NAF World Headquarters

North America - almost 200 combined Coaches in the NA Grand Prix

daloonieshaman - Oct 24, 2011 - 06:30 PM
Post subject: almost 200 combined Coaches in the NA Grand Prix
From a Quick look at the standings for both the East and West Grand Prix there is almost 200 tournament coaches participating. (yes there may be some double-ups)

It is great to see that many different coaches getting into the tournament scene across North America.

I hope we all share the feeling that we can recruit more coaches for the 2012 Grand Prix.

Thank you ZootSuitJeff for creating this
Rando - Oct 25, 2011 - 03:03 AM
Post subject: RE: almost 200 combined Coaches in the NA Grand Prix
There's also a Midwest Grand Prix that Alkaline13 oversees. They call it the Zlurpcast Championship Series but also took their lead from ZootSuitJeff. They've got 100+ on that circuit!

Nice one Jeff.
DarkOrk20 - Oct 25, 2011 - 08:22 AM
Post subject:
A couple of us may be on more than one circuit. Maybe we could just have one circuit for all of NA?

It could be broken up into divisions to separate the different zones. I know there are a different number of tourneys in each region. It is getting better.
daloonieshaman - Oct 25, 2011 - 09:43 AM
Post subject:
Would you pick your preferred division?
How would your out of division matches be scored (extra points for the added effort?)
Would we include a minor fee ($1 - $3) for first place prizes or rely on out of division sponsors

So we are talking, give or take, 275 - 300 coaches?
Rando - Nov 20, 2011 - 02:54 PM
Post subject:
Definitely, Looks like just under 300.

I think someone could easily create a "super-circuit" of all N.A. tournaments but I'm not sure how much attention that would get. As it is, there are slight rules discrepancies between the three 'divisions' that we have now (so they are not entirely compatible) and even at their respective regional levels there are many players who don't seem to know that the grand prix exists.

I'm interested to see what kind of attention this system gets after another year or so of operation. As DarkOrk said it's getting more lively around here. I don't see any fees being introduced until 2013 though. Maybe we can drum up some cross division rivalries or tournaments by then if interest continues to grow.
Clan_Skaven - Nov 20, 2011 - 11:46 PM
Post subject:
I'd be able to boost my personal ranking if i could attend more than 2 tourney's so far in 2011 but sadly with my sh*t job it's all i can afford.
Notorious_jtb - Nov 21, 2011 - 05:32 AM
Post subject:
That sounds like a pretty reasonable summary Rando!

A very tired JTB
Rando - Dec 17, 2011 - 05:14 PM
Post subject:
Final count: 362

362 NAF registered tournament players competed in 2011 in North America (WCGP 121 /ZCS 142 / ECGP 99)

*There will be duplicates in there but I don't know how many. Maybe a dozen or so? It's still over 300. Now we just need to shrink North America to the size of France and we'll be good.
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