NAF World Headquarters

General - Rankings

Fireolli - Aug 05, 2009 - 09:50 AM
Post subject: Rankings

A friend of mine who's user name is Bazza has played elves in a tourney but he is not on the the rankings. Can this be put right please.

Also how many other people are there who have been missed off but have played.??

Deathwing - Aug 05, 2009 - 11:21 AM
Post subject:
There does appear to be a bug in that those who haven't entered a country don't appear to be showing up in the overall listings.
It appears that filtering now by 'all nations' excludes those who haven't logged in and entered a country. That didn't used to be the case, they just didn't show (obviously) if you filtered by country, but they did however in the overall list or just filtered by race.

Good catch, I'll draw attention to it and I'm sure the tech guys will look into it in due course. Obviously a glitch has crept in somewhere during an update.

Rest assured the information is in the database though. A search for username Bazza shows Trollbowl 2008 4/0/2 and CR160.31, as well as three other tournies, two with Norse and one with Halflings.
Lycos - Aug 05, 2009 - 11:35 AM
Post subject:
I played Bazza!! Rather than a bug - its more of a default setting. The coach in question activates his country and Bazza it would seem has not. Now that can be done the staff or himself. If he can Log in Olli, give him my details and we will re set his password.

As you say Deathwing, the "settings" may have been changed over the years with the various development work that goes on.
Fireolli - Aug 07, 2009 - 01:44 PM
Post subject:

Not sure what you need but i can give you the following.

Name: Barry Joyner
Town: Preston
Country: UK
username: Bazza

He never lods in so you may as well do it for him.
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