NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Bomb Throwing

yarrick1imperial - Sep 21, 2009 - 05:10 AM
Post subject: Bomb Throwing
Hi guys had this come up in a game might have already been talked about but i had a look and could'nt find anything on it,

We had a Bomb thrower with Safe throw, so if all passing skills apply, thats means he can't fumble the throw unless its a natural 1 so, what happens if he throws that bomb fumbles it and regathers it does he get to throw it again or does the bomb go off?

it says the bomb if caught MUST be thrown again but is it a catch??? kinda tricky....
Darkson - Sep 21, 2009 - 06:12 AM
Post subject: RE: Bomb Throwing
Good question - I don't think anyone has asked that one about the experimental rules. Once for the BBRC methinks.
daloonieshaman - Sep 21, 2009 - 06:25 PM
Post subject:
He keeps hold of the ball/bomb as the bomb was not thrown it cannot be reaction passed. He keeps the bomb that did not land in the empty square and go boooom! so the bomb throw is wasted but no one got hurt.
yarrick1imperial - Sep 22, 2009 - 03:00 AM
Post subject:
is that an offical ruling as the rules state under the bomber that it must be throwin again, however thats under catching? is it a catch?
GalakStarscraper - Sep 22, 2009 - 07:19 AM
Post subject:
I think what you'll find is that when its put into LRB 6.0 it will say "fumble of a ball (not bomb)". And that is with my BBRC hat on. At least I'm guessing that is what you'll see.

yarrick1imperial - Sep 22, 2009 - 01:31 PM
Post subject:
thanks galak thats a good call.. i am happy with that
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