NAF World Headquarters

Europe - ARBBL Open 2009 - Andover, Hants, UK - 7th/8th March 2009

Darkson - Nov 12, 2008 - 01:43 PM
Post subject: ARBBL Open 2009 - Andover, Hants, UK - 7th/8th March 2009
Vampires & Merchants in Andover is pleased to confirm that the ARBBL Open will be running again on the 7th/8th March 2009.

6 rounds of Swiss, TV115, 6 skills (1 per game) chosen before the first game. All NAF.

Rules will be posted soon (as soon as I can amend the rulespack!) and posted for download, but if you follow this link you can download the rules fro the ARBBL 2008 2nd Coming tournament, which will make up about 99% of the rules for the 2009 event.

There will be a free limited edition fig for all attendees, and depending on numbers, a number of prizes (and yes, the wooden spoons will be back).

Cost is £15 NAF (£18 for non-NAF, but sign-ups on the day will only pay the NAF cost).

And yes, Slann, Chaos Pact and Underworld will all be allowed.

Hope to see the regulars return, and some new faces.



Important: Slight change to the rules for Stunty Cup legal teams.

Updated rules pack here: Open 2009 v1.1.pdf

I'll send out copies to as many people as I have email addresses for ASAP, but the change is:
Stunty Cup legal Lizardmen and Underworld teams (which means Skinks/Kroxigor or Underworld Goblins/Troll only) may take 1 Stunty/Big Guy star from their respective lists.

lunchmoney - Jan 17, 2009 - 03:21 AM
Post subject:
do we need to buy tickets in advance? where from?
Darkson - Jan 17, 2009 - 12:29 PM
Post subject:
Sorry for the lack of info since the initial post - I've been suffering from a bad cold/flu, and haven't had the energy to even turn the PC on, let alone post anything, since around the Xmas/New Year period.

Final rulespack will be up and posted sometime this week.

@ lunchmoney - payment in advance is perferred - details will be in the rulespack.
pigstar69 - Feb 09, 2009 - 04:26 PM
Post subject:
count me in Wink
Darkson - Feb 12, 2009 - 05:20 AM
Post subject:
Despite the weird dates of the previous posts, this is still going ahead. Work's been kicking my arse recently, so I've not had much time spare, s things have fallen a little behind schudule.


Rulespack will be online today (next 1/2 hour or so, assuming I don't screw it up), final payment for the tourney figs is going today (and the figs all finished), emails from other people answered, and list to be updated soon.

I can't access TBB at the moment, so if anyone else can, can they copy the link to the rules there (once I've pu it up of course!).


Darkson - Feb 12, 2009 - 05:38 AM
Post subject:
Rules pack is up.

Not the ideal situation, but can be downloaded from:

Else email me: darkson[at]gmail[.com]
Darkson - Feb 25, 2009 - 03:34 PM
Post subject:
Updated link to rulespack in first post.
Darkson - Mar 08, 2009 - 02:39 PM
Post subject:
And that's it for another year.

Thanks to all those attended, even to Stick who seemed to think I was holding the Sunday in my house. Wink

NAF results should be entered soon.

ddark - Mar 16, 2009 - 01:13 PM
Post subject:
many thanks first tourney 10th place and 3 most cas, 4th most td's and a real lot of fun (even with the hangover from hell on day 1).

looking forward to next year and thanks again
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