NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Bribes

machtin - Sep 15, 2011 - 03:16 AM
Post subject: Bribes
Hello everybody,

a secret weapon is used during the first drive of half one. At the end of the drive, after turn 6, the disqualification of the secret weapon-player is prevented by a successful bribe. After that, the player is not active in the second drive (turn 7 and 8 of half one) but placed in the reserve box.

The question is: will the player with the secret weapon be disqualified after the first half, regardless of the fact that the bribe for the first drive was succesfull and that he was not on the pitch in the second drive of half one?

Or in other words: is a bribe needed for every drive? Or only for every drive in which a secret weapon-player was active and on the pitch?

Thx in advance
Grumbledook - Sep 15, 2011 - 06:09 AM
Post subject: RE: Bribes
they only get sent off if they were on the pitch

so if you kept them in the reserves box for turns 7 and 8, you are free to field them in the second half
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