NAF World Headquarters

General - 6.0 rules & Naf & STARS

Clan_Skaven - Nov 05, 2008 - 03:28 AM
Post subject: 6.0 rules & Naf & STARS
I have 2 questions.

When will these rules be official?

And will they be then inplimented into STARS prrogram here on NAF?

I was just about to start a league using STARS for a league tracker, but if the new rules are to implimented into it soon, I could wait.

no biggie either way (5.0 or 6.0 ) for me, I'm just curious is all.

Thanks in advance,

Notorious_jtb - Nov 05, 2008 - 11:09 AM
Post subject: RE: 6.0 rules & Naf & STARS
i think this has been answered in a few places but the LRB 6 won't be official until the end of next year.

These have been made available for a years playtesting to see how they work.

I imagine that they will end up in STARS once official and once someone has time to do the work.

So happily plya 5 for another year or test out the new rules and give your feedback!

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