NAF World Headquarters

North America - Carolina Border Cup Classic - Jan 10th ... anyone attend?

GalakStarscraper - Jan 13, 2009 - 01:36 PM
Post subject: Carolina Border Cup Classic - Jan 10th ... anyone attend?
Did anyone on the NAF site attend this event.

I'm trying to get hold of VMonroe who organizes the event and have not been able to reach him the last 9 days.

If anyone attended this event and knows how to get hold of the organizer ... could you please let me know or let him know that I need to talk to him. Thank you!
GalakStarscraper - Jan 18, 2009 - 08:16 AM
Post subject: RE: Carolina Border Cup Classic - Jan 10th ... anyone attend
Hi guys ... I have never had to do this before so I'm hoping someone can help me.

The organizer of the Carolina Border Cup Classic ... Vincente Monroe notified me on the Friday before his tournament that he needed prizes for his tournament. I had him send me a list and I shipped them out to him on Saturday via Priority Mail so that they would arrive in time for this event.

I then sent him a PayPal invoice for these items on January 4th. I try to really help touranments as much as I can. While I dislike sending out merchandise before an event ... I have done it in special circumstances to try and help out tournaments as much as possible.

Anyway ... 2 weeks later and no payment and he has stopped responding to my emails.

So if anyone know Mr. Monroe could you please let me know if something bad has happened to him ... or if I'm just out of luck and this will be the first bad debt Impact! has had in 3 years of being opening. Which is not good timing for this because we are trying to get our debts paid off this year so that we can start making new stuff again.

Thank you for any help anyone can give.

Tom Anders
President - Impact! Miniatures
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