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Rules Questions - apoth on undead?

Skinhead - Dec 18, 2008 - 11:16 PM
Post subject: apoth on undead?
the answer to this seems obvious, but it's been bugging me.

Is it possible for a coach to use their apoth on an undead player on their opponents team??

I know that "Khemri, Necromantic,
Nurgle and Undead teams may not purchase or use an
Apothecary." however in this case the undead team isn't using the apoth, its being used on them.

Normally i would think that undead players can't be healed by an apoth, but with vampires being allowed to be it seems like maybe they could.

So for example a human team kills an undead player, can the human team get their apothecary to heal him, just because they really liked that guy?
Frantic - Dec 18, 2008 - 11:40 PM
Post subject: RE: apoth on undead?
I dont think so...

Khemri, Necromantic,
Nurgle and Undead teams may not purchase or use an

It woulndt called Blood Bowl if you help each other out. Wink
Skinhead - Dec 19, 2008 - 12:01 AM
Post subject:
but nowhere does it specify you can't use your apoth on an opponents player.

Neither does it say an apoth can't be used on an undead player, just that those 4 teams can't purchase or use an apoth.

So could the other non-undead team could use their apoth on an undead player?
Doubleskulls - Dec 19, 2008 - 01:05 AM
Post subject:
No. That's why it says purchase or use.
AK_Dave - Dec 23, 2008 - 05:03 PM
Post subject:
Your apo is for you. No sharing.
Spazzfist - Dec 23, 2008 - 05:53 PM
Post subject:
Hmm... as overly friendly as it sounds it does say that the apoth is for when "a player" suffers a casualty, ir does not say that it has to be one of your own.

But then that brings up an interesting point. If you only BH one of your opponents players, can you use the apoth to reroll that and hope for better, because it says that you get to choose. so in this case you could choose the worse one. Very Happy
Eric.R. - Dec 23, 2008 - 07:49 PM
Post subject:
That would be a VERY dirty tactic. BUT, found on page 17 of the current LRB:
      LRB 5 wrote:
It costs 50,000 gold pieces to purchase an Apothecary to permanently look after your team during a match.

Note the "your team" identification. So the above mentioned situation is an obvious invalid use of the Apoth.
Eric.R. - Dec 23, 2008 - 08:08 PM
Post subject:
And, just in case it is asked about the Wandering Apoth.'s
      LRB 5 wrote:
Any team may hire a Wandering Apothecary or two to help your team during the match for 100,000 gold pieces each if your team can normally purchase a permanent Apothecary.

Again, note the "your team" and "if your team can normally purchase a permanent Apothecary" identifiers.

As a note to future rule questions: what may seem like 'flavour' text may in fact hold key information that can be used for future rule lawyery Twisted Evil

PS: I know "lawyery" is not a word for those word lawyers out there.
Doubleskulls - Dec 23, 2008 - 11:07 PM
Post subject:
In my mind there is no question that you can choose to use an apoth, including a wandering apoth, on the opposing team. The only exclusion is the teams explictly listed can't use them or hire them.
sann0638 - Dec 24, 2008 - 01:31 AM
Post subject:
Sorry Ian - when you say there is no question that you can, do you mean that this IS allowed?
Lycos - Dec 24, 2008 - 02:33 AM
Post subject:
Yes he does. Because Ian and I used to play in the same league a few years back and offering your apo to the oppo coach was not common, but it certainly happened from time to time. Usually only in the last turn and you knew you didnt need it yourself etc, you had normally mullered the oppo's team and you felt bad if you rolled that six and knew they had already used thier own apo.

A side note - that was LRB4. In LRB5 journeymen came in and perhaps removed the situation where you knew you had condemed the other coach to starting with six players or something. It used to happen lets face it.

As for lending to Undead teams.... No. never ever.
Doubleskulls - Dec 24, 2008 - 10:08 PM
Post subject:
As Lycos said - I meant yes, you can use apoths on opposing team members, so long as they aren't on the excluded list.
Skinhead - Jan 08, 2009 - 03:32 AM
Post subject:
It's not always an entirely selfess act to use your apothecary on an opponent. I've been beating people up and then offering to heal them for a sum of money. I thought i should confirm this was in accordance with the rules?

On p24 it says that teams can give each other money (but you can't transfer money between two of your own teams).
Doubleskulls - Jan 08, 2009 - 03:41 AM
Post subject:
Nothing wrong with paying an opponent to use their apoth on you etc. I'd strongly recommend having house rules to cover it as you feel necessary though.
Skinhead - Jan 14, 2009 - 01:48 AM
Post subject:
oh yeah...what is the ruling in regards to

But then that brings up an interesting point. If you only BH one of your opponents players, can you use the apoth to reroll that and hope for better, because it says that you get to choose. so in this case you could choose the worse one. Very Happy
GalakStarscraper - Jan 14, 2009 - 06:27 AM
Post subject:
okay ... in my opinion what Ian (Doubleskulls) said was his thoughts on what makes a good house rule ... it is definitely NOT the official rules.

As stated by Eric R. it clearly says for both Apothecaries and Wandering Apothecaries in the rulebook that they are there to take care of the team that purchases/induces them. Using them on the other team is only legal if your league allows it.

OTHERWISE if what Ian said was true ... what Spazzfist suggested would be totally legal. IE using your apothecary on an opponent in an effort to turn a Badly Hurt injury into a Death would be legal. This tactic is not legal.

Now to be clear ... I allow folks to use apothecaries on opponents in my own league (if both side agree to the use) so I agree with Ian that it is a good house rule. I also have no problem charging for the apothecary's use as Skinhead asked. But I want to be clear ... its definitely NOT the official rules of the game.

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