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Rules Questions - Question - Numbering figures

Sir_Thom - Apr 08, 2009 - 04:51 PM
Post subject: Question - Numbering figures

Have a noob question....about numbering the teams figures.

Do I number them according to the team roster? or do I number them according to what postion they are ... example, 01-16 Linemen, 01-04 Blitzers, etc...

Thanks for any and all assistance!

Sir Thom
Apocrypha - Apr 08, 2009 - 08:39 PM
Post subject:
I number my teams completely at random. I've got players number everything between 00 to 457. I paint the number on the front and back of the base as my hand isn't steady enough to paint on the actual mini.

When it comes to the roster I just put the number between the roster slot and the character name so it looks something like this:

1 - #27 Johnny Blitzer

That way it is easy to replace dead characters with one that is a different position or a journeyman without having to give the same actual number to more than one model.
Doubleskulls - Apr 08, 2009 - 11:43 PM
Post subject:
It doesn't matter so long as each player is uniquely identifable.

Your roster is 1-16 but so long as it clearly includes the identifying feature. So one of my teams has letters (A, B, C etc) on the bases, and then their names on the roster are Oak (A).

I've also seem people name the mini - so Hera written on the base and the roster.
smeborg - Apr 09, 2009 - 04:31 AM
Post subject:
As a general rule, I start with the most expensive players (e.g. Blitzers) at 1, 2 etc., then follow with the next most expensive (e.g. Catchers), then the next most expensive (e.g. Throwers), then the least expensive (e.g. Linemen). If there is a lone Big Guy, he doesn't really need a number as he is uniquely identifiable. So I may put the Big Guy at no. 16 on the roster. These are just conventions that I follow because I find it easy for me to track the players, and (I hope) also for my opponent to do so.

I find it handy to put Roman numerals on the front and back of the bases of the figurines. This is very helpful for your opponent to identify players with skill advances. It can help you too!

Hope this helps.
TomB - Apr 09, 2009 - 05:40 AM
Post subject:
I think as long as each miniature is identifiable to you and your opponent, as which one is which on the roster, then you can do whatever you want. I personally paint a vertical stripe on the front and back of the base in a colour denoting position, and then in that stripe write the number as per the roster. This not only helps opponents know who is who, but easily identifies who plays what position for the more difficult teams to tell, e.g. pro elves.
Cramy - Apr 09, 2009 - 02:03 PM
Post subject:
      Apocrypha wrote:
When it comes to the roster I just put the number between the roster slot and the character name so it looks something like this:

1 - #27 Johnny Blitzer

That way it is easy to replace dead characters with one that is a different position or a journeyman without having to give the same actual number to more than one model.

Good for mutating players, if you don't use magnets and replaceable limbs.

I'm starting to use this method as some players can play in different teams. Makes it easier to number the players without overlap compared to numbering them 1 to 16. Names would work to.

Goblins can play for Orcs, Gobins, Underwold and Chaos Pact. Some Big Guys. Dark Elves and Skaven linemen, etc ... I'm very slow at painting, so will start to have somewhat common colour schemes on my teams. So with the common colour schemes and wide numbering range I will be able to use the same minis on multiple teams.

But as others have said, the important thing is that your players are uniquely identifiable. Whether you use names, numbers, letters, other is irrelevant.

Most people number their players 1 to 16, and I haven't seen a pattern on how they number their players within that 1 to 16 range.
Tkkultist - Apr 15, 2009 - 07:11 PM
Post subject:
something else that can work is using the brass etch numbers from forgeworld or scratch transfer numbers available from most historical model shops
daloonieshaman - Apr 25, 2009 - 11:31 PM
Post subject:
As a general rule for MVP purposes I make sure:
1-16 (at least 1-11)
I can number them any number/letter what ever as long as
it is clear to my opponent and it is clear when my opponent awards my MVP (pulling one of the yellow numbers that came with 3rd edition box, or rolling a d16)
BB_Babe - Apr 26, 2009 - 11:43 AM
Post subject:
I tend to number my own teams in order: Throwers, Catchers/Runners, Blitzers, Blockers, Liners, Big Guys.

I like to paint numbers on the uniforms/helmets. Ideally, I like to paint numbers on two oppositie sides of a figure so both players can ID for skills. Names too if there's room, and team logo.

I also realy like figures that have lots of open flat space for painting! I hate figures that are so crowded with nubbly bits that's there's no canvas left to paint on.
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