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Rules Questions - Mighty Blow and Piling On

fibonacci - May 22, 2009 - 04:28 AM
Post subject: Mighty Blow and Piling On
Hey Guys
I tried to find the answer to this in the forum but just could not see it - please forgive me if it has been answered though!

If i have a player with piling on and mighty blow, when do i get to use the mighty blow option?

for instance, i make the armour roll but use mighty blow to break the armour, however i use piling on to reroll the injury, do i get to use mighty blow on the rerolled injury?

Hullekoenig - May 22, 2009 - 04:37 AM
Post subject: RE: Mighty Blow and Piling On
You may use MB either for the armour roll or for the injury roll.
If you have added +1 on the armour roll to break the armour you may not use the skill for the injury roll (even if you rerolled it with Piling on).
Doubleskulls - May 25, 2009 - 07:24 AM
Post subject: RE: Mighty Blow and Piling On
You can only use MB on the armour or injury, not both, but you decide after seeing the result - including the result of a piling on roll.

So say a MB/PO player knocks down a human lineman Av8 - and rolls an 8 for injury. You can either use MB to break armour, and still be able to reroll the injury, or you can reroll the armour. If you reroll and get a 9, you'd then be able to add one to the injury roll. Or if you rerolled and got another 8 you would use MB to break armour, but then have nothing left for the injury roll.
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