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Strategy and Tactics - Best inducements for chaos dwarf

jigplums - Apr 11, 2010 - 04:30 PM
Post subject: Best inducements for chaos dwarf
with my minotaur MNG i have around 240,000 to spend on inducements in my next game in my clubs Chaos cup against Woodelves. i also have 250,000 in my treasury.

Any thoughts
daloonieshaman - Apr 12, 2010 - 07:59 PM
Post subject: RE: Best inducements for chaos dwarf
option 1
Rashnak Backstabber***

option 2
Big time!!!
Zzharg Madeye

other stuff
bribes, babes, wiz, cards is second hand
with Madeye I recommend a bribe. He rocks for his cost
smeborg - Apr 15, 2010 - 02:15 PM
Post subject: RE: Best inducements for chaos dwarf
It may depend on exactly how much inducement money you have.

I have found Rashnak to be an outstanding inducement against AV7 teams. He comes with well-matched skills, and does not worry about Loner, as Stabbing cannot cause a Turnover.

The Wizard is always good for bringing down fast and agile ball carriers who stay out of range of your players.

Saw + Bribe also looks good.

If you don't have a D-P, then a Hobgoblin Merc with D-P is good (+ Bribe).

I'm not sure about Zharg against an AG team - I don't see what he brings to the party that you need or lack.

Hope that helps and good luck.
jigplums - Apr 18, 2010 - 06:23 PM
Post subject: RE: Best inducements for chaos dwarf
i went with grasnak, and nobbla. nobbla ko-ed a wardancer and then got sparked out himself. Grasnak kept him busy, while my bullcentaurs and chaos dwarfs whittled his team down. he went 1-0 up in turn 2, the got blitz and got hold of the ball again, which had me worried. i managed to bring it back and win 2-0 after mauling his team pretty bad.
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