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Strategy and Tactics - Skaven Linemen skill.

Frantic - Dec 11, 2008 - 03:52 PM
Post subject: Skaven Linemen skill.
I have a linemen that gained his 31 starplayer point tonight when he seriously injured (result = nigling) a High Elf Blitzer (with 5ag) thihi. Twisted Evil

He has block and St+1.

I was thinking of Frenzy, but open for other sugestions.

Give me youre thoughts.
bb_nut - Dec 11, 2008 - 04:33 PM
Post subject: RE: Skaven Linemen skill.
Do you have a linerat with kick? Kick is the most important support skill a Skaven linerat can have.

If you want him to hit be other Blitzer then I would agree with you and go for Frenzy.
Spazzfist - Dec 11, 2008 - 04:52 PM
Post subject: RE: Skaven Linemen skill.
I would not waste Kick on a linerat with ST+1 and Block.

Frenzy is a very good choice.
-Dauntless could be a good choice - to make him a BG hunter.
-Tackle would make him a great safety

What I sometimes like to do is to take a skill that I am not overly familiar with and try it out. To this end you might try Grab. It's is a great skill when you get used to it!
AK_Dave - Dec 11, 2008 - 05:47 PM
Post subject: RE: Skaven Linemen skill.
MA7 ST4 AG3 AV7 Block w/ G/ASPM access

Attacking the ball: I'm thinking Strip Ball, maybe Frenzy, and either way if he gets a doubles he wants Jugs.
Defending the team: I'm thinking Fend
Spazzfist - Dec 11, 2008 - 07:48 PM
Post subject: RE: Skaven Linemen skill.
Strip Ball is a handy skill, but on a regular linerat, it just isn't worth it - he probably isn't going to have the same opportunities to get near the ball, and if he does then Frenzy is still going to be helpful. Frenzy over Strip Ball for sure.

Likewise, I think with his S4 and Block, taking Fend would not be worth it for how often he actually gets to use it. I think that there is a better choice.

You know, Sure Hands would make this guy a fairly reliable ball carrier!
Cramy - Dec 11, 2008 - 09:18 PM
Post subject: RE: Skaven Linemen skill.
My vote is for Frenzy. Tackle next if you face dodgers.

If you get doubles for your next rool, you have the choice of Side Step or Stand Firm to be safe along the sidelines. I'd prefer Side Step. Juggernaut is also quite good with ST4 and Frenzy if you want to crowd push and/or guarantee that second hit.
Doubleskulls - Dec 11, 2008 - 10:25 PM
Post subject: RE: Skaven Linemen skill.
Frenzy would be a great choice on a strong mobile player.
Frantic - Dec 11, 2008 - 11:24 PM
Post subject: RE: Skaven Linemen skill.
Well i didnt roll a double so juggernaut, grab etc its not avalible. But if i had rolled a double i´ll think i would pic claw.

Kick - Allredy have it.

Sure Hands - In a other team yes, but with my 4 gutter runners i feel that they are the ones that going to handle the ball. And they usual gets it from the thrower the second round from the kick off and scores.

Tackle - Yes this skill is a skill i´m thinking of because i dont have any one with tackle yet. But the Blitzers/Storm Virmin isn´t that far away to gain their 2:nd and third skill. Another thing is that there are only 3 Elf team in the league (total 13 teams).

Strip Ball - Allready have two of them.

Dauntless - Hmm never thaught about it, but it would be nice. But i want to get claw with someone first then all those Big Guys realy can fear him. Now theres a big chans they will stand upp and be a problem again after i take him down.
AK_Dave - Dec 12, 2008 - 01:42 PM
Post subject: RE: Skaven Linemen skill.
I think Block and Wrestle make a versatile combo for someone parked on the LOS.
VS no-Block you use Block on a both-down
VS Block you use Wrestle on a both-down

Always fun when your opponent gets all worked up to hit you, rolls both-down, picks it as a "safe" answer, and you pull a gotcha with Wrestle.

Probably not what I'd want on someone with ST+1 though.

Tackle. There may only be 3 Elf teams in the league, but most teams have access to guys who have Dodge or can get Agility skills. With ST+1/Block/Tackle he lines up on the outside and becomes a wall that they can neither blitz through nor dodge around.
Frantic - Dec 14, 2008 - 08:03 AM
Post subject: RE: Skaven Linemen skill.
Thx for all sugestions and thoughts. I picked the frenzy skill after all, and the very next match somthing very funny happend. another linerat got his first skill +1st. Laughing. If he survives for another skill, i´ll probebly pick block or? and after that tackle.

But even more interesting was my GR that gained his fifth skill (AG+1, block, pass block & strip ball) i rolled a 4+4 and can now pic a mutant skill if i´ll like. If i havent rolled a double i probebly would have pic Leap. But now when i have the operunity to take Very Long Legs or Horn i realy dont know.

So give me youre thoughts! Wink
SBG - Dec 14, 2008 - 08:15 PM
Post subject: RE: Skaven Linemen skill.
With AG 5 and Pass Block, this is definitely a Very Long Legs kind of guy! INT's on 3+???? Are you kidding me??? Next skill is Catch, to re-roll these INT rolls ! Totally insane!

And even though it's too late, I would have gone the Tackle route for the ST4 Block linerat. But hey! He's got Frenzy now!

smeborg - Dec 15, 2008 - 02:36 AM
Post subject: RE: Skaven Linemen skill.
Have you considered Two Heads (dodging into 2 tackle zones on a 2+).

Hope this helps.
AK_Dave - Dec 15, 2008 - 03:40 PM
Post subject: RE: Skaven Linemen skill.
ST4 w/ Block & Frenzy is solid.
GR AG5 ... agree on Two Heads. All that dodging on a 2+ is awesome. This would be like having a Goblin with AG4 (Stunty, Dodge, AG4).
Spazzfist - Dec 15, 2008 - 04:17 PM
Post subject: Re: RE: Skaven Linemen skill.
      AK_Dave wrote:
ST4 w/ Block & Frenzy is solid.
GR AG5 ... agree on Two Heads. All that dodging on a 2+ is awesome. This would be like having a Goblin with AG4 (Stunty, Dodge, AG4).

But really, how often are you going ot be dodging into two tackle zones? And even when you have to, dodging on a 3+ with a reroll ain't half bad!

I think that there are better skills he could get. I would rather go for leap, and then you don't even have to go through those two tackle zones, and you are still getting away on a 2+ with better chances at mobility!
Frantic - Dec 15, 2008 - 04:40 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Skaven Linemen skill.
yeah i did go with leap...

EDIT: Its so sad. In the last minute i change my mind and took juggernaut. Now i have a great strip baller. It took 2 turns then he got a seriously inj. (- in somthing dont remember for the moment) The Apo did his work and out the field he was a couple of rounds later. My opponent blitz him and thats was the end of it. Sad
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