NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Regarding Bombardiers...

scottprime - Nov 01, 2011 - 12:57 PM
Post subject: Regarding Bombardiers...
Regarding Bombardiers, my buddy and I ran into a question the other night that the rules were not totally clear on. Here's the situation:

My Bombardier lights up, and chucks his bomb towards a particular square. My opponent's team has a chance to intercept the bomb before it reaches its intended destination, but he fails to roll the 6 necessary to accomplish said interception. What happens now?

A) The Bombardier rolls for accuracy/fumble and carries on the action as though the interception attempt never happened, in the same way that a normal passing play would progress from this point?

B) The bomb automatically explodes in the square of the player who attempted the interception, as "an opportunity to catch the bomb" has failed?

Personally, I'm in camp A. My opponent's logic was that an 'interception' is a 'catch' so a failed interception would result in an explosion. However, by that logic, he would still be blown up even if he declined the chance to intercept (by the rules of Bombardier) and therefore no Goblin Bombardier would ever have to actually roll the dice and risk the fumble as long as they threw one square beyond the guy they WANT to target thus forcing the ball to either be intercepted or to blow up on the intervening occupied square.
Shadowseer2005 - Nov 01, 2011 - 01:47 PM
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As far as I understand the ruling for Bombadier and have used it in the past is that you treat the thrown bomb just like a pass ( declare throw, target, intercept and resolve throw).
jeffzcubfan - Nov 01, 2011 - 02:03 PM
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I agree. You need to treat it as a normal pass. A missed interception just means he didn't react fast enough and the bomb got past and continued its flight path.


scottprime - Nov 01, 2011 - 02:30 PM
Post subject:
Thanks guys!
Paulkouhan - May 02, 2013 - 01:12 AM
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I had the issue this week end on a ranked tournament.

I think that the way to play it is A but I understand the rule as B...

"A bomb may be intercepted or caught using the same rule for catching the ball, in wich case the player catching it must throw it again immediatly."
=> does a player that intercepts the bomb catches it and must throw it immediatly ? YES

"The bomb explodes when it lands in an empty square or an opportunity to catch the bomb fails.
=> is the failed interception an opportunity to catch the bomb ? YES

=> BOOOM !

I think the rule should be completed as :

"The bomb explodes when it lands in an empty square or an opportunity to catch the bomb fails (excluding interception)" if the rule is to be played as "A"
"The bomb explodes when it lands in an empty square or an opportunity to catch or intercept the bomb fails" if the rule is to be played as "B"

Is there an official answer to this question ?
babass - May 02, 2013 - 03:25 AM
Post subject:
Not sure about this. but an "opportunity to intercept" is not exactly an "opportunity to catch"...
garthnait - May 03, 2013 - 01:07 PM
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When the bomb is not interceptet it is thrown as normal... so, no exploding...
Tojurub - May 08, 2013 - 04:21 AM
Post subject:
If you'd follow that rule about counting an interception as a catch, then all failed (ball) interceptions must be treated like a failed catch and the ball scatters from the players square.... that would make every pass impossible as soon as you throw the ball over an there is a Interception and there is a Catch, and there are not the same! A failed interception of a bomb lets the bomb continue it intended path (or fumble).
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