NAF World Headquarters

North America - Dagger Bowl V - February 11th, 2012 - Ottawa, ON

Daggers - Nov 30, 2011 - 05:45 PM
Post subject: Dagger Bowl V - February 11th, 2012 - Ottawa, ON
Dagger Bowl is back for another round of monster mayhem.

Rules will be updated shortly, but are pretty much the same from last year.

- 1,150,000 gp to purchase your team
- Monsters 1/2 price and given Pro for free
- No other skills purchases or inducements allowed (exceptions to Golbins and Halflings)
- Ogre teams now can buy Snotlings at 1/2 price, but Ogres are full price. Ogres still recieve Pro for free.
- Special Kick-off table

More to follow, any questions, let me know.

Dagger Bowl board:
1) Colin Keillar
2) Peter Meers
3) Kevin Hentschel
4) Adam Jones
5) Mark Hickling
Taxal - Nov 30, 2011 - 08:52 PM
Post subject: RE: Dagger Bowl V - February 11th, 2012
WOW....this sucks!!!

First CCKO and now Daggerbowl on weekends with my kids. Sorry Mark but cannot make it.

Daggers - Dec 01, 2011 - 06:22 AM
Post subject: RE: Dagger Bowl V - February 11th, 2012
Shitty Dan, you will be missed. I was planning on having it the weekend after, but can't for other reasons. Wow, its gonna be quiet without the Montreals causing mayhem in our fair city.
Taxal - Dec 01, 2011 - 09:46 AM
Post subject: RE: Dagger Bowl V - February 11th, 2012
Yeah next year looks alot like this past year for me with not too many tournaments.
Daggers - Dec 01, 2011 - 11:01 AM
Post subject: RE: Dagger Bowl V - February 11th, 2012
Yeah, no matter how many tournaments, where they are, or when, I still never play in more than 5 tournaments in a year. Seems sad with all the great tournaments out there now.
Notorious_jtb - Dec 01, 2011 - 02:05 PM
Post subject: RE: Dagger Bowl V - February 11th, 2012
Boo clashes in time!

I hope to make it this time..... we shall see.

Dwarfrunner, please enter the tournament in the "tournies section" slacker Wink
Daggers - Dec 01, 2011 - 02:59 PM
Post subject: RE: Dagger Bowl V - February 11th, 2012
The infamous JTB might make it out...well I'll be damned. I will soon Joe, don't get your lacey, little panties in a bunch. Rules are same as last year, so its not like much has changed. Unless you are planning on bringing Ogres, that I need to add in.

This might be the tournament of Blood Bowlers past, since Marc-Andre says he will try and come as well. If you AND Marc made it to the same tournament, the world would explode.
Daggers - Dec 19, 2011 - 07:09 AM
Post subject: RE: Dagger Bowl V - February 11th, 2012
Dagger Bowl has been inputted, approval should happen momentaily. Rules will be updated soon and posted.
runki_khrum - Dec 19, 2011 - 10:23 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: Dagger Bowl V - February 11th, 2012
      Dwarfrunner wrote:
Dagger Bowl has been inputted, approval should happen momentaily. .

I'm sure you hear this all the time, " Is it in yet?"

Rolling Eyes
Daggers - Dec 19, 2011 - 11:01 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: Dagger Bowl V - February 11th, 2012
      runki_khrum wrote:
      Dwarfrunner wrote:
Dagger Bowl has been inputted, approval should happen momentaily. .

I'm sure you hear this all the time, " Is it in yet?"

Rolling Eyes

I was told its coming, its coming. THAT I hear all the time. ;P

But it actually is in now.
Daggers - Jan 10, 2012 - 07:04 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Dagger Bowl V - February 11th, 2012
Rules have been uploaded and site has been updated. Thank you Mr. Googly-Rubli.
Rando - Jan 11, 2012 - 01:11 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Dagger Bowl V - February 11th, 2012
May goblins purchase star players?
Daggers - Jan 11, 2012 - 01:19 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Dagger Bowl V - February 11th, 2012
Nope, just the bribes.
Daggers - Jan 30, 2012 - 07:24 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Dagger Bowl V - February 11th, 2012
Dagger Bowl boards have been designed and are in production. 5 have been ordered and are available for purchase by whoever wants one. $60 a board. No reserving, prepayment guarentees you a board, or wait until the day of and hope there is one left. List of prepayers on the intial post has been started.
wapcaplets - Jan 31, 2012 - 10:26 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Dagger Bowl V - February 11th, 2012
Crap on a crutch... I have a family function on Sunday morning that weekend. Looks like I'm out. Crummy... I really want to make it out to an Ottawa tournament as you guys really step it up in terms of coming to GTA tournaments. Sorry, guys.

Are there any pics of what the Daggerbowl pitch looks like?
Daggers - Jan 31, 2012 - 10:40 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Dagger Bowl V - February 11th, 2012
Thats really to bad Wap. You will be missed. Guess that means we won't see you in our fair city until Deathbowl. Catch you at Canadian Open or Qermitt possibly.

Yeah, I will post pics soon.
runki_khrum - Jan 31, 2012 - 12:30 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Dagger Bowl V - February 11th, 2012
Looking forward to the Fagger, er Gagger, nuts! I mean Dagger bowl! Laughing
Clan_Skaven - Jan 31, 2012 - 12:41 PM
Post subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: Dagger Bowl V - February 11th, 2012
      runki_khrum wrote:
Looking forward to the Fagger, er Gagger, nuts! I mean Dagger bowl! Laughing

If you are a "gagger" on "nuts" maybe you are a "fagger" even if it is the "dagger bowl"

Daggers - Jan 31, 2012 - 12:59 PM
Post subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: Dagger Bowl V - February 11th, 2012
      runki_khrum wrote:
Looking forward to the Fagger, er Gagger, nuts! I mean Dagger bowl! Laughing

That is exactly what Spazz said to Dan's mom last night.
Gulag_Urag - Feb 04, 2012 - 02:53 PM
Post subject:
Just checked the participant list a minute ago and it is no longer just Pat Laforge and I signed up. There goes my 50/50 chance at winning. I'm down to 25% now.
Gulag_Urag - Feb 04, 2012 - 09:25 PM
Post subject:
More people signed up now!?! How am I suposed to win this if people actually attend? Wink
jrock56 - Feb 04, 2012 - 10:39 PM
Post subject:
haha, practice up I guess there Gulag Razz
Grither - Feb 05, 2012 - 11:30 PM
Post subject:
Hey Fellas,

I'll be in Ottawa on business so planning on hitting the Dagger Bowl while I'm in town. Looking forward to a good time!
jrock56 - Feb 06, 2012 - 04:21 AM
Post subject:
      Grither wrote:
Hey Fellas,

I'll be in Ottawa on business so planning on hitting the Dagger Bowl while I'm in town. Looking forward to a good time!

Tourneys are always a good time! Glad to see a new face able to make it out. Everyone is always welcome to join us on the tournament scene. See you in about a week!
Daggers - Feb 06, 2012 - 09:17 AM
Post subject:
      Grither wrote:
Hey Fellas,

I'll be in Ottawa on business so planning on hitting the Dagger Bowl while I'm in town. Looking forward to a good time!

Awesome Grither, saw your name on the participants and wondered when you would make yourself known. Glad you can make it out.

Only one week now, just getting everything in order. My computer crapped out on me on the weekend, so that threw a bit of a wrench in my effeciency this week.
Daggers - Feb 07, 2012 - 09:51 AM
Post subject:
If you are planning on coming to the Dagger Bowl this weekend, sign up so I can get a better idea of numbers for food and such.
Daggers - Feb 07, 2012 - 11:51 AM
Post subject:
So, in a cruel twist of fate. The boards may not make it here in time. All the snow in Europe has basically shut down the postal system. The boards are at the courier waiting to leave, but no ETA on when that will actually happen.

Very disappointing.
Peter_Meers - Feb 09, 2012 - 05:53 AM
Post subject:
Can't wait for the tourney to start,,,was just wondering if there is anyone coming for the west..and would like to drop by my place and pick me up. Thanks
Rando - Feb 09, 2012 - 08:21 AM
Post subject:
I won't be there, tragic since I just live a bit down the way. The sweet bun will likely be my next one but there is still time to squeeze in some league games.

Daggers - Feb 09, 2012 - 08:40 AM
Post subject:
@Pete: Don't think any from that direction are coming Pete. Glad you are coming though. If you want to come up Friday, let me know.
@Ryan: Boo, BB should take precedence over school Ryan, you know that.
Notorious_jtb - Feb 09, 2012 - 01:54 PM
Post subject:
I look to be all good to make it out, first domestic tournament for two years!!!!!!!!!
Daggers - Feb 09, 2012 - 02:23 PM
Post subject:
Daggers - Feb 10, 2012 - 06:28 AM
Post subject:
The weekend is almost here, everything is pretty much ready to go!! See everyone tomorrow morning.
L3athalK - Feb 10, 2012 - 12:36 PM
Post subject:
Hey, I'll be there with the pops and Steven tomorrow morning. See ya there.
P.S. Could I borrow a treeman from you Mark?
Daggers - Feb 10, 2012 - 12:56 PM
Post subject:
Awesome Leathan, see you tomorrow. Yeah, got a treeman you can borrow.
Notorious_jtb - Feb 10, 2012 - 10:08 PM
Post subject:
      Dwarfrunner wrote:
Awesome Leathan, see you tomorrow. Yeah, got a treeman you can borrow.

wooo there! don't go loaning out stuff you already promised matey!!!!!

How mnay treemen do you got?
Notorious_jtb - Feb 12, 2012 - 05:27 AM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
      Dwarfrunner wrote:
Awesome Leathan, see you tomorrow. Yeah, got a treeman you can borrow.

wooo there! don't go loaning out stuff you already promised matey!!!!!

How mnay treemen do you got?

Happily there were enough treemen for all!

Great fun, I got to play two people I never had before, thanks Brian and Steven!

And two guys I had, thanks Adam Laughing and Colin, wow that was a close one.

I certainly learnt wood elves are crazy.

Thanks Mark and Andrea too for hosting!
runki_khrum - Feb 12, 2012 - 09:33 AM
Post subject:
Had a great time, thanks Mark D ! Played 2 Woodies this weekend and rather chuf with the win and tie. Smile
Grither - Feb 12, 2012 - 05:47 PM
Post subject:

Thanks for a great day of Bloodbowl! I had a great time and it was definitely worth the trip up here to meet you all and enjoy the day.

Dagger, thanks for hosting and providing a great setup.

Hope to see you all at future tourneys!

Notorious_jtb - Feb 12, 2012 - 07:26 PM
Post subject:
      Grither wrote:

Thanks for a great day of Bloodbowl! I had a great time and it was definitely worth the trip up here to meet you all and enjoy the day.

Dagger, thanks for hosting and providing a great setup.

Hope to see you all at future tourneys!


Sorry for the misspelling Grither!!

Great game, can't believe how it ended, hopefully we can get a rematch before too long!
Gulag_Urag - Feb 13, 2012 - 04:44 AM
Post subject:
I had an awesome time as always. Thanks again to all my opponents and especially to Mark and his family for hosting a great Daggerbowl. Learned a bit more (Thanks Colin for being patient and reminding me about the move first then roll about a bazillion times) and am really enjoying playing with the community at these events. When all passed, my poor luck from the beginning definitely turned around by the end and more than balanced out nicely. I would say I aspire to getting a pair of championship dice of my own some day but after witnessing how they treated their master first hand, I'll probably pass if I ever get the oppertunity. I still feel bad for Mark and that game.

...and Peter; you can't dodge me for ever!
Spazzfist - Feb 13, 2012 - 06:14 AM
Post subject:
So what were the final standings?
Lizardcore - Feb 13, 2012 - 09:38 AM
Post subject:
more importantly, who was interested in the CO and the Q'ermitt ? Smile
Daggers - Feb 13, 2012 - 11:45 AM
Post subject:
So, with the weekend wrapping up, 12 combatants made it our to try and prove their worth for Dagger Bowl supremecy. I hope everyone had a good time, I had an awesome time running it as usual. If anyone has suggestions/comments on things to change/remove/add, please let me know. I am always looking for ideas to increase the game play. Already tweaking the kick-off table to be even more Monster mayhem (and yes Joe, I am removing the crazy rock throwing option).

Breakdown of races is as follows:
1) Colin Ruan - Norse
2) Gord McDougall - Chaos Pact
3) Leathan Keillar - Wood Elves
4) Steven Fourney - Dwarf
5) Kevin Hentschel - Chaos Pact
6) Adam Jones - Lizardmen
7) Colin Keillar - Skaven
Cool Peter Meers - Chaos Dwarf
9) Joe Byers - Wood Elves
10) Bryan Tew - Norse
11) Mark Hickling - Humans
12) Me - Halflings
Daggers - Feb 13, 2012 - 11:59 AM
Post subject:
1) Joe Byers (Tournament Champion, Best Offence)
2) Colin Keillar
3) Kevin Hentschel
4) Peter Meers
5) Gord McDougall (Best Defence)
6) Adam Jones
7) Bryan Tew
8 Leathan Keillar
9) Mark Hickling (Most Violent, Toughest Team)
10)Mark D'Agostino
11) Steven Fourney
12) Colin Ruan (Wooden Spoon)
jrock56 - Feb 13, 2012 - 06:24 PM
Post subject:
Your final standings appear to be off Dwarfrunner, I looked on my laptop but it only has up until the 3rd round on it calculated. Could you send me the results via email please (the excel file).

With 2nd most td's and a decent +/- I believe I finished 3rd overall??? 2-1-1 record? Last we looked at your house that was the case anyway Very Happy
Notorious_jtb - Feb 13, 2012 - 06:30 PM
Post subject:
I'm on it Adam, putting in the results now.
Notorious_jtb - Feb 13, 2012 - 06:50 PM
Post subject:
Results are entered now, Daggers Computer is on the blink so I did it. let me know if I got anything wrong.............
Notorious_jtb - Feb 13, 2012 - 07:01 PM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:
Your final standings appear to be off Dwarfrunner, I looked on my laptop but it only has up until the 3rd round on it calculated. Could you send me the results via email please (the excel file).

With 2nd most td's and a decent +/- I believe I finished 3rd overall??? 2-1-1 record? Last we looked at your house that was the case anyway Very Happy

Nope Daggers is correct.

You finished 6th.
There were 4 people with a 2-1-1 record and both Kevin and Peter had better sportsmanship average than you did! Game play points and sportsmanship are cumulative to determine the final standings.

Gord had a better plus minus than you but same sportsmanship.

That will teach you to give out 1s for sportsmanship Laughing Wink
jrock56 - Feb 13, 2012 - 11:50 PM
Post subject:
Hey jtb, thanks for the info...the program I have does the same thing but I adjust the sportsmanship points at the end. I think sportsmanship ranking winning a trophy for best sporting is enough. I don't use the sportsmanship points do determine the overall ranking of a player. Basically I dropped in ranking because my opponents were 'nicer' to play against, I don't believe that has anything to do with a players skill level so I remove that part of the equation in determining final standings at my tournies. Just my 2 cents of course.

FYI get 1's for sportsmanship when you are up by 2 td's and go 'balls out' for a one turn td at the end (kinda cheeky) like runnin' up the score. Razz
Notorious_jtb - Feb 14, 2012 - 05:29 AM
Post subject:
Yeah I understand what you are saying Adam. It is a philosophical debate for sure. There is no sportsmanship trophy at Daggerbowl though so that is probably why. I checked in the rule book for it and it is clearly in there.

I have to say, as a tie breaker (whihc effectively this is) I prefer sportsmanship to +/-
Because when +/- is part of who is the best then absolutely everyone should be trying to get the 5th touchdown when they are up by two.
This "running up the score" thing is a very strange NFL concept. Every other sport is about crushing the opponents on the scoreboard. NFL it is about crushing them on the "clock" and winning by 1pt. I personnally think scoring more TDs is way better and way more fun than running down the clock. But both are very legitimate tactics. Why wouldn't someone want to score 5 TDs in a game? Why not 10 if you can? It is in fact the point. Just like why wouldn't you kill all 11 opposing players if you can?

I would to see us use ELO as the tiebreaker but it is harder to do quickly unless we code it in....
Daggers - Feb 14, 2012 - 07:14 AM
Post subject:
Sorry Adam, but you did slip down the ranks because of tie-breakers. As Joe mentioned, I have always included sportsmanship in the final standing points, but it was always the average of your games scores. But its enough that any ties can be decided by sportsmanship usually. And yes, running up the score is part of the game. But I do feel enjoying the game is more important that how much you won or killed your opponent by. Infact, I prefer running up the score to people who get the ball and stand on the endzone line for 5 turns to win by 1 TD (as Joe said, time management play vs. outscoring your opponent play). The other thing I haven't included but planned to initially was painting points. But since 90% of the people have fully painted teams when they play, and its never come up in the final top three standings, so I don't bother including it anymore.

Anyways, either way, standings are right. Thank you Joe for inputting the stats, I won't be getting a new computer until I get back from vacation, so if I did it, it would have been afew weeks atleast before I got around to it.
jrock56 - Feb 14, 2012 - 07:51 AM
Post subject:
Hey Guys, not disagreeing with the fact that there needs to be tie-breakers to determine the outcome. I just don't agree with including sportsmanship to determine overall standings. ie. (Anyone that ever ties in the standings with Pete or Mr. Chaput is going to finish below them because people find them to be the nicest guys to play) Don't agree with whether you are nice or not determining where you place in a tournament. I know it is in the rules and it is also in the excel programs I have to determine that. After I have calculated who has won the Sportsmanship Award I remove/make equal everyone's sportsmanship so it has no influence in the final standings. The tie breakers currently in place are more than enough to figure out the standings accurately. I'm not concerned about my personal rankings just how I received that ranking (i guess we'll agree to disagree here) Not a big deal was just shocked when I saw 6th instead of 3rd and was wondering how that came about. It is a moot point really, just need to win all my games next time I guess.

@Notorius jtb, for myself personally 'running up the score' & 'clock management' are both fine in my opinion if the game dictates that it is necessary to win the game. I have no problem if someone beats me 5-1 in a game at all, I'll probably be laughing at that point because obviously something has gone ridiculously wrong for that to happen. The problem I would have is if I was winning 5-1 and the other person is already beaten handily, i wouldn't press for a one turn td to make it 6-1. I would take my blocks and call it a day, knowing i had already bested my opponent I wouldn't further stick it to them (my personal opinion/philosophy) Now if the game were tied, or your going for the most td award and it is close then the situation definitely warrants attempting that on your last turn (again, I am of this opinion most likely from playing many competitive sports over the years and it is the 'sporting' thing to do) Some may agree and some may not but it is how I play the game.

Thanks for inputting the stats so quickly man, see you guys soon
Taxal - Feb 14, 2012 - 09:15 AM
Post subject:
Interesting topic...probably not the best spot to talk about it......

Will start one concerning it and lets see what the world thinks of it.....
Taxal - Feb 14, 2012 - 09:28 AM
Post subject:

Anyone that ever ties in the standings with Pete or Mr. Chaput is going to finish below them because people find them to be the nicest guys to play

Thanks Adam
Notorious_jtb - Feb 14, 2012 - 12:20 PM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:

The problem I would have is if I was winning 5-1 and the other person is already beaten handily, i wouldn't press for a one turn td to make it 6-1. I would take my blocks and call it a day, knowing i had already bested my opponent I wouldn't further stick it to them (my personal opinion/philosophy)

See that is interesting, and I mean that honestly, you wouldn't try and score but you would try and kill some more players because that is not sticking it to them?

I don't see a difference but clearly you do, which is very interesting.

I agree with Taxal on this not being the place for this discussion so I look forward to seeing where he posts the thread.
Notorious_jtb - Feb 14, 2012 - 12:28 PM
Post subject:
Found it:

Oh btw: if there are prizes for most CAS and most TDs is it not completely in the spirit of the game to try and get as many of each as possible?
Daggers - Feb 14, 2012 - 12:45 PM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Found it:

Oh btw: if there are prizes for most CAS and most TDs is it not completely in the spirit of the game to try and get as many of each as possible?

Scoring and killing as much as possible is not in the spirit of the game? Uhh, disagree.
Notorious_jtb - Feb 14, 2012 - 12:53 PM
Post subject:
      Dwarfrunner wrote:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Found it:

Oh btw: if there are prizes for most CAS and most TDs is it not completely in the spirit of the game to try and get as many of each as possible?

Scoring and killing as much as possible is not in the spirit of the game? Uhh, disagree.

me too
zootsuitjeff - Feb 14, 2012 - 12:58 PM
Post subject:
I'm going to start a tournament where the goal is for nobody to get hurt, and every match to end in a tie. Won't that be fun?
Taxal - Feb 14, 2012 - 01:14 PM
Post subject:
Now your talking......I actually will have a chance to make it in the top 3....let me know when and where zoot.....
Notorious_jtb - Feb 14, 2012 - 06:37 PM
Post subject:
      zootsuitjeff wrote:
I'm going to start a tournament where the goal is for nobody to get hurt, and every match to end in a tie. Won't that be fun?

jrock56 - Feb 15, 2012 - 05:20 AM
Post subject:
      Taxal wrote:

Anyone that ever ties in the standings with Pete or Mr. Chaput is going to finish below them because people find them to be the nicest guys to play

Thanks Adam

This was just being honest Taxal and I hope you took it that way Very Happy Everyone I have ever seen play either of you guys (myself included) regardless the outcome has thoroughly enjoyed the match as you have great 'game spirit' Wink
jrock56 - Feb 15, 2012 - 05:23 AM
Post subject:
As for the rest of you...guess next time I feel slighted I'll just have to ask you "What the 5 Fingers said to the face!!!"....and bi**h slap you with my Giants Superbowl ring repeatedly until you get the point Razz

Not to get off topic or anything.
Daggers - Feb 15, 2012 - 07:13 AM
Post subject:
**Put my face in my hands, and shake my head** It took longer than expected for Adam to start throwing around the Giants smack talk. And there will be a year of it. Yipppeeeee!!!
jrock56 - Feb 15, 2012 - 07:55 AM
Post subject:
Well at least 6 months anyway Razz It usually ends with the beginning of the next season, but seeing as your so fond of it I may be able to make an exception Mr. Green I'll see what Coach CoughliGnome thinks first!
Taxal - Feb 15, 2012 - 08:05 AM
Post subject:

Well at least 6 months anyway It usually ends with the beginning of the next season, but seeing as your so fond of it I may be able to make an exception I'll see what Coach CoughliGnome thinks first!


G-MEN for forever!!!!!!!!
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