NAF World Headquarters

Strategy and Tactics - Basic Tactics

Messiah - Jun 10, 2003 - 11:58 AM
Post subject: Basic Tactics
Does anyone have a link to or feel like posting some basic Tactics for bloodbowl in general.

Such as best starting positions, setups, basic plays, etc.

For any team would be great. I play High elves specifically but being new to bloodbowl any info would be great.

I'm just haveing a tough time figuring out how to execute (order of commands) and best basic positions or plays to try for.

I have hunted around but dont see much.


skummy - Jun 10, 2003 - 12:13 PM
Post subject:
There is a real dearth of good LRB strategy guides. The only ones I know of that are really good are Chaos and Wood Elf. Here's a link to the Woodies, and best of luck to you. If you need general help with the game, give a holler. Lion Warriors are by far the best player on your roster. You need to learn to use them as defensive specialists.
Indigo - Jun 10, 2003 - 12:28 PM
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One of the aims of the NAF is to become a repository for articles just like you've described. I know of a few people working on some at the moment, myself included. It can't hurt for you to write down what ideas you do have and post them in for publishing - people may not agree, they may be "wrong" but you can always edit and maintain them as you learn more. Mail anything like that to me and I will edit it and spruce it up and send it "upstairs" to get included on the site.
jmccubbin - Jun 11, 2003 - 06:20 AM
Post subject:
May seem simple but as a general rule for first moves of a given turn.
(besides move turn counter and start clock.)

1. Wizard (if you choose to use it)
2. Wild Animal goes first if you have one.
3. Roll them stunned players over
4. Stand up any players you do not wish to blitz or get the ball with.

5. Re-roll only failures (skulls or pow/Skulls) in which your turn will end if you don't re-roll.
DO NOT re-roll a "I wish I would have knocked you down." I have ended my turn too many times by doing this.

These are not as important as the bove 4, so from here it is style:
6. (agility style teams) Try to score, then block
7. (Strength teams) Block, then try to score.

Last thing. Learn when not to do the above. (takes a while for this)
noodle1978uk - Jun 11, 2003 - 08:11 AM
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Especially "4" - don't stand them up if a) you need to do anything with them or b) they are going to get the living **** kicked out of them and can't dodge....

There are basic tactics in the annual but they are basic...
Indigo - Jun 11, 2003 - 08:51 AM
Post subject:
Best "basic" advice I can give is to play to your team's strengths and your opponents weaknesses. The best players are those who can do this effectively, while preventing their opponent from doing the same.

Also, when playing, avoid getting into the rut of using the same tactics. In a league, take the oppurtunity to try new things to see if they work, rather than arrive at a tournament with only one idea of how to play the game.
aerofool - Jun 11, 2003 - 08:57 AM
Post subject:
I've been menaing to get an article on HE together. Maybe I will.

Here's the things to remember about playing with the HE. First, don't go toe to toe against teams that have high ST and AV. Just youse your linemen as barriers and not as hitters. Against average AV and ST teams, you can often walk away ahead in the casulty dept.
You will never have enough re-rolls to get you out of trouble because HE players are expensive, so rely on your skills to get you by, such as pass and catch.
Melifaxis - Jun 13, 2003 - 06:51 AM
Post subject:
      aerofool wrote:
I've been menaing to get an article on HE together. Maybe I will.

Here's the things to remember about playing with the HE. First, don't go toe to toe against teams that have high ST and AV. Just youse your linemen as barriers and not as hitters. Against average AV and ST teams, you can often walk away ahead in the casulty dept.
You will never have enough re-rolls to get you out of trouble because HE players are expensive, so rely on your skills to get you by, such as pass and catch.

and Dodge!!
aerofool - Jun 13, 2003 - 08:30 AM
Post subject: ...
      Melifaxis wrote:

and Dodge!!

HE don't come with that skill. I do recommend giving your players Dodge on your first skill roll(s), however. That skill is almost invaluable!
Melifaxis - Jun 13, 2003 - 08:35 AM
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Correct, my bad.
Tutenkharnage - Jun 13, 2003 - 01:31 PM
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Want some good strategy? "Roll well." It covers for a number of poor plays, and it makes good play almost unassailable Smile

SkinkFury - Jun 13, 2003 - 02:16 PM
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I like it. But how can I do it (without loaded dice)?

Maybe when my NAF dice come...they'll be REAL lucky
Khaine - Sep 09, 2003 - 12:47 AM
Post subject: Human Strategy Strength or Agillity?
Is it better to use Strength or Agillity based strategy with humans? Is it best to play both ways depending on opponents? I'm trying to get some good tips before I got to my first NAF tourney and make a fool of myself trying to play. I've decided on humans for no better reason then I seem to have bad luck with squishy teams, and bashy teams seem to be a bit too much bashing for me. Humans seem to be a good mix of both with the option to play many different ways.
Darkson - Sep 09, 2003 - 02:04 AM
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There's no right or wrong way to play humans, they can do both. Play the way that you find easiest.
Doubleskulls - Sep 09, 2003 - 02:29 AM
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Humans are excellent, so long as you don't roll too many 2s.
AnthonyTBBF - Sep 09, 2003 - 07:02 AM
Post subject:
I've seen Humans played both ways with great success, it's totally up to you!
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