NAF World Headquarters

Painting - MY CHAOS TEAM

Wadedidit - May 25, 2003 - 10:56 PM
Post subject: MY CHAOS TEAM
Just finished my Chaos team (The Chaos Bombers), wondered what everyone else thinks of them.


Squiggoth - May 26, 2003 - 02:25 AM
Post subject:
Cool, but I'd do something about the bases!

Wadedidit - May 26, 2003 - 04:16 PM
Post subject:
What colour, I have some static grass but I have never tried to use it before.

Indigo - May 27, 2003 - 02:23 AM
Post subject:
I'd glue sand onto the bases using PVA glue, the paint it black using thinned chaos black. When it's dry, drybrush it scorched brown, then bestial brown, then bleached bone.

When that is all dry, glue small patches of static grass onto the bases using superglue - the trick with static grass is not to overdo it - less is more!
Squiggoth - May 27, 2003 - 02:51 AM
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Or you could try soaking static grass in watered down brown ink for a few days to create static grass that looks chaotically reddish-brown, on a greyish black sand base?
Indigo - May 27, 2003 - 04:12 AM
Post subject:
does that work? I tried drybrushing the static grass with those colours for my undead, but it just looked stupid.

squiggoth mate, you are an encyclopedia of painting tips
Squiggoth - May 27, 2003 - 04:39 AM
Post subject:
Yes, it works but it requires lots of patience (when I tried to paint a whole bag of static grass in one go it took almost two weeks to dry Very Happy)

What I did is, take a large bucket (one that is okay to get dirty), fill it with about a liter of water and half a pot of Brown Ink and toss a bag of grass in it. Stir it (the grass tends to form small lumps which you'll have to seperate to get the ink on every strand of grass) a few times and then drain away the water (and dodge your wife's vile attacks as you unwillingly paint the sink brown...)
And then spread it out on an old cloth and leave it to dry for a loooong time. Oh, don't put it in front of a window. I made that mistake. There's still static grass all over my bedroom...
After it's fully dry you use it just like "unpainted" grass (though it tends to be a bit less static).
I didn't use the Games Workshop static grass (that's too radioactive green) but I used grass from some cheap railwaymodelling brand (which is very static and more natural looking-green).
I'll post a pic of the result:

Dave - May 29, 2003 - 11:43 PM
Post subject:
Put it int he oven. Works with sand. Don't make it too hot or I guess you'll have a static grass pie. Just let it dry in the warm air..
Indigo - May 30, 2003 - 03:30 AM
Post subject:
so the oven turns it brown, or just dries it out?

I'm already in trouble with the wife for using industrial strength paint stripper and melting some of the nice tupperware (plastic dishes) we got as a wedding gift. I'll be in even more trouble when she realises how many I've reduced to slag - she thinks it's just one!
Dave - May 30, 2003 - 03:32 AM
Post subject:
      Indigo wrote:
I'm already in trouble with the wife for using industrial strength paint stripper and melting some of the nice tupperware (plastic dishes) we got as a wedding gift. I'll be in even more trouble when she realises how many I've reduced to slag - she thinks it's just one!

I'm sorry but .. Laughing Laughing Laughing Tupperware is indestructable yes ??

I meant for drying, should work .. I guess
aerofool - May 30, 2003 - 08:10 AM
Post subject:
you may want to stick to glass mason jars (what jams and jellies come in) for your stripping purposes. They don't melt as easily!
Squiggoth - Jun 02, 2003 - 02:03 AM
Post subject:
      Dave wrote:
Put it int he oven. Works with sand. Don't make it too hot or I guess you'll have a static grass pie. Just let it dry in the warm air..

Static grass is glass fibre so it shouldn't melt in an oven I guess. On the other hand, it tends to clog when wet and a large ball of static grass just doesn't dry that quick...?
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