NAF World Headquarters

North America - Ottawa / Montreal League

Taxal - Mar 16, 2012 - 09:44 AM
Post subject: Ottawa / Montreal League
Daggers and myself have started some early ideas for a league between the two cities. Some of the ideas are

- 2 conferences
- half way through all-star game
- death bowl finals
- hopefully around 6 players in each conference
- once every other month we would all meet for inter conference games
- play max 2 games per month
- there will be a schedule but not tight-a$$ed but also not free for all, just a little structure
- website
- even if you do not live in one of the two cities you can join as long as you can play 2 games a month
- maybe a draft for skills in pre-season
- maybe training camp style pre-season
- start this September (fingers crossed) and would run till early Spring then play-offs

If there is any that might be interested in this please let us know and even if you have any ideas please feel free to post them here
runki_khrum - Mar 16, 2012 - 10:19 AM
Post subject: RE: Ottawa / Montreal League
Sounds awesome!
jrock56 - Mar 16, 2012 - 04:25 PM
Post subject: RE: Ottawa / Montreal League
Definitely interested, will talk more with both of you about this. Great idea!
Rando - Mar 17, 2012 - 09:12 PM
Post subject: RE: Ottawa / Montreal League
Brilliant, count me in on the Montreal side of things.

How long will the seasons be? Six months or twelve? Any thoughts?
Daggers - Mar 18, 2012 - 07:12 AM
Post subject: RE: Ottawa / Montreal League
Likely 8 months (sept-April) with approx 16 games + playoffs. Also as Taxal mentioned, a off-season/pre-season where teams can be developed so you don't necessarily have to start with a rookie team if you don't want. Working on a overview document so everything is set out at the beginning.
Gulag_Urag - Mar 19, 2012 - 06:54 AM
Post subject:
As I have been bugging Dwarfrunner about when this was going to get started for at least a couple of months already I just have two words to add.

"Woo" and "Hoo". Maybe an "!" as well.
Daggers - Mar 19, 2012 - 08:57 AM
Post subject:
Yeah, this has been in discussion for afew months in some form or another. Been trying to get people to finish the Ottawa current league. I just need closure. ;P
jrock56 - Mar 19, 2012 - 10:27 AM
Post subject:
Glenn and I have been discussing the 'closure' of the current Ottawa league and have come up with a possible solution. We're thinking of running two seperate Deathbowl games, rounding up the team ratings with inducements to (the highest team's total rating/capping it at 200). The winner of each Deathbowl game will square off in a final matchup to determine the season's overall winner! We need to finalize our discussion but that was the general idea. Talk to you all soon
Daggers - Mar 21, 2012 - 01:09 PM
Post subject:
Inducements in Deathbowl could be difficult/interesting. Curious to see what happens. Would love to see how my super High Elves do in a Deathbowl match.

Lets get it done, I want to finish this thing.
Mepmuff - Mar 21, 2012 - 01:15 PM
Post subject:
We've played deathball for the league's playoffs two seasons back. For inducements we allowed only dirty trick special play cards. That worked very well (but the teams need to be close in TV enough for that to work)
Daggers - Mar 21, 2012 - 01:29 PM
Post subject:
Yeah, I was thinking it would be no problem is everyone was close. If there is 150k to 200k, then you start getting some game changing events possibly.
dethalive - May 28, 2012 - 08:07 PM
Post subject:
I'd be interested....but I must warn you that I'm a total noob(started playing not even a month ago..) but I'm in love with this game and would like to find a group of people that I can join regularly to play with(Been trying to get a few friends and my GF into it...but I'm not sure they are intrested enough to start some kind of league...)
runki_khrum - May 28, 2012 - 08:56 PM
Post subject:
Okay, I discussed with Wife and I can commit a weekend a month to the Ottawa division. I 'll be willing to host a weekend or two if any want to visit the countryside.

@ dethalive

Welcome! hope to meet you soon on the pitch!
Daggers - May 29, 2012 - 06:13 AM
Post subject:
Thats great runki, that makes it easier to balance the divisions. You can absolutely host a day if you want. Would be nice to see the big city of Bainsville (yeah, I am laughing hysterically as I type this).

@dethalive: Thats great, even if you can't play in the league, but want to play games there are always coaches in Montreal ready to play.
dethalive - May 29, 2012 - 10:52 AM
Post subject:
Forgot to mention I was from Gatineau so it's easier for me to play with people from Ottawa. But I'm not opposed to traveling to Montreal for games every other months Wink
Daggers - May 29, 2012 - 11:22 AM
Post subject:
Oh, well thats different. We are ALWAYS up for games. Pm sent.
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