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Strategy and Tactics - Norse Starting Team for a League

Marc.Andy - Mar 11, 2010 - 07:59 AM
Post subject: Norse Starting Team for a League
Next Season I want to play Norse. What do you think is the best roster to start with?

First I thought:
4 Line
1 Thrower
2 Catcher
2 Blitzer
1 Wolf
1 Yhetee
2 RR
= 1 Mio.

Now someone told me to take more RR is better. So I came to:
5 Line
1 Thrower
2 Catcher
2 Blitzer
1 Yhetee
3 RR
= 1 Mio.
And then buy the two Wolves and an apothecary first.

What is you experience or opinion. Thx!
Daggers - Mar 11, 2010 - 10:38 AM
Post subject: RE: Norse Starting Team for a League
Deffinently two rerolls will not suffice, you will likely burn them pretty quickly. So the second option is better in my opinion. I would consider getting one or two wolves first before the Yhetee. I find the Yhetee too unreliable on an unexperienced team to start, the wolves are more usefull and allow for a more balanced team to start. After that, purchases are usually apoth and RR or Yhetee second/third, assuming player loss is minimal.
Spazzfist - Mar 11, 2010 - 11:51 AM
Post subject: RE: Norse Starting Team for a League
Definitely go with the ulfwerners before the snow troll. Two strong players is better than one stronger player. Also with the Wild Animal that snow troll is unreliable.

And yes, I am using their original terms! Boo to GW and their attempt to make me conform to their will!
jrock56 - Mar 11, 2010 - 03:27 PM
Post subject: RE: Norse Starting Team for a League
From personal experience, as well as having played against the top 2 Norse coaches in Canada on several occasions I would go like this:

5 Line
2 Ulfwereners/Wolves
2 Beserkers/Blitzers
2 Runners/Catchers

2 rerolls/(only have 170K to spend)

with 50k left over, you can go either with an Apoth/Extra Lineman

Snow Troll/Yehtee is a luxury when you fill out the roster, not an immediate necessity. Get your Wolves Block&Guard, Your Blitzers, Mighty Blow/Tackle/Piling On and Catchers, Dodge/ +1AG and they will be a force to be reckoned with. The Thrower is not very useful I find with Norse because if your throwing passes with them your most likely already losing the game...just my 2 cents of course. Smile
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