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General - nurgle rotters number of journeymen

Grumbledook - Dec 16, 2010 - 06:41 PM
Post subject: nurgle rotters number of journeymen
I'm painting (no jokes please) a nurgle team at the moment and I've got eight minis as rotters

I want to mark some of them differently to make them easily identifiable for journeymen but was wondering what people think the best split would be

I was initially thinking 5 normal rotters and three journey ones but then it crossed my mind that perhaps 6 and 2 would be a better split

for those more experienced with nurgle how many journymen do you typically use and for that matter whats the highest number of rotters you use?

looks like 5 is common number to have on a starting roster

a developed team is likely to have a BON, 4 warriors and 4 pestigors, so that is 9 players, keeping 5 rotters for 14 players seems possible, so it doesn't seem likely that you would ever have 6 rotters right...

guess I've pretty much answered it that a 5 and 3 split is the way to go

anyone ever needed three journeymen for a team though?

I can perhaps see cases in NAF tournaments where I might want 6 rotters on the team, though obviously I can just use the journymen ones as normal ones in those cases
daloonieshaman - Dec 16, 2010 - 11:45 PM
Post subject: RE: nurgle rotters number of journeymen
I do not know how many games your league goes but we often have full rosters by around game 18-20

As far as Journeymen go. The reason you need more than 1 is when you are waiting to buy that CW that takes you 3 games to get, and you've taken a beating (remember Beastmen are not dwarves) and go through injuries. I would say your best bet is 5/2 or 4/3
Grumbledook - Dec 17, 2010 - 05:29 AM
Post subject: RE: nurgle rotters number of journeymen
I have 8 not 7 ;]
mubo - Dec 17, 2010 - 07:45 AM
Post subject: RE: nurgle rotters number of journeymen
Rotters die/retire easily and nurgle positionals are expensive, so 5/3 seems sensible. However I usually reserve black skill rings for journeymen in game, which usually suffices. I'd just paint 6 and use base rings. That should save you a couple of years.

look at us using this forum!
Joemanji - Dec 17, 2010 - 10:28 AM
Post subject: RE: nurgle rotters number of journeymen
I agree with Nick. I always use base rings to signify Journeymen. If you want something more "obvious", sometimes I use a reroll counter placed underneath. I usually start with 6 Rotters for what it's worth.
mubo - Dec 20, 2010 - 07:42 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: nurgle rotters number of journeymen
      Joemanji wrote:
I agree with Nick.

See what you did there! I'm going to give sensible BB advice for a bit, get you all onside, then go into coalition with mattgslater.
Grumbledook - Dec 20, 2010 - 04:58 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: nurgle rotters number of journeymen
well the baserings thing won't be necessary due to what I'm doing

5 rotters will be marked with one colour and 3 with another colour as positional "base rings" like my chaos dwarfs:

not going totally different colours for every player like I did with them though, a skill ring will sit nicely on my "base rings" so I can actually use those for skills and then my base rings will denote the position of the player, in this case a normal or journeyman rotter

or in some situations I can use the different coloured ones if I have a solitary one that needs marking out using it as a pseudo skill ring thus not needing the more fiddly yet familiar ones that joe has an emotional attachment too!

thus every positional is marked with a different colour (not that my nurgle team minis are unclear which is what) and the skill rings can be just used for that job

it also makes the players easier to move as the skill ring won't fall off when you move the player

I did consider using some convoluted stacking system of different diameter ones with washers attached and magnet in the base, though that really would be far too much work and effort compared to the usefulness

it does seem though that a 5/3 split would be best, can't really see the team ever having more than five normal ones but it is feasible that in some games three journeymen could be called for
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