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Converting - Converting MageKnight figures for BloodBowl

Charger - May 07, 2003 - 03:31 AM
Post subject: Converting MageKnight figures for BloodBowl
One problem I have in my area is getting people to play BloodBowl. This is generally due to the fact that a team costs $40 US and most of the people I game with have too much money tied up in other armies to spend more for another game. I have found a cheap and easy way to get people into the game:

Converting worthless Wizkids MageKnight figures into BloodBowl teams!!

I've just completed 3 teams; a Wood Elf team, a Dwarf team, and an Undead team.

I happened to have played MageKnight for some time and had gathered a large pile of these figures, so it was easy to pick through them to find appropriate models. Even if you don't own figures, MageKnight players will practically give models away, allowing you to get a team together for about $5 US. All you need to do is pop them off of their dial-bases, cut the weapons and other unnecessary items off, and glue them to a GW base.
The models come pre-painted so you can play right away (you will probably want to touch them up at some time, however), are fairly cheap, and are easy to prepare.

This seems like a great way to introduce players to the game. I'd like to know what you people think.

SunDancer - May 07, 2003 - 07:50 AM
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Got pics?
SBG - May 07, 2003 - 09:03 AM
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I think it sure is a great way to show the game to newcomers !

I, for myself, am still trying to paint my first complete team !

Melifaxis - May 07, 2003 - 10:17 AM
Post subject:
A good idea. We have one guy in our league that uses plastic army men. He painted each position type a solid color (he left the linemen green), and numbered them. It took him about ten minutes, but it allowed him to try out the game without investing in a team. He loves the game and will be buying a team now, but for $1.99 he got started.

My first team is also still in process as I keep getting side-tracked with cool conversion ideas, paint schemes, and random 2nd Edition guys that I get off of eBay. I'm at 85% complete, but I really need to finish them and stop the side projects.
westonwyse - May 07, 2003 - 09:15 PM
Post subject:
I just today finished gluing together my new Night Goblin team. $18.75 for three Night Goblin sprues got me 18 minis. Admittedly, it doen't work for all of the teams, but for the ones it does, it's a pretty good deal.

Newbie Extrordonaire
Charger - May 08, 2003 - 12:47 AM
Post subject:
I don't have any pics of these conversions because they're pretty straight foreward. Poorly (factory) painted MageKnight figs on GW 1" round bases, painted green.

If you've never seen a MageKnight figure, check out the Wizkids homepage or ebay. Both of them should be packed full of pics. My Wood Elves use Crystal Sprites minus wings as Line Elves, Crystal protectors minus wings as catchers, Woodland Scouts as throwers and Elven Acolytes as War Dancers. If you can find pics of these you'll get an idea of what they look like.
SerraChampion - Jul 07, 2003 - 12:08 PM
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I have used MageKnight figs for Warhammer, too. For example, a Neophant makes a great Exalted Daemon! Twisted Evil
Grasshopper - Jul 17, 2003 - 11:26 AM
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MELIFAXIS: ... I'm at 85% complete, but I really need to finish them and stop the side projects...

Yeah you do. I'm done & I've got 8 more guys on my team than you do. Razz
Melifaxis - Jul 17, 2003 - 12:17 PM
Post subject:
      Grasshopper wrote:

Yeah you do. I'm done & I've got 8 more guys on my team than you do. Razz

I'm getting closer! I have several teams at 85% now at least Very Happy

Plus, I'm rebasing all my ZUFM (Chaos Dwarf Team) guys:
fine brown ballst, goblin green ring, static grass, filled entire base with wall joint compound and put felt on the bottom to make them have more of the feel of a solid chess-like piece. Oh yeah, and I'm moving all my big guys to round bases, and doing 2 Legacy Team contributions and the goblins for BB Mag....

If it wasn't for SWG I'd be done with all of them by now Very Happy Embarassed

Good to see you posting on the board though Smile
Grasshopper - Jul 18, 2003 - 08:26 AM
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      Melifaxis wrote:
... and put felt on the bottom to make them have more of the feel of a solid chess-like piece...

Felt?... Ok Now you've just gone too far. Twisted Evil
Melifaxis - Jul 18, 2003 - 08:30 AM
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Should I have used gauze (mummy wrap) instead?

There was a Khemri team that had playoff hopes I thought...but now I hear that the owner is just selling gauze and bones in the blck market Wink
fuzzy_spiral - Sep 02, 2003 - 05:07 PM
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This is a good idea. I have done something on these lines myself, but for me it was using Heroclix figures. As they are based on super Heroes most are unarmed and look pretty good as blood bowl figures before you start. However I am converting them as well, and once I've finished a few I'll open up a new thread with some shots of the figs.
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