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General - Star Players Book

coach_k - Apr 09, 2011 - 06:26 PM
Post subject: Star Players Book
I currently have obtained a mint condition 2ND edition Star Players Hardback.So it has inspired me to make my own For 6 th Edition.I am going to be overhauling alot of stars from all editions and resources.My question is would this be copy right infringement.I would like to have three of theese printed out for my personal league use.I would not be selling or giving or trading any of them away.
Apocrypha - Apr 09, 2011 - 10:00 PM
Post subject:
My initial thought is yes. GW has shut down things before for doing a lot less and they were free as well. To actually produce a bound book and print it would most likely qualify as it being "Published" even though it is free and not for profit.

The only thing where you might get away with it is if you don't put any reference to a trademarked GW product in it. Call it something like Fantasy Football Star Players and change the name of the players you have in it. Even then, I don't know.
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