NAF World Headquarters

General - So, NAF ranking as attained how?

Grampyseer - Nov 13, 2008 - 11:16 AM
Post subject: So, NAF ranking as attained how?
Hi all,

New NAF member.....probably an old question.

How do I go about building (or destroying Sad an NAF ranking?

Do I attend tourneys? If so, which?

Does my hometown league contribute?

In general I'd sum up my post as a.."What do I do now?"

Any direction you can send my way would be very much appreciated.

Spazzfist - Nov 13, 2008 - 11:18 AM
Post subject: RE: So, NAF ranking as attained how?
Hey "Grampy"! Good to see you out here now.

NAF rankings are attained by attending NAF sactioned tourneys. There is a whole (very complicated) calculation to determine how much a rating goes up or down for each game.

But that is essentially it! Come on out to my tourney if you are looking for a good one to build your rankings! Wink
Grampyseer - Nov 13, 2008 - 11:24 AM
Post subject:
If I can scam a trip out of work, in the guise of attending a conference....I'm there!!

Are all the tourney's posted on this site "sanctioned"?
Spazzfist - Nov 13, 2008 - 11:28 AM
Post subject:
Look on the "tourneys" link in the main toolbar (next to the Rankings button) - this will give a list of any tourneys that are approved by NAF. If you are serious about rankings, then you should look into moving to Ontario as we havemany excellent tourneys out here! Very Happy

Either that or your can start the "Beaumont Bowl"...
Eric.R. - Nov 13, 2008 - 11:52 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: So, NAF ranking as attained how?
      Spazzfist wrote:
There is a whole (very complicated) calculation to determine how much a rating goes up or down for each game.

Not complicated at all . . . well for anyone but you Spazz Wink

If you interested in understanding it, Google "ELO system" and you'll find many sites descibing the procedure.
Spazzfist - Nov 13, 2008 - 12:49 PM
Post subject: Re: RE: So, NAF ranking as attained how?
      Eric.R. wrote:
Not complicated at all . . . well for anyone but you Spazz Wink

It's true.......Embarassed Can I go swim with the dolphins now?

      Eric.R. wrote:
If you interested in understanding it, Google "ELO system" and you'll find many sites descibing the procedure.

But just steer clear of and sites dedicated to the 80's band of similar name! Laughing
Grampyseer - Nov 13, 2008 - 01:02 PM
Post subject:
Either that or your can start the "Beaumont Bowl"...

The Beau-Bowl..(Or Bobo) may well be in the works.

And as for moving to Ontario.............we'll see..(My wife says forget it!!)
Spazzfist - Nov 13, 2008 - 01:21 PM
Post subject:
That would be cool if you did that - I would start looking into flights (depending on when you held it). It would be really good to see you and some of the Edmonton crew again (depending on how many are still out there...)
Cramy - Nov 14, 2008 - 10:20 AM
Post subject:
Look at Eric's signature, and you will see a link that points to all the Canadian tournaments that we know of. There are a couple in BC, and one in Red Deer Alberta in there. The Spike is out west somewhere too (I forget where).

There may be some US tournaments that are closer to where you are compared to going to BC or, well, Ontario.

At any rate, if you can make it to here for a tourney or two, that would be great.

To answer your question, the only way to get NAF rankings is to attend NAF sanctioned tournaments. If you pick a tournament to go to, check to see if they are NAF sanctioned if you are keen on getting NAF rankings (which I find lots of fun myself, being a stats freek).
Grampyseer - Nov 14, 2008 - 10:47 AM
Post subject:
Thanks for the replies everyone.

I think that Red Deer is within the reach of my spousal choke chain Laughing

Is the league manager on the NAF site of any significance? Or is it just a tool for private use?

(That's the myLeague button)
SolarFlare - Nov 14, 2008 - 07:11 PM
Post subject:
The league manager functions and the STARS function can both be pretty handy.

Re: tournaments... If you're in North America, the tournament scene has been growing. There are several tournaments in Philly, at least one in Florida, and a whole lot in the Midwest. (These guys have already filled you in on the Canadian tournaments...)

Zlurpeebowl is the biggest tournament going in North America. Full details available at

Nice to see a new member! Welcome!
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