NAF World Headquarters

North America - 5th Annual Kubla Cup

darthnoir - May 17, 2011 - 06:46 PM
Post subject: 5th Annual Kubla Cup
The Fifth Annual Kubla Cup will be held at KublaCon 2010.

Due to economic instability (and popular demand from last year) we'll be following Michael McDonald's suggestion by Takin' it to the Streets.

We will be using the variant Street Bowl rules that can be found here:

Full tournament rules can be found at:

Painted teams are required.

Additionally, if you have a Street Bowl board available to bring to the tournament, please do so as there will only be a limited number of boards available to play on.

Convention details can be found at:
Cookie - May 20, 2011 - 01:13 PM
Post subject:
Just seen this, at a loose end that weekend so am hopeful I can make it if I speed paint my team in time.

As a complete convention novice, how does registration work? Do we have to register specifically for the tourney on the day once we're paid up and in the convention?
talarius - May 20, 2011 - 11:49 PM
Post subject:
You register for the convention at the front desk and then over in the miniatures area there will be sign-up sheets for the event. It's pretty informal.
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