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Rules Questions - Fumbling due to a block.

ttthomas - Nov 06, 2010 - 04:26 PM
Post subject: Fumbling due to a block.
I've looked in the book, but I just can't seem to find how to play it.

Ball carrier goes down due to a block. does the ball fumble from the square the carrier is in? or the square they are pushed to? if it fumbles from the square the carrier was standing in, and the blocker follows up, does it bounce? or does the blocker have a chance to pick it up?

if you know they page in the competition rules, let me know.
Mepmuff - Nov 07, 2010 - 01:49 AM
Post subject:
Hi ttthomas,

      Page 11 of CRP wrote:
If a player carrying the ball is Knocked Down or Placed Prone,
he will drop the ball in the square where he falls. The dropped
ball will bounce one square in a random direction (see Bouncing
Balls, page 13) after the player’s armour and injury rolls (if any)
are fully resolved.

ttthomas - Nov 07, 2010 - 06:39 AM
Post subject:
so because the follow up move takes place before you make any roles, does the ball still bounce? or does the player following up have a chance to pick up the ball first?

And thanks for linking the page. Sometimes I feel the book setup leaves much to be desired.
daloonieshaman - Nov 07, 2010 - 10:22 AM
Post subject:
1) block
2) push/down
3) followup? (choice or cannot in both down)
4) armor/injury
5) ball bounce
6) get ball (by different player)
7) run forest & pass
Cool run it in for a TD
9) win the game
Darkson - Nov 08, 2010 - 11:26 AM
Post subject:
      ttthomas wrote:
so because the follow up move takes place before you make any roles, does the ball still bounce? or does the player following up have a chance to pick up the ball first?

The following up player get an attempt to Catch the ball, not pick it up.

Basic rule of thumb - if the ball is stationary, it's a Pick Up.
If the ball is moving, it's a Catch.
quietdominator - Sep 24, 2012 - 08:51 PM
Post subject:
It is a bouncing ball so you do not get any pluses just minuses for each tackle zone you are in.
Darkson - Sep 24, 2012 - 09:04 PM
Post subject:

You ought to use that as your avatar. Rolling Eyes
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