NAF World Headquarters

Europe - BBBLP Open September 2009

lunchmoney - Mar 09, 2009 - 08:52 AM
Post subject: BBBLP Open September 2009
BBBLP=Bournemouth Blood Bowl League in Poole (we were forced to move venue Confused )

Ello peeps,

this tourney will be held in September 2009, no fixed dates yet, will be a weekend, 6 games, have not set price yet, wont be much.

at the moment i am just looking for a rough idea of how many people would come, as it will be held at my local GW store, and the manager has said i can only do it if get X number of people. I'm not going to tell you how many X is yet Cool

if you are interested, can you post a reply, so i can get a rough idead of how many would be likely to attend and then let my store manager know.

the venue will be, if we get enough peeps, Poole GW store, which is about 100 yards from the local train station, and there is plenty of cheapish parking nearby. There are also plenty of BnB's for those that would stay over night.

i've never organised a tourney before (just local leagues for my friends), so any questions, just ask.
Lycos - Mar 09, 2009 - 09:30 AM
Post subject: RE: BBBLP Open September 2009
As we discussed yesterday, get hold of me by PM or better still use that email address I gave you and I will pass on some advice about things you need to cover etc.
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