NAF World Headquarters

Strategy and Tactics - Cant remember the URL - But I´ll bet you do :)

Frantic - Apr 13, 2010 - 03:57 AM
Post subject: Cant remember the URL - But I´ll bet you do :)
Hi there all Bloodbowl fans!

I can recall that there was a page where you could see the field from above and put out players and try out different startups and stuf like that. I know I got the page from some of the threds here at the naf but now I cant find it.

Is there anyone that haves the URL to it?

Darkson - Apr 14, 2010 - 03:53 AM
Post subject: RE: Cant remember the URL - But I´ll bet you do :)
This one?
Frantic - Apr 15, 2010 - 01:54 AM
Post subject: RE: Cant remember the URL - But I´ll bet you do :)
Thats the one! THANKS! Smile
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