NAF World Headquarters

North America - Montreal League 2011-2012

Taxal - Sep 13, 2011 - 09:39 AM
Post subject: Montreal League 2011-2012
Well another year is upon us for our league going on at the local store.

This year you are allowed to continue with your previous years team or star a new one. If you start a new one you receive your choice of a skill package.

I decided to start a new team and showed up with my Gobbo team (Orange Crush). I received 5 standard skills and a double skill.
#1 Troll - BLOCK
#16 Troll - GUARD
#3 Gobbo - SNEAKY GIT
#4 Gobbo - CATCH
#6 Gobbo - SIDE STEP

Starting team
2 Trolls
8 Gobbos

4 re-rolls
6 FF
Taxal - Sep 13, 2011 - 10:10 AM
Post subject: RE: Montreal League 2011-2012
Game 1 vs Dan Campbell (Chaos Dwarf) new team
0-2 TD`S
3-4 CAS`S

First half kicking to Dan and it took him till turn 6 to score and by then I had injured 1 Hobbo and 1 Dwarf with my Guard Troll and cut up another Dwarf with the Chainsaw Gobbo. Dan broke armour like it was butter, but could not injurea single Gobbo till the last turn. Tried to throw a Gobbo to end the half but could not even pick up the ball.
Second half Dan`s dice got better on the injuries and started to rack up some. Again could not pick up the ball giving Dan the chance to capitalize on my great luck and score a second TD. Next kick off we get THROW A ROCK and it hits his only Bull Centaur on the side line giving me a clear line with my Pogo. Ball ends up going out of bounds and of course I give it to the Pogo and attempt to go as far as possible without any re-rolls. Make every GO FOR IT roll and am now just a few squares from getting a TD. Dan pulls off a typical bullsh$t move and drops my Pogo, picks up the ball and marches down the field to get a third TD, but his GO FOR IT is also typical. Die rolls and the all powerful JONES shows up.

End of the Match and one that was quite fun to play in.


3 CAS for Troll #16 - Standard skill- -STRONG ARM-
Taxal - Sep 23, 2011 - 10:23 AM
Post subject: RE: Montreal League 2011-2012
Game 2 vs Pat LaForge (Human) new team
3-2 TD`S
2-4 CAS`S

When you play with a Gobbo team you will have some insane luck sometimes and this game was one of those.
Pat had a great throwing game, but myself my throwing was spot on too. Twice I threw for TD`s. Also threw twice more just to get guys in the back field. Crowning glory though was a Gobbo making an interception. Very sweet, but what was even better was he had a Troll next to him who was not in any tackle zones, so on my next turn I ended up throwing the Gobbo for a TD. My 2 Cas`s were not even with my Trolls, but with regular Gobbos. My chainsaw took a Blitzer out of the game before getting caught, so that was a nice bonus. Pat and I also had a Three Stooges moment near the end of the game. His Thrower and one of my Gobbos spent two turns attempting to pick up the ball. I came out of it with a TD, but was damn funny to watch.

I would have to nominate the moment of the match was not even in our game, but the game between Pat Gilbert and Anthony. It was going so bad for Pat he left the store and threw his white Jones D6`s across the street into a field. Priceless Pat moment, guess they were too large to swallow.

No upgrades for either of us, but I have a couple of Gobbos missing just 1 point to go up.
Taxal - Sep 24, 2011 - 05:36 PM
Post subject: RE: Montreal League 2011-2012
Game 3 vs Pat LaForge (Human)
5-4 TD'S
1-3 CAS'S

Pat and I decided to play a second game in the same week and what a game again. Picked off another pass with a Gobbo standing beside a Troll. Another TD because of it too. Had some crazy luck again and took another win from Pat, but he made me pay for it. Killed a Gobbo that had my MVP from last game and killed my Looney (who ended up getting this games MVP!!!). Other than that Pat played a great game, but my luck was just to much for him. Did not miss a single throw/land and it gave me 4 of my TD'S.



GOBBO #9 -1 AV
Taxal - Sep 24, 2011 - 05:36 PM
Post subject: RE: Montreal League 2011-2012
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