g. Ramtut would count as one of your mummies on an Undead or Khemri team, or as a golem on a Necromantic team. In some cases this will not be so clear (e.g. Count Luthor) but I will include on the list with their prices, which position they would occupy on the team.

Leftover Cash
After the Bidding War is over it will be inevitable that some coaches will have leftover money, whether it is because they did not have to pay as much for their desired player as they anticipated, or they did not get them at all, there will be cash to dispose of.

Once all coaches are done, then all coaches with leftover money will have 15 minutes (timed) to spend it. Any coach who has not spent their money in this time will have their money spent for them in the following manner:

Step 1 ??? Buy as many (0-16) players as their remaining money will allow
Step 2 ??? Whatever is left over will be used to purchase Fan Factor, Coaches and Cheerleaders in equal amounts, and in that order.

This will be strictly enforced to ensure that the rest of the tourney is not delayed.
Cramy - Mar 23, 2009 - 03:20 PM
Post subject:
Stars don't have the Loner trait? Was it like this last year? Can't remember.
Spazzfist - Mar 23, 2009 - 03:38 PM
Post subject:
These are exactly the rules from last year.

There seems to be a dividing line between people who like the rules and don't like the rules. But the common ground seems to be that people do not like the idea of the star players being allowed to gain more skills as the tourney goes on.
Eric.R. - Mar 23, 2009 - 08:45 PM
Post subject:
My overall opinion is that the 'Bidding Wars' does not detract or add anything to the tourney as it all ready has much to offer. Although, that is not to say it is not a interesting idea. I participated in it in the past and will again, if it suites my team and playing concept.

Though, allowing Star Players to gain skillz later on does seem to make them over powered as they already lose the Loner trait and they can [theoretically] be purchased at a reduced cost. If you keep in mind the league rules of increasing SPP's for skill increases for established players it would lend itself to 'balance' to disallow increases to Star Players. This would cause coaches to build around a Star rather than depending on him. Though I will agree that basing your whole strategy on one player is stupid as they could be SI'd in one shot, thus crippling the team. But, it could act in the reverse by giving a huge advantage to the coach who works out the right skilz for their star.

In any case, like I said: I think it is a fun idea and I will participate in it [if it suites my needs]. But, in the end you are gaining nothing by having it and losing nothing if you drop it.
Spazzfist - Mar 23, 2009 - 09:11 PM
Post subject:
Keep the dicussion on this coming. I may start another thread and open the idea to a wider audience.

But let me remind you all that there is an award for the best Smack Talk as shown here! It's awarded for style, creativity and frequency, and pretty much for whichever one makes me laugh the most!

Eric.R. - Mar 23, 2009 - 10:50 PM
Post subject:

Just to let you guys know that now that I am a Kitchener resident I pickup the magnets we use for our minis straight from the distributor and not have to pay for shipping. So if you are interested in getting some let me know and I will do a bulk order and bring them to the Q`ermitt.

The info for the magnets are here (along with anything else you may be interested in):

If I recall correctly, I typically use the D3 (3mm diameter) for the bases and the D5 (diameter) for the balls. They will not stick a miniature to a metal sheet but they will keep miniatures from being attracted to each other while on the pitch.

Eric.R. - Mar 23, 2009 - 11:05 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Keep the dicussion on this coming. I may start another thread and open the idea to a wider audience.

But let me remind you all that there is an award for the best Smack Talk as shown here! It's awarded for style, creativity and frequency, and pretty much for whichever one makes me laugh the most!

«image remove»

Well, I think you have more modeling for that trophy as it requires a tongue stud to truly represent the next, and reigning, recipient of that award. The stunty cup was only a warm-up to the can of whoop-arse that I have been carrying in my back pocket for all those who stand in my way. The Meeples® were just the vanguard to the invading army that will descend upon the Multiverse as part of the steady march to the Q`ermitt temple. And once there I will grant you all witness to my splendor as I sit upon the throne, resting my feet on the bodies of all who have fallen before me.
Lizardcore - Mar 24, 2009 - 06:59 AM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
And once there I will grant you all witness to my splendor as I sit upon the throne

lol, it's funny when you said that, because in french that could mean you want to take a $hit the door open so everybody can witness you Very Happy

I'll be glad to make it, I have a couple of revenge to take (well, when I say a couple, It's actually against ALL my oponents of the last week end, except my dear beloved driver : peter-thanks-for-being-worse-than-me Very Happy )
Spazzfist - Mar 24, 2009 - 07:02 AM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
And once there I will grant you all witness to my splendor as I sit upon the throne

      Lizardcore wrote:
lol, it's funny when you said that, because in french that could mean you want to take a $hit the door open so everybody can witness you Very Happy

Knowing Eric, that just might have been exactly what he meant.....

Cramy - Mar 24, 2009 - 08:10 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Eric.R. wrote:
And once there I will grant you all witness to my splendor as I sit upon the throne

      Lizardcore wrote:
lol, it's funny when you said that, because in french that could mean you want to take a $hit the door open so everybody can witness you Very Happy

Knowing Eric, that just might have been exactly what he meant.....


Well, as I am very aware of the expression that Lizardcore pointed-out, I'm chosing that Eric was talking about going to the can and have everybody watch him. I'll hide behind Spazz so that I don't have to witness any of it. I'll bring ear-plugs too just in case ...
Spazzfist - Mar 24, 2009 - 08:55 AM
Post subject:
Forget the ear plugs! Brin nose plugs! That boy was rank this past weekend! Shocked
Da5id - Mar 25, 2009 - 04:56 PM
Post subject:
rumours of a rat horde emerging out of niagara have prompted the warpskags to start the breeding process of a giant skagsquid with one of their most promiscious bulls
Eric.R. - Mar 27, 2009 - 10:12 PM
Post subject:
Bah, rat horde!! That does nothing to scare me . . .

I had a phone conversation with Q`ermitt, himself. Not about how I am going to own [which is obvious], but rather it was on a more personal level. Here is a a portion of it:

what up dawg, what you been up to
Oh yeah, well that's cool, check it out;
me and you, we been down for a while right
we been here and there, we been pretty tight
somethin happened last night that you might get upset about
but hear me out, I didnt mean nothin by it, I'm gonna make this quick;
I gave your momma this d!ck . . .

Thats right!! Imma not only own the tourney, but I just owned Q`ermitt himself!! There shall be no quarter in this tourney. Even the divine Q`ermitt is not immune to my skillz on the pitch . . . and the boudoir.

The line as been drawn!! Any who dare to pass, shall fall at my feet, and the many Spoons I have amassed over the years will be put to good use as I feed y'all a hearty potion of humble pie.

DarkOrk20 - Mar 28, 2009 - 04:35 PM
Post subject:
Eric, you so remind of the baby on Family Guy. Of course, he never gets his way either.
Notorious_jtb - Mar 29, 2009 - 11:23 AM
Post subject:
      DarkOrk20 wrote:
Eric, you so remind of the baby on Family Guy. Of course, he never gets his way either.

That is prettty funny mr DarkOrk!

I always thought Eric's head was reminiscent of a football.....................
Shadowseer2005 - Mar 29, 2009 - 03:41 PM
Post subject: freedom....well somewhat
hey everyone, I am still alive and now online.

Just wanted to take a moment and thank everyone who has sent me "get well soon" and words of encouragement. I will not be attending the Q'ermitt as I will either be in rehab or still in the hospital awaiting transfer to rehab. I have no ideal when i'll be able t attend a tourney again but I am shooting for Deathbowl in october. We shall see if its realistic but to have a goal right.

Anyway thanks to everyone and best of luck to all during the rest of the tourney season.

Taxal - Mar 29, 2009 - 04:15 PM
Post subject: RE: freedom....well somewhat
Glad to hear your doing better Dan. Hope to see you soon back rolling some dice.

Take care

Notorious_jtb - Mar 29, 2009 - 06:27 PM
Post subject: Re: freedom....well somewhat
      Shadowseer2005 wrote:
hey everyone, I am still alive and now online.

Just wanted to take a moment and thank everyone who has sent me "get well soon" and words of encouragement. I will not be attending the Q'ermitt as I will either be in rehab or still in the hospital awaiting transfer to rehab. I have no ideal when i'll be able t attend a tourney again but I am shooting for Deathbowl in october. We shall see if its realistic but to have a goal right.

Anyway thanks to everyone and best of luck to all during the rest of the tourney season.


That's right man, you gotta have goals. Good luck.

I'll add my voice to everyone elses to wish you well!

Spazzfist - Mar 30, 2009 - 10:39 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: freedom....well somewhat
Good news!

My estimation was good, and the UFC Fight Night will be on the 18th. So anyone who is attending the tourney is also welcome to watch the fights at my place. Should be a good one! One fight in particular that I am interested in is Rashad Evans vs Lyoto Machida!

For any who are not interested in UFC, the Stunty Cup will probably be going on in the basement at that time, so you are welcome to take part in that or spectate.

Rod, your comments are not welcome, so just keep them to yourself!
Eric.R. - Mar 30, 2009 - 05:17 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: freedom....well somewhat
You forgot about my comments!!!

It is to bad Lesner is not fighting to really show how a champion performs in the ring. He is the bright future of the UFC. Long reign Lener!!! Very Happy
Spazzfist - Mar 30, 2009 - 05:52 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: freedom....well somewhat
You're banned. Evil or Very Mad
Eric.R. - Mar 30, 2009 - 06:19 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: freedom....well somewhat
You cannot ban me . . . Twisted Evil
Shadowseer2005 - Mar 31, 2009 - 10:13 AM
Post subject:

Long live the champ. Best ever!
Spazzfist - Mar 31, 2009 - 10:44 AM
Post subject:
Shows how much you guys know about UFC..... Rolling Eyes
Lizardcore - Mar 31, 2009 - 10:58 AM
Post subject:
I'm happy to say that I'll attend to the Q'ermitt this year (almost certainly)

Do someone has peter's email ? I hope he's coming, It's good to have a wooden spoon backup Smile
jrock56 - Apr 01, 2009 - 08:51 AM
Post subject:
What is all this Lesnar talk...he's the greatest blahblah...all anyone needs to do to beat Lesnar is get on his legs and he is done. He is all upper body and he is a bull when it comes to fights but he has these frail looking chicken legs that can be snapped in a heartbeat. The Middleweight to Mid-Heavyweight divisions are the upper class by far in the UFC.

Good Laurent, glad you can make it out. After your showing at Can. Open I hope that trend continues LOL. Don't worry I thought I had 2 trophies in the bag until my brother soundly whooped my a** in the last game to go undefeated. Not to worry however as I usually bounce back with a solid performance. My team may surprise a few at this tourney as the heads will roll and the casualties and victories should pile up quickly!! That is of course provided the dice co-operate with my well laid out plans. Hope your all ready for a lesson in punishment. I hear some bones breaking already.

Lizardcore - Apr 01, 2009 - 03:47 PM
Post subject:
I don't have bones Wink (well, I got one big, I can introduce you to it if you insist Wink I like nice male fighting in close combat to ! )

Whatever, I'll need a dark elves team this time ! maybe peter won't play his draws, as he did a pretty nice performance at the Can. O. Very Happy
Eric.R. - Apr 01, 2009 - 09:14 PM
Post subject: Smack-A-polooza!!!
Ladies, Gentlemen and children of all ages I would like to present to you the next CoQ Champeeeeeeeeeeeen!!! EHrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiic. R!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the intro, Michael Buffer. You have always been a good friend and a speaker of nothing but the truth.

Now, to my opponents in the coming weeks: I am humbled by the fact that you will all still make it out to the CoQ even though my name is on the card. Top card in fact. I would have expected many default wins as opponents pull out once I announced my intent to attend. But, I will welcome all comers and treat as fairly as any sparring opponent [i.e. I will take it easy on you so you do not look to foolish]. I am not greedy; I will gladly let y'all squabble over 2nd, 3rd, Most TD/Cas and «snort» Spoon.

To point out some specific opponents who think they are all they can be on the pitch, y'all better join the army `cause I am going to teach y'all a lesson in taking orders:

JRock: you may think your dice are failing you, but it is your skill that is lacking. It is a poor 'man' who blames his tools. Your 'rock pile' is simply weak and cannot test the skillz I have. P.S. naming yourself after a failed Trailer Park rapper is not helping your cause.

TwoDiceBlock: you may have come out on top of the Canadian Open this time, but given my absence as the TO helped you in your race to the top. Unlike JTB, I am not arrogant enough to want to win my own tournament. But had we met, you would have learned your place. The only fear I have is your Cheveux Dangereux.

JTB: arrogance is your downfall. I shall use it against you. I plan to let you have a sweet looking lead at first only to crush u in the end. At which point I will graciously accept your forfeit.

Oh, Micheal . . . there are so many others I could deride with my sheer superiority. But, LizardCore and Peter have already been put in their place at the CO, and I feel there is no need to rub salt in those wounds.

To close it all off, I would like to thank my mentor and the true Champion Brock Lesner!! And, could you let him know his biggest fan, Spazz, is always rooting for him. Also, could you kick Joe Rogan in the gut, he is such a douche.

No problem. I will pass on the message from this little up-and-comer, Spazz; he loves hearing from his fans. And, I will put in a good kick for you when I meet next meet Rogan; that slobbish looking buffoon.

Always great talking to you, Champ.

Lizardcore - Apr 02, 2009 - 06:58 AM
Post subject: RE: Smack-A-polooza!!!
Hey, Spazz, can I start the tourney by playing against Eric ? I need an easy game to warm up Smile
Spazzfist - Apr 02, 2009 - 09:25 AM
Post subject: RE: Smack-A-polooza!!!
I have been making some slight adjustements to the kick off tables for the boards. One thing that Marc Andre pointed out to me last year was that the Brilliant Coaching and Quick Snap results were flipped, as were the Cheering Fans and High Kick. I have amended this, to keep it in line with the current kick off tables.

I also noticed that I had "Get the Ref" as a #6 result on the Skaven board and figured it was a bit too brutal! Even for skaven! So here is the new result:

#5 ??? Feed on the weak! ??? The ref has been replaced with a member of Clan Mors ??? the warrior clan. Fouls will be noticed on a doubles as normal, but the player will be penalized only if they fail to break the armour.

This makes the result slightly less likely and still adds an element of risk to the fouling.
Spazzfist - Apr 02, 2009 - 09:26 AM
Post subject: RE: Smack-A-polooza!!!
Looks like Eric is the frontrunner for the Best Smack award again! Can no-one silence this young upstart?

Someone feed Rod some beer so we can hear his side of this! Laughing
Cramy - Apr 02, 2009 - 10:13 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: Smack-A-polooza!!!
      Spazzfist wrote:
I have been making some slight adjustements to the kick off tables for the boards. One thing that Marc Andre pointed out to me last year was that the Brilliant Coaching and Quick Snap results were flipped, as were the Cheering Fans and High Kick. I have amended this, to keep it in line with the current kick off tables.

I also noticed that I had "Get the Ref" as a #6 result on the Skaven board and figured it was a bit too brutal! Even for skaven! So here is the new result:

#5 ??? Feed on the weak! ??? The ref has been replaced with a member of Clan Mors ??? the warrior clan. Fouls will be noticed on a doubles as normal, but the player will be penalized only if they fail to break the armour.

This makes the result slightly less likely and still adds an element of risk to the fouling.

Happy to see that the Kick-off tables are more LRB5-ish. Not that it made a big difference, but still happy. Wink

And I like the Feed on the weak kick-off result.
jrock56 - Apr 02, 2009 - 06:53 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Smack-A-polooza!!!
Hey Spazz, I doubt eric can be silenced as this is his one opportunity to win a tourney award other than the "SPOON"...BIT*H STICK! whatever you want to call it. He is like a remake of Christopher Robin chasing Winnie the Pooh...desperately trying to get that honey jar, but continually falling on his face and getting trampled in the process. Razz

I could continue but I don't have the time to write elaborate short stories about how Eric will suffer if we are to face one another at the CoQ. Lates

Eric.R. - Apr 02, 2009 - 09:19 PM
Post subject:
I think you all should go back to school and get your PHD. Thats right, y'er Playa Hata's Degree. `Cause that is all y'all are.

The fact that you cannot handle all that I bring to the pitch is nothing to hate me for. Simply comfort yourself in the fact that a true champion will grace your presence, who will show how the game is really played. And, you should use the opportunity to learn the basics.

Envy appears to be your downfall and a defining traits of all the coaches who plan to attend. Luckily I shall never know it, as there will be little to be envious about as I will come out on top.
Eric.R. - Apr 04, 2009 - 07:39 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:

Just to let you guys know that now that I am a Kitchener resident I pickup the magnets we use for our minis straight from the distributor and not have to pay for shipping. So if you are interested in getting some let me know and I will do a bulk order and bring them to the Q`ermitt.

The info for the magnets are here (along with anything else you may be interested in):

If I recall correctly, I typically use the D3 (3mm diameter) for the bases and the D5 (diameter) for the balls. They will not stick a miniature to a metal sheet but they will keep miniatures from being attracted to each other while on the pitch.


I am going to make this the last call before I make the order. Anyone wanting magnets let me know. The more we get the cheaper they will be, just a note. Check out the link above for details on the range being offered.

PS: @JRock: when I talked to Glenn at the CO he said he wanted $20 worth of the 'small' ones. This would mean 150 to 200 magnets!! Can you confirm with him that he wants this amount, or if he has a specific number in mind. Thanx.
Eric.R. - Apr 04, 2009 - 07:46 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
I think you all should go back to school and get your PHD. Thats right, y'er Playa Hata's Degree. `Cause that is all y'all are.

The fact that you cannot handle all that I bring to the pitch is nothing to hate me for. Simply comfort yourself in the fact that a true champion will grace your presence, who will show how the game is really played. And, you should use the opportunity to learn the basics.

Envy appears to be your downfall and a defining traits of all the coaches who plan to attend. Luckily I shall never know it, as there will be little to be envious about as I will come out on top.

You guys have been pretty quite lately . . . geez, did I flaunt my superior skills too much all at once. I guess I should apologize . . . to Spazz, if no one shows up because of my presence. My bad Wink

Come on ladies!!! You are making this too easy.
smalls - Apr 04, 2009 - 11:48 PM
Post subject:
No idea how to do the fancy things you guys do... Spazz I will be there for BOTH DAYS this year! Much to your joy so maybe I can stop hearing about it for the next year. But how is the the whole "Star Player" thing going this year.

Jesse / smalls
Cramy - Apr 05, 2009 - 08:21 AM
Post subject:
Spazz, question about the star player auction.

Lets say I'm playing Humans and I want to get either a Blitzer star or a Catcher star, depending on how the bidding goes. Does that mean that I have to leave a Blitzer spot and a Catcher spot open on my roster? If I wanted to have a total of 4 Blitzers and 4 Catchers, I'd have 3 of each on my roster. Then if I get a Blitzer in the auction I can buy a normal Catcher to fill-out my roster, while if I get a Catcher in the auction I can buy a normal Blitzer to fill-out my roster?

Makes sense to me, just want to make sure that this is how it is supposed to work.
Spazzfist - Apr 05, 2009 - 10:28 AM
Post subject:
@Eric - I guess they are going to concede to the fact that you are indeed the man! Way to intimidate the crowd!

@Jesse - good to hear that you are coming out for the whole tourney this year! Laughing I am sure Rod was quite understanding about the whole thing though. Rolling Eyes I am going to try out the Bidding War again this year again, only this time the Stars purchased may not buy additional skills at any point.

@ Marc-Andre - You are correct. You have the chance to spend unused money at the end of the Bidding War. Just make sure that you do not bid too high that you cannot purchase the eleventh player for your team!

If anybody is unclear about what anything to do with the Bidding War (or anything else), please be sure to ask!
Spazzfist - Apr 05, 2009 - 01:16 PM
Post subject:
I think that this should go without saying, but I am going to say it anyways!

As the tourney is in my home, I ask that you all pay homage to Mrs. Spazz. She is okay with having it at the home, in fact it was her idea in the first place last year. But just make sure that you kiss her ass (not literally!) This goes double for any of you freeloaders who are staying over at the house! Smile
jrock56 - Apr 05, 2009 - 01:33 PM
Post subject:
Hey Spazz, it should go without saying but there are the Random Events like that guy you went to school with showing up and being a jackass to you last year. Didn't he want to fight you by the end of the night too? I am sure to have 3-5 of us for this tourney from the Ottawa area. Is it still cool to crash at your place again? Just want to confirm as it is in 2 weeks.

@Eric, I just spoke with Glenn and he definitely still wants the $20 in the smaller magnets if it is cool with you. Are you able to get base weights as well? I would have definite interest in them as many of my models will be of the plastic variety and it will help so models don't go flying like they did in our last game at CO when Glenn sent half the board flying. I think he did it on purpose to secure his victory Razz I'll have to return the favour I guess. Well off to play a game of Deathbowl talk to you later all.

Cramy - Apr 05, 2009 - 07:40 PM
Post subject:
Hey Spazz, so this year we can't give skills to the Stars? OK. Do you have an updated version of the rules somewhere? I'm using the ones on the web site, but they are last year's and still say that Stars can get an extra skill during the tournament. What else is different?

Oh, and I'm trying to figure-out what a Dark Elf catcher is. Eldril Sidewinder is a catcher, but DEs don't have catchers. How does that work?

And letting the Ottawa freeloaders stay at your place this year again would be absolutely great !!!
Spazzfist - Apr 06, 2009 - 06:52 AM
Post subject:
Just to be clear (and to not cause any concern amongst those who I have already arranged things with) the following people are fine to stay at my place:

Ottawa Boys
Niagra Falls Boys
Peter Meers
Eric.R. - Apr 06, 2009 - 07:01 AM
Post subject:
If I could get a bunk that would be great. Though I can always stay with the parents to lessen the number of people that you will haying with you.
Spazzfist - Apr 06, 2009 - 07:44 AM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
If I could get a bunk that would be great. Though I can always stay with the parents to lessen the number of people that you will haying with you.

<sigh> I suppose..... But only if you bring your midget movie! I know Laurent was dispapointed that he didn't get to watch it!
Spazzfist - Apr 06, 2009 - 07:47 AM
Post subject:
      Cramy wrote:
Hey Spazz, so this year we can't give skills to the Stars? OK. Do you have an updated version of the rules somewhere? I'm using the ones on the web site, but they are last year's and still say that Stars can get an extra skill during the tournament. What else is different?

Oh, and I'm trying to figure-out what a Dark Elf catcher is. Eldril Sidewinder is a catcher, but DEs don't have catchers. How does that work?

The rules are the same as they are on the website with that one exception. I tried to stimulate some discussion on the forum, but it was pretty quiet! I know the only thing that people were vocal about was not allowing the Stars to have more skills, so that is gone.

For Eldril I would have to think about which position he most closely represents on a dark elf team. My guess would be the runners. Let me know if you disagree.
Cramy - Apr 06, 2009 - 06:18 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Cramy wrote:
Hey Spazz, so this year we can't give skills to the Stars? OK. Do you have an updated version of the rules somewhere? I'm using the ones on the web site, but they are last year's and still say that Stars can get an extra skill during the tournament. What else is different?

Oh, and I'm trying to figure-out what a Dark Elf catcher is. Eldril Sidewinder is a catcher, but DEs don't have catchers. How does that work?

The rules are the same as they are on the website with that one exception. I tried to stimulate some discussion on the forum, but it was pretty quiet! I know the only thing that people were vocal about was not allowing the Stars to have more skills, so that is gone.

For Eldril I would have to think about which position he most closely represents on a dark elf team. My guess would be the runners. Let me know if you disagree.

OK, no additional skills for stars sounds good to me.

Eldril representing a DE runner also sounds good.

Lizardcore - Apr 07, 2009 - 04:08 PM
Post subject:
I guess I have to call peter, doesn't he have internet ? the web might be available at cobourg now ? no ? Wink

@ spazz: I guess it's more simple to paye the fees in cash the day of the tournament, hope it's ok for you.

marc-andré ! prêt pour la fessée ?
Spazzfist - Apr 07, 2009 - 05:54 PM
Post subject:
      Lizardcore wrote:

marc-andré ! prêt pour la fessée ?

Hey now! you guys had better not be conspiring against me in your devil-tongue now! Mad Laughing
Cramy - Apr 07, 2009 - 08:31 PM
Post subject:
Ah oui, prêt pour la fessée. Wink La question est qui va donner une fessée à qui!!! ?

Don't worry Spazz ...
Notorious_jtb - Apr 08, 2009 - 06:18 AM
Post subject:
Don't worry spazz,

Lizardcore said to cramy "loan for the smacking?"

then Cramy said "Ah yes, loan for the smacking. The question is which will give a smacking to which!"

p.s. babelfish not my new and improved french skills Embarassed
Spazzfist - Apr 08, 2009 - 07:24 AM
Post subject:
If my fencing training from many moons ago serves me correctly then "prêt" means "prepare" or "ready".

So loosely translated:

L: Get ready to be smacked.
C: Ah yes, I am ready to be smacked.

I hope they are not talking about Sugar Smacks, because Q'ermitt will not allow Dig 'Em the frog anywhere near the tourney....
Cramy - Apr 08, 2009 - 08:22 AM
Post subject:
No, I will not agree to be smacked. Spazz's version is almost what we said, but not quite. Although we are playing with words a bit ...

Joe, no we are not taking a loan for a smacking. That was pretty funny. The other day somebody told me that those online translation tools were getting better ... Well I guess that they need to work on them still. Smile

L: Ready for a smacking?
C: Yes, ready for a smacking. But who will smack who?
Notorious_jtb - Apr 09, 2009 - 06:21 AM
Post subject:
Ah well. I thought my translation sounded wierd Laughing
Spazzfist - Apr 09, 2009 - 07:34 AM
Post subject:
Played a game with Chris Pynter last night and he is doing osme of the good missionary work and has a new recruit who he is training in the fine art of Blood Bowl. The noob said that he just might some on out for the tourney, so hopefully there will be some new blood to embarass the lot of ya!
Cramy - Apr 09, 2009 - 01:56 PM
Post subject:
What language was that Spazz? What's an osme? And yes, I'm worried that somebody will "some on out". According to Joe's translation tool, that would mean "someone on top of outside". Sounds dangerous.

Who is Chris Pynter? Don't know anybody who's last name is Pynter ... Razz

New players is always good. Can't wait. Still trying to figure-out what my roster will be though ...

Does harassing the TO count for the Smack-Talk trophy?
Shadowseer2005 - Apr 09, 2009 - 02:06 PM
Post subject:
Smack talk...what smack guys have been very quiet on that front. It must be because you all know that the Red Rage has decided not to attend the Q'ermitt in order to give another team some glory otherwise if they attended there would only be 2 trophies to compete for....2nd and 3rd. You lot do not know what cold and freezing pain and punishement is until you face the Rage.

Just ask Spazz....he gets spanked by them every time he plays versus them. You coaches ( and I use that term loosely) can relax as I know you would have been shaking in fear of the Rage if they were attending.
Eric.R. - Apr 09, 2009 - 11:00 PM
Post subject:
Red Rage indeed . . . if by that you mean your team is a bunch of girls PMS'ing. I do not fear them, and it is too bad that they will not make it out (I guess it is not the right time of the month) cause then I could add another name to the list that will succumb to my superiority.

As for the Smack! trophy, I am going to win that award twice that weekend: Once for talking the best trash. And again, for smacking all you sorry excuse for coaches back into your places. On top of all that I will bring some Sugar Smacks! just so y'all can not only Hear the Smack! and Feel the Smack!, but you will also Taste the Smack!.
Lizardcore - Apr 09, 2009 - 11:43 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
y'all can not only Hear the Smack! and Feel the Smack!, but you will also Taste the Smack!.

hum... does that mean you're eating junk food since the C.O. to just release all your pressure during the tournament ? OMG, I'm bringing a gaz mask... Hope noone is going to light a match, orelse spazz'basement is just going to blow out...

I'm wandering, aren't you classified as a biological weapon ?

I think the smack talk trophy shouldn't have a mouth shape, but an anus shape for eric Smile ...or a MANUS ! (mix between a mouth and a anus).

Hum, that's a sweet nickname for you eric ! the MANUS !
jrock56 - Apr 10, 2009 - 02:30 PM
Post subject:
HAHAHAHAHA!!! I have to admit that was pretty good Laurent... MANUS!! Too funny. Don't think I can come up with anything better than that at the moment.
Spazzfist - Apr 10, 2009 - 09:04 PM
Post subject:
Manus! LOL that is freakin funny!

For the record the Smack Talk trophy (in whatever form it takes) is awarded for all of the banter that takes place before the tourney begins. The idea is to try to generate some hype before the tourney.

Any smack-talk during the tourney will be considered towards the "Most Entertaining" trophy. which is the bastardized evolution of the Most Sporting trophy.
Spazzfist - Apr 10, 2009 - 09:06 PM
Post subject:
@Marc-Andre - I am trying to write quick comments in between lessons and during reccesses. Escuse-frikkin' me if I do not have time to edit! Very Happy Just so you know, the answer is no. Smack-talking the T.O. does not earn brownie points. In fact, it is probably not a good idea to piss him off at all! Smile
jrock56 - Apr 11, 2009 - 09:32 AM
Post subject:
He talks tough Marc-Andre but don't worry he is close friends with "The Manus" (way too funny still). They like to blow a lot of hot air together but that's about it Surprised
Spazzfist - Apr 11, 2009 - 10:47 AM
Post subject:
This time next week we will be well into it! I am still hard at work getting ready, and will have some pics hopefully by the end of the long weekend.

See you all in a few days!
Eric.R. - Apr 12, 2009 - 06:47 PM
Post subject:
Gents, I got 700 magnets of various sizes for Glenn and I; and in doing so I think I ruined all my credit/debit cards and cell phone. But that is the price you pay when you play with such power!!

In any case, I will bring the remaining magnets for anyone who wishes to purchase some at the cost I got them. Since I can get them at the wholesale price without shipping I am not going to piss around over pennies.

@JRock: base weights are not possible. It is not a gaming company I am getting this stuff from but rather a scientific instrument wholesaler.
Eric.R. - Apr 12, 2009 - 07:50 PM
Post subject:
And not to let go of the smack talk over this Holiday, I thought I would mention the same thing I said to all yer mommas: You best eat yer Wheaties if you hope to keep up with me.

Speaking of, I have been petitioning General Mills (makers of Wheaties) for a long time to do a series on the Champions of Blood Bowl for their cereal and they finally gave in. So I would like to be the first to present to you the first in the series:

I have been told that is is the only box cover they will produce for the 2 year series, as there will be no greater champion than the first candidate they chose. Very Happy
Spazzfist - Apr 12, 2009 - 08:55 PM
Post subject:
Some pics of the new board!

An aerial view of the board:

Another view:

The Ginger-dread house:

The house is a dice tower! Here is the drop point:

The dugout:

The witch who oversees the game:

Upset the witch and this is your fate!

The orc thrower is harassed by a fairy sprite:

A treekin faces off against a black orc from the Orca Cola Raiders

Clan_Skaven - Apr 12, 2009 - 09:03 PM
Post subject:
Looks like my Orcs are coming out of retirement!
Spazzfist - Apr 13, 2009 - 07:19 PM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Looks like my Orcs are coming out of retirement!

Is this what you call smack talk? Wow.... look out.... Rolling Eyes Laughing
Lizardcore - Apr 13, 2009 - 07:38 PM
Post subject:
OMG, Hide your gran'mas, eric is out for hunt !!!

Hey Manus, I've also seen your commercial for Venapro(TM), the Hemorrhoids treatment cream Very Happy My doctor advised it to me after the C.O. and said even you were successfully cured, despite the huge number of wood-spoons that you have sticked up your a**.

The commercial said: "Venapro, so good that it can cure the manus !"

(I love you eric :kiss:)
Spazzfist - Apr 13, 2009 - 08:01 PM
Post subject:
I almost forgot!

Last year Xtreme kindly sent me a copy of the model that was for his tournament and the Star Player card that went with it. If anyone is interested "Zlurpus Zembashski" will be available for bidding. His cost starts at 90,000. I do have the model to represent him if anyone needs it.

Clan_Skaven - Apr 13, 2009 - 09:57 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Looks like my Orcs are coming out of retirement!

Is this what you call smack talk? Wow.... look out.... Rolling Eyes Laughing

Who needs smack talk?

After the last tourney I beat the top coach in Canada & one of the top coaches in France, Lizardcore!

Not one , not two, not three, not four, but five to zero 5-0

Lizardcore: "What time is it?" Clan-Skaven: "I'd say it's about 5 to 0"

So based on that , I don't think I need to lower myself to trash talking or putting anyone down. I'm above that. I have to keep a respectable image of myself being the 2006 SPIKE Champion and all.

P.S. 5-0
Clan_Skaven - Apr 13, 2009 - 09:58 PM
Post subject:
Skaven or Orcs now.....
Spazzfist - Apr 13, 2009 - 11:32 PM
Post subject:
Why don't you do a Piddles and brin both rosters and then decide once you see what everyone else is doing?
Cramy - Apr 15, 2009 - 11:00 AM
Post subject:
Spazz, question about the star player representation. The rules say that we need a model to represent the star. But how accurately does the star need to be represented? For example, if I buy Eldril (Catcher) for my Dark Elf team, but I don't have that model. Can I use my runner model, or Tuern, or other to represent him?

In essence, can I just us a positional that looks different from the other positionals? Three blitzers with their hands down are the normal blitzers and the star blitzer is the one with his hands up?
Spazzfist - Apr 15, 2009 - 03:10 PM
Post subject:
Cramy -

I have an Eldril model that you could borrow. To that end I am also still evaluating the Bidding War, and if it stays, then I am going to be making up one of each model so that people do not have to be overly concerned if they do not have an appropriate model.
Cramy - Apr 15, 2009 - 04:03 PM
Post subject:
OK. Thanks.
Spazzfist - Apr 15, 2009 - 08:25 PM
Post subject:
Some pictures of the glittering prizes:

A group shot:

1st, 2nd and 3rd place:

Best Defense:

MVP Award (to replace Best Sport - more about this to follow)

Most TDs

Most casualties (not easy to find a Saurus skull!)

Best Team Award (picture of the team to be added afterwards)

The Stunty Cup trophy

The Sandgroper/Q'ermitt Award (Canada side)

The Sandgroper/Q'ermitt Award (Australia side)

Cramy - Apr 16, 2009 - 10:08 AM
Post subject:
Taxal - Apr 16, 2009 - 07:51 PM
Post subject:
Loving the Dino head for most cas. Nice work Spazz!!!!
Notorious_jtb - Apr 17, 2009 - 11:49 AM
Post subject:
      Taxal wrote:
Loving the Dino head for most cas. Nice work Spazz!!!!

I agree,

I agree with Cramy too Wink

I am gutted I can't make it. Unfortunately working tomorrow. So yeah I do have a new job kinda. Not perfect but it is something at least.

Good luck to all, particularly the representatives of O town. And Eric, he needs some. "Son, your ego is writing checks your dice rolls can't cash" Smile
Eric.R. - Apr 17, 2009 - 12:49 PM
Post subject:
It is nice to get a preview of all the trophies that I will hauling back to Kitchener. There will be alot of long faces as I drive away on Sunday.

I am especially excited about the Mom-Groper Award Twisted Evil

P.S. Not sure if anyone else noticed but the 3rd place trophy looks as she should in a Porno with 2 guys . . .
Lizardcore - Apr 17, 2009 - 05:55 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
P.S. Not sure if anyone else noticed but the 3rd place trophy looks as she should in a Porno with 2 guys . . .

Funny, I was thinking that about the MVP one Very Happy guess it's a matter of size... of your imagination Wink
Cramy - Apr 17, 2009 - 08:52 PM
Post subject:
OK. Got my boarding pass, and all is ready. Going to bed so that I can be up at 4:30 to get to the airport to catch my flight. See you all tomorrow morning.
Spazzfist - Apr 19, 2009 - 05:24 PM
Post subject:
Well the tournament is over and now we wait for the dust to settle. Thanks to all for coming out!

The results are entered into NAF for ranking so I am just waiting for the magic button to be pushed.

Here are the results of the tourney:
1st - Laurent David - Dark Elves
2nd - Peter Meers - Norse
3rd - Adam Jones - Norse
4th - Marc Andre - Skaven
5th - Greg Shelton - Lizardmen
6th - Rob Pharand - Dwarf
7th - Chris Poynter - Chaos Dwarf
8th - Rod Davidson - Skaven
9th - Craig Thompson-Wood- Chaos Pact
10th - Eric Rubli - High Elf

Most TDs - Adam Jones
Most Casualties - Rob Pharand (tieing the record of 32 set by Glenn Jones last year!)
Best Defense - Laurent David
Best Team - Eric Rubli
Q'ermitt/Sandgroper Award - Greg Shelton
Best Smack - Eric Rubli
MVP Award - Laurent David

Here are some pictures of the award ceremony:

Taxal - Apr 19, 2009 - 06:35 PM
Post subject:
What happened with the Stunty Cup?
Clan_Skaven - Apr 19, 2009 - 07:20 PM
Post subject:
      Taxal wrote:
What happened with the Stunty Cup?

Too few people.....

Too late......

Lizardcore - Apr 19, 2009 - 08:08 PM
Post subject:
OMG, you should have told me those pictures where going to be posted o.O

I look pale, but that's because of the smogg I had to inhale all the WE.

A big thanks to craig for the tourney management, I'm glad he could play, even if the final result will probably be a cheap chaos pact team to purchase on ebay Wink

A big-up to peter who joined me in the elevator to glory, moving from respectively next to the last and last place of the canadian open to the first and second place of the Q'ermitt !

I'll try to honour my MVP award and I'll do my best to bring my silly french accent and my bad-tasting jokes to the next tourneys (spelling-rod style)

A last word for the last player Very Happy

eric, you should have a hat with :

"High Elves, a challenging team for challenged coaches"
Cramy - Apr 20, 2009 - 06:52 AM
Post subject:
A big thanks to Craig for hosting this tourney and taking-on us freeloaders. I had a lot of fun, as always. I just love playing on those custom pitches with the wacky Kick-Offs and Weather.

Craig, lets start the bidding for that Chaos Pact team. I'm starting at $20. Anybody else. Razz
Spazzfist - Apr 20, 2009 - 07:40 AM
Post subject:
Sorry to disappoint, but the Chaos Pact team is going to stay with me. Razz They are going to go back in their box and be put on a shelf for a LONG time. Long enough for me to forget how much I hate them at least!

Just have to tell you boys that you are very lucky! It seems there was a delay on my fart schedule. I am filling my classroom with green fog today! My students are in for a treat! The funny thing is that the students don't think of their teachers as farting, so they blame each other for my bombs! Laughing Ahhhhh good times....
jrock56 - Apr 20, 2009 - 01:49 PM
Post subject:
Hey Spazz, just want to say thanks for hosting all of us at your place again. Makes attending many of these tournies much easier cost wise. Thanks to all my opponents it was fun and entertaining as usual. Thought I had 2nd locked up but I got the handjob specialist pornstar instead lol. It's all good, after losing first 2 games I was just glad to be competitive in the end. Hope to see you all at a tourney in the near future.

@ Spazz well done in getting the results in so fast, I checked though and had no rating for playing a Norse team. It appears you put me in as having played Lizardmen. Is there any way to change this? I like to have rankings for many different rosters lets me know how balanced my skill level is with different it is just fun playing that way. Could you look into this for me?

Thanks again to all,

Eric.R. - Apr 20, 2009 - 03:45 PM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:
Hey Spazz, just want to say thanks for hosting all of us at your place again. Makes attending many of these tournies much easier cost wise. Thanks to all my opponents it was fun and entertaining as usual. Thought I had 2nd locked up but I got the handjob specialist pornstar instead lol. It's all good, after losing first 2 games I was just glad to be competitive in the end. Hope to see you all at a tourney in the near future.

@ Spazz well done in getting the results in so fast, I checked though and had no rating for playing a Norse team. It appears you put me in as having played Lizardmen. Is there any way to change this? I like to have rankings for many different rosters lets me know how balanced my skill level is with different it is just fun playing that way. Could you look into this for me?

Thanks again to all,


Just looking at the stats for the tourneys and confirm that I did score atleast 1 touchdown per game for the first time, and found some errors. Yes, you did list JRock as lizardmen and I am pretty sure I did score against him during our game (am I wrong JRock?).
Spazzfist - Apr 20, 2009 - 04:32 PM
Post subject:
For anybody who stayed over, can you please look to your vehicles and see if you are missing anything? The Ipod was stolen from my car, and the rummaged through Monica's jeep as well.
Eric.R. - Apr 20, 2009 - 04:32 PM
Post subject:
The 'Best Smack' has been updated to truly reflect the two time winner:

Eric.R. - Apr 20, 2009 - 04:42 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
For anybody who stayed over, can you please look to your vehicles and see if you are missing anything? The Ipod was stolen from my car, and the rummaged through Monica's jeep as well.

I think I am good, my GPS (the only real valuable thing in the car) was still there.

Depending on when you think it may have happened talk to Marc-André he mentioned something weird that he thinks he saw/dreamed on Sat. night. May help in any report you wish to file.
Cramy - Apr 21, 2009 - 05:21 AM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
      Spazzfist wrote:
For anybody who stayed over, can you please look to your vehicles and see if you are missing anything? The Ipod was stolen from my car, and the rummaged through Monica's jeep as well.

I think I am good, my GPS (the only real valuable thing in the car) was still there.

Depending on when you think it may have happened talk to Marc-André he mentioned something weird that he thinks he saw/dreamed on Sat. night. May help in any report you wish to file.

That sucks Spazz. Really pisses me off when such things happens.

I did mention what I saw to Spazz. But still not sure if I saw this guy with a black leather jacket on a scooter or if I was halucinating. I thought that I was halucinating at the time ...
jrock56 - Apr 21, 2009 - 06:32 AM
Post subject:
I'm halucinating right now! LOL on a serious note though, nothing seems to be missing from my car...sorry to hear that Spazz that's a bit**. I hate when stuff like that goes down right at your house.

@ Eric regarding the tourney, unfortunately for you, you did not score in our game. You had a well laid plan to score and probably would have but your thrower fumbled on consecutive one's and that was your best opportunity in the game. That's how I remember it because your dice went so bad for you throughout the game. Sorry to dissappoint bro Razz
Eric.R. - Apr 21, 2009 - 09:09 AM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:
@ Eric regarding the tourney, unfortunately for you, you did not score in our game. You had a well laid plan to score and probably would have but your thrower fumbled on consecutive one's and that was your best opportunity in the game. That's how I remember it because your dice went so bad for you throughout the game. Sorry to dissappoint bro Razz

Dang, I am am depressed . . . I need to talk to Rob about quiting BB Razz
Eric.R. - Apr 24, 2009 - 08:59 AM
Post subject:
SewerRat - Apr 28, 2009 - 09:24 AM
Post subject:
Hey Spazz

Just want to thank you for letting me stay at your place. Had a good time, and look forward too next year. Thanks to everyone who I met at the tournie for making it a fun weekend, and Rob and Rod maybe some day you guys will finish ahead of me. lol!!
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