NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Skill "Animosity"

machtin - Sep 21, 2011 - 05:24 AM
Post subject: Skill "Animosity"

CRP states that forgetting to roll for e.g. “Wild Animal” or “Take roots” does not inflict a “Illegal procedure call” (aka turnover). How about the skill “Animosity” of the new team Chaos Pact? I think it´s no turnover to forget the Animosity test either, right?

Thx in advance

p.s. Let me make this clear: no bb player would EVER forget such tests intentionally!!!! Twisted Evil
Grumbledook - Sep 21, 2011 - 05:49 AM
Post subject: RE: Skill "Animosity"
forgetting to use any skill isn't a turnover
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