NAF World Headquarters

North America - New Tournament: November 2011

wapcaplets - Mar 28, 2011 - 08:26 PM
Post subject: New Tournament: November 2011
Hey, everyone. I'm relatively new to the tournament scene in Canada but I've liked what I've done so far enough that I'm going to run my own tournament. It will be a Goblin-themed tournament called Blingtoof's Gitbash and it will be in the Toronto area. More details to come but mark it down!
jrock56 - Mar 28, 2011 - 09:45 PM
Post subject: RE: New Tournament: November 2011
Awesome Chris, new tournies are always a good thing!! The more the merrier is how I look at it, although we do try not to conflict with others tournaments too often so as to get as many people to come out to each as possible. November would usually be a good time for most as well...this year may be an exception for some of us as the World Cup in Amsterdam is in November and 6 of us from the area that regularly attend tournies have already committed to that. Will have to see if I can swing it closer to but awesome news regardless Very Happy
wapcaplets - Mar 29, 2011 - 09:17 AM
Post subject: RE: New Tournament: November 2011
Thanks! Yeah, I know attendance may be affected by The World Cup but I figure, with the amount of tournaments that exist, there's always a potential conflict somewhere. November seemed like a quiet month for BB tourneys in our general geography so if I can get one established that's a good thing.
flyingdingle - Mar 29, 2011 - 09:44 AM
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Wasn't there gonna be a tourney over by London, ON in November? Or, is that this one?
jrock56 - Mar 29, 2011 - 10:52 AM
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Talons (Rob Pharand) has been talking about starting a tourney up for some time now in London. Not sure what date he was thinking but there are other dates that would be available regardless. Just gives more people the opportunity to attend more tournies overall and November has been a quiet month on the BB front for years (at least in eastern Canada anyway)
Eric.R. - Mar 30, 2011 - 09:17 AM
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AFAIK, Rob is going ahead with his tourney in November. You may want to confirm with him if you are worried about stepping on toes . . .
natsirtdm - Mar 30, 2011 - 02:46 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
worried about stepping on toes . . .

pff it's a gobbo themed tourney - stepping on toes should be mandatory!
Taxal - Mar 31, 2011 - 05:45 AM
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I will still be running "POWER OF 1" in November here in Montreal but that might be pushed into early December.
wapcaplets - Mar 31, 2011 - 01:13 PM
Post subject:
Check out the thread for Blingtoof's Gitbash for more info!
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