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Strategy and Tactics - Doubles on wood elf linemen

WiccanMan - Nov 01, 2008 - 07:44 AM
Post subject: Doubles on wood elf linemen

i just rolled a doubles for a wood elf linemens first skill though i played wood elves for a long time i got no idea what to give him.
my most obvoius choices would be either block or dodge for first skill but i am thinking of giving him guard.
Doubleskulls - Nov 01, 2008 - 08:26 AM
Post subject: RE: Doubles on wood elf linemen
Guard is the best option IMO. The only other skill worth considering (other than ignoring the doubles and taking wrestle or dodge) is Leader, but throwers can get it normally and add 10k less to your team value.

Once he's got guard try really hard to get him skilled up again to give him dodge so he's nice a mobile.
AK_Dave - Nov 01, 2008 - 01:59 PM
Post subject: RE: Doubles on wood elf linemen
I prefer Leader on a Linemook because Throwers need all the Pass skills they can get to optimize early. Leader would be a late skill for a primary Thrower, or a mid-range skill for a secondary Thrower. For me. But an early skill for a Linemook.

Get Guard first, and you should have more chances for doubles on later to pick up Leader.
Frantic - Nov 01, 2008 - 02:18 PM
Post subject: RE: Doubles on wood elf linemen
Guard. IMO It will help you blitz youre way open at "O" and on "D" its always helpfull, trust me, my friend has it on his high elf team, and i hate it...
smeborg - Nov 01, 2008 - 04:51 PM
Post subject: RE: Doubles on wood elf linemen

I don't think it can be bettered as a skill choice.


WiccanMan - Nov 01, 2008 - 09:05 PM
Post subject:
thanks i thought it was making the right choice but i thought i just double check its been ages since i had to make a choice like this.

not that wood elves need skills there that damn good anyway
Doubleskulls - Nov 07, 2008 - 03:05 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: Doubles on wood elf linemen
      AK_Dave wrote:
I prefer Leader on a Linemook because Throwers need all the Pass skills they can get to optimize early. Leader would be a late skill for a primary Thrower, or a mid-range skill for a secondary Thrower. For me. But an early skill for a Linemook.

Get Guard first, and you should have more chances for doubles on later to pick up Leader.

I just suck it up and give the thrower leader first Smile Accurate etc can wait for later skill ups as its rare I make more than short passes anyway.
smeborg - Nov 16, 2008 - 02:22 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Doubles on wood elf linemen
There are 3 choices here: Guard, Guard and Guard.

Hope this helps.

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