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General - team balance

jigplums - Aug 07, 2009 - 02:45 AM
Post subject: team balance
I think its probably clear to most coaches that the teams in bb are not balanced, that some teams have big flaws whilst others have practically none. there are ceratin teams that in my circle are almost frowned apon for an experienced coach to use. im just wondering how other people rate the different teams.

the main team that seems to have no weaknesses is orcs. do others agree?
Mr_Smigs - Aug 07, 2009 - 03:07 PM
Post subject: RE: team balance
i've heard that from a couple people...
i can see their argument...

there are definate "tiered" levels of team play where some require more... complicated playbooks than others.

i'd usually argue fluff at this point... some races just don't belong on the pitch...

my opinion's always
the tools don't make the coach.
if the best you can do requires you to play orcs, I'm sorry that's your limit, but I can't hold it against you if you're in it for the competition.

then again, Orcs seem the most balanced, so for the average player who doesn't favor one tactic over another (personally, I pass too often to play orcs IMO) they're a good learning team...
Hullekoenig - Aug 08, 2009 - 04:07 AM
Post subject: RE: team balance
IMHO Undead are pretty decent too. They got two str5 players. MA 7 ghouls with agi 3. And everything inbetween.
Ok... there won't be a passing game in an undead team, but still they are quiet balanced.

The stunty teams of course will only work with lots of lucky dice.

And then there is pretty much everything inbetween.
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