NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Skills "Frenzy" and "Block" interacting

machtin - Jan 20, 2011 - 07:33 AM
Post subject: Skills "Frenzy" and "Block" interacting
Hi everybody,

a player with the skills „Block” and “Frenzy” attacks an opponent who has the skill “Block” too. The result of the first block is “Both down”. Due to the fact that both involved players have “Block”, the blocked player is neither pushed back, nor is one of them knocked down.

Under this circumstances, is the attacker now allowed to throw a second block because of his skill “Frenzy”?

Thx in advance!
Mepmuff - Jan 20, 2011 - 07:47 AM
Post subject: RE: Skills "Frenzy" and "Block" interact
No. The second block is only possible with a pushback result or a defender stumbles result.
machtin - Jan 20, 2011 - 10:31 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: Skills "Frenzy" and "Block" inte
      Mepmuff wrote:
No. The second block is only possible with a pushback result or a defender stumbles result.

Ok, thanks! But another question:

The result of the first block was ‘Push Back’ but the attacked player has ‘Stand Firm’. Is the attacker nonetheless allowed to throw a second block? Or must the attacked player necessarily be moved in order to allow a second block?
Mepmuff - Jan 20, 2011 - 10:53 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Skills "Frenzy" and "Block"
The dice resulf is the important part, so frenzy works against stand firm players.
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