NAF World Headquarters

North America - Golden Sweetbun 2011 T-17 days

ruggerbabe45 - May 26, 2011 - 01:52 PM
Post subject: Golden Sweetbun 2011 T-17 days
Hey Everyone,
The Golden Sweetbun is coming up and we need the registrations in, just to get an idea of numbers. Also if people need places to stay to find enough crash spots.

Also if you have registered already could you please email Pat just to make sure. You see the computer crashed and we want to make sure we received all the registrations for the Golden Sweetbun. If you could resubmit or reconfirm with Pat we would greatly appreciate it.

If you haven't registered and aren't sure then WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!!! The tournament is less then three weeks away and it's an amazing time. You can register at or email Pat at

Thanks hope to see you all there

jrock56 - May 26, 2011 - 07:24 PM
Post subject: RE: Golden Sweetbun 2011 T-17 days
Most of the info for people attending is under the North America, Golden Sweetbun forum. Some may have changed but we are still 5 coming from Ottawa, either crashing at your place or Dan's if I am correct. See you soon,

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