NAF World Headquarters

General - Need help with a buddy's NAF membership

Clan_Skaven - Nov 01, 2008 - 12:52 AM
Post subject: Need help with a buddy's NAF membership
Ok here goes....

I joined NAF about the same time as a buddy of mine , NAF name : 40KVet

We both live in Niagara Falls ON, Canada

He has not been as into BB as I have (& so he had lost interest)

He however has regained his interest, but has forgotten his NAF password....
heres the problem, his e-mail listed in the system is no longer active.

We are just about to start a league usingt the NAF STARS for a league tracker.

Do you think someone could send me him a temporary Password for him?

(or if you'd rather contact him directly, whisper me & I'll give you his e-mail addy.

Thanks in advance, Rod
AK_Dave - Nov 01, 2008 - 01:20 AM
Post subject: RE: Need help with a buddy
PM Lycos. He helped me through this problem for a buddy.
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