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General - Advice for a new League starting!!

Sir_Thom - Apr 15, 2009 - 01:28 PM
Post subject: Advice for a new League starting!!

I got a local Game Store convinced to start a BB League. We have 8 players raring to go. This will be new to the Game Store, as they are just getting into Blood Bowl.

I was wondering if any of you Veteran players or League Coordinators would share your experiences and/or pearls of wisdom to help make this league run smooth.

Thank you for your assistance (in advance)!!

Sir Thom
Doubleskulls - Apr 16, 2009 - 01:12 AM
Post subject: RE: Advice for a new League starting!!
A new league I'd strongly recommend a fairly flexible & quick arrangement. Maybe just a normal open league, teams can play as much as they want and after 3 months (or something that suits you) the top 4 teams go into play offs.

Open means you won't be affected by dropouts too badly - and can accomodate new joiners too. Quick means you can work out what you want (or don't want) and change appropriately without being stuck with something for a year.
PubBowler - Apr 17, 2009 - 08:20 AM
Post subject: RE: Advice for a new League starting!!
Be careful not to dominate, easy to do if you're the most "in" to BB.

If you know there is a large ability difference try to encourage lower tier races for the better ones and higher tier for the weaker ones.
smeborg - Apr 17, 2009 - 04:15 PM
Post subject: RE: Advice for a new League starting!!
Allow frequent players to run 2 teams (helps to stop them becoming overly developed, as well as giving everybody more playing opportunities with/against different races). The system I run is that one of these 2 teams must be "handicapped" (i.e. listed as difficult to play with at the end of the rule book - I deleted Dark Elves from the list and added Chaos Pact and Underworld Pact).

Make sure that any experienced players give (impartial) advice to less experienced players on the best inducements to buy. Otherwise the handicapping system can work against newbies.
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