NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Wild Animal with the ball

jmccubbin - Jun 09, 2003 - 07:49 AM
Post subject: Wild Animal with the ball
If a wild animal gets the ball, then how does he get rid of it? I cannot handoff cause I keep having to block. I was required to catch it cause they kicked it right to him. I cannot refuse a catch, I am forced to catch and now I cannot score because WA keeps making me block and frenzy prevents a good blitz as I end up in another tackle zone. So how do I get rid if the ball.

(was not my turn so I could not use a Re-roll to fail... oh wait I am a big guy anyway so I don't get re-rolls)

Anyone else notice this fatal problem here??? Can we make it so that WA does not have to atch or pickup the ball?
Indigo - Jun 09, 2003 - 08:04 AM
Post subject:
the only way for a wild animal to voluntarily lose the ball (i.e. not being knocked over, or "ball-stripped") is when they are not standing next to an opposing player - they only have to block or blitz when next to an adjacent player.

If they aren't they can run around and do whatever they like.
jmccubbin - Jun 09, 2003 - 09:21 AM
Post subject:
      Indigo wrote:
the only way for a wild animal to voluntarily lose the ball (i.e. not being knocked over, or "ball-stripped") is when they are not standing next to an opposing player - they only have to block or blitz when next to an adjacent player.

If they aren't they can run around and do whatever they like.

Yeah, but a kick followed by a blitz pretty much can ensure the above.

I've run across my RO getting the ball and not being able to get rid of it too many time.
Indigo - Jun 09, 2003 - 09:22 AM
Post subject:
it's a limitation of wild animals really
keep em away from the ball...
skummy - Jun 09, 2003 - 09:37 AM
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Slightly off topic, but there's nothing more irritating than lining up for a goblin throw at the end of a half, and having the ball ball bounce and be caught by your big guy.
Valen - Jun 09, 2003 - 10:19 AM
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Try too blitz an opponent that with frezny will leave you in space or an easier dodge so you can get free, then protect him.

I can't believe I have just said protect a mino!

I ahve actually scored 3 in 6 games with mine for my Ch Dwarf team.
SBG - Jun 09, 2003 - 10:34 AM
Post subject:
Try to Doadge on a Blitz if youn can't get away. It might be good to miss it and drop the ball. Of course, you got to make sure some friends are near the previous turn so that your back is covered...

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