NAF World Headquarters

General - How many of the 24 races have you faced?

Grumbledook - Mar 31, 2012 - 06:24 PM
Post subject: How many of the 24 races have you faced?
Was just looking through my past matches and was curious to see how many of the races I've played against.

Some are obviously way more popular than others (might do a count of that in the future). From memory I thought I'd played against 21, though it turns out it is 24 with just Underworld the missing race I've yet to face in a ranked NAF match.

I was thinking it is probably easier to play against all 24 races than it is to use them. Though actually I'm not so sure, to play with them, you have full control over that, to play against races you are at the mercy of the opposing teams, so perhaps that actually is harder. I find a lot of coaches say they've never played against Vampires when I rock up with them for our impending match now I think about it.
lunchmoney - Apr 01, 2012 - 08:01 AM
Post subject:
Hmm... I've faced;
3x Amazon
1x Chaos
5x Chaos Dwarf
1x Chaos Pact
2x Dark Elf
4x Dwarf
3x Elf
7x Goblin
7x Halfling
1x High Elf
3x Human
1 xKhemri
6x Lizardmen
3x Necromantic
8x Norse
2x Nurgle
3x Ogres
8x Orc
6x Skaven
1x Slann
9x Undead
2x Underworld
2x Vampires
3x Wood Elf

I've never had NAF match vs Chaos! I never noticed. Are Chaos underrated in tournies or are they just not hanging around the middle/bottom tables where I tend to haunt?
Grumbledook - Apr 01, 2012 - 10:38 AM
Post subject:
They just aren't popular, especially in one skill per game tournaments.

I find it funny you've played more than double the amount of matches against Halflings than you have Wood Elves though ;]

Here are mine as of up to Dungeonbowl 2012 244 games total

8x Amazon
3x Chaos
12x Chaos Dwarf
5x Chaos Pact
14x Dark Elf
21x Dwarf
3x Elf
3x Goblin
6x Halfling
1x High Elf
11x Human
3x Khemri
17x Lizardmen
16x Necromantic
18x Norse
2x Nurgle
3x Ogre
28x Orc
30x Skaven
2x Slann
18x Undead
0x Underworld
2x Vampire
18x Wood Elf

Red italic means none and bold are the top three by frequency
lunchmoney - Apr 01, 2012 - 10:45 AM
Post subject:
      Grumbledook wrote:
I find it funny you've played more than double the amount of matches against Halflings than you have Wood Elves though ;]
I dont, I cant beat Halflings Embarassed
Clan_Skaven - Apr 01, 2012 - 12:28 PM
Post subject:
Mine as of the 2012 CoQ

Dwarf = 21
Skaven = 17
Norse = 16
Chaos Dwarf = 15
Orc= 13
Necromatic = 11
Human = 11
Wood Elf = 10
Lizardmen = 10
Dark Elf = 7
Amazon = 6
Goblin = 6
Undead = 6
Vampire = 5
Khemri = 4
High Elf = 3
Halfling = 3
Ogre = 3
Chaos = 3
Elf = 2
Nurgle = 2
Chaos Pact = 1
Slann = 0
Underworld = 0
magictobe - Apr 04, 2012 - 02:27 AM
Post subject:
Magictobe (na Turncoat):
Wood elves 19
Lizardmen 16
Skaven 16
Dark elves 15
Undead 13
Norse 12
Orc 11
Chaos dwarves 11
Dwarves 11
Necro 5
Amazones 5
Khemri 4
Humans 4
Goblins 4
Halflings 4
Pro elves 3
Chaos 2
High elves 2
Nurgle 2
Underworld 2
Ogres 2
Choas Pact 2
Vampieren 1
Slann 0

Only slann missing
Fireolli - Apr 04, 2012 - 05:50 AM
Post subject:
I have faced all but: Ogre, Vampire and underworld. looking at my stats orcs, skaven, humans and norse are the most i have played.
Don_Vito - Apr 06, 2012 - 12:40 PM
Post subject:
I've played all 24 races and played against all 24 races. 47 tournaments to date, not sure how long it took to play all 24 though?

Incidently, my 5th ever game at my first ever tourney was vs Nurgle, and I've never played them since!

EDIT: Thought I'd check how many tourneys it actually took...

- All 24 races played by my 27th tourney, having only played Skaven 3 times and Norse twice.
- I'd played all 24 races much faster, game one in my 18th tourney was against Vampires, the last of the 24 I needed to play.
Darkson - Apr 07, 2012 - 11:29 AM
Post subject:
Without sifting through my records is there a quicker way to do this?
Don_Vito - Apr 07, 2012 - 01:20 PM
Post subject:
Not that I know of, but I have previously sifted and have it all on Excel now.
Tojurub - Apr 12, 2012 - 02:29 AM
Post subject:
Played against

19x Orcc
18x Dwarves, Skaven
17x Wood Elves,
14x Norse
11x Undead
10x Necromantics
9x Humans, Halflings, Goblins, Lizardmen
8x Dark Elves, Chaos Dwarfves
5x Pro Elves, Khemri, Amazons, High Elves, Vampires
3x Chaos Pact
2x Chaos, Slann
1x Ogres, Nurgle
0x Underworld

Played with
Halflings (57x)
Dwarves (42x)
Necromantics (35x)
Humans (33x)
Norse (17x)
Underworld (6x)
Dark Elves (6x)
Nurgle (2x)
Xtreme - Apr 28, 2012 - 08:44 AM
Post subject:
My dwarf team has played all but Chaos Pact.

Overall I have played against all the races.
Kilowoggy - Apr 28, 2012 - 02:07 PM
Post subject:
      Xtreme wrote:
My dwarf team has played all but Chaos Pact.

Are they going to Chaos Cup this year? If so, tell FatFinley and he might bring a Chaos Pact team...
Then he can make all your dreams come true... sorta... doubt he has 3 Korean midgets with hula hoops and twizzlers.
Jonny_P - Apr 28, 2012 - 03:26 PM
Post subject:
ALL 24!

Orc x25
Undead x4
Wood Elf x11
Chaos x8
Human x6
Elf x3
Dwarf x30
Dark Elf x12
Chaos Dwarf x9
Amazon x7
Ogre x2
Skaven x9
Norse x14
Khemri x7
Nurgle x4
High Elf x11
Necromantic x8
Lizardmen x11
Vampire x3
Halfling x4
Slann x3
Chaos Pact x5
Goblin x1
Underworld x1

Fun facts:

I hate Dwarves and Orcs more now than ever before.

I didn't play my first Goblin team until late 2010.

No love for Undead!

High Elves. Who knew?

Thank Nuffle for Valdric and his Underworld at Underworld last year!
Grumbledook - Apr 28, 2012 - 06:24 PM
Post subject:
11 high elf opponents is a bit nuts and unexpected

also thanks for putting them in a nice logical order, is that main guy alphabetical, or main guy numerical? ;]
Jonny_P - Apr 28, 2012 - 08:51 PM
Post subject:
haha... it started with just typing them in order starting at my first tournament, then for some reason I put Undead up there higher than it actually turned up.

I'm representing Chaos.... and thus no pattern can be permitted!

Funny thing with High Elves, I really don't remember playing them all that much. It was a shock to me too. I assumed maybe 3-4 games.
Eric.R. - Apr 29, 2012 - 07:07 AM
Post subject:
Here are mine as of january 2012:

Orc                ×24  [14.7%]
Dwarves            ×19  [11.7%]
Humans             Ã—16  [ 9.8%]
Skaven             Ã—15  [ 9.2%]
Chaos Dwarves      ×12  [ 7.4%]
Lizardmen          ×11  [ 6.7%]
Norse              × 7  [ 4.3%]
Undead             Ã— 7  [ 4.3%]
Dark Elves         Ã— 6  [ 3.7%]
Necromantic        × 6  [ 3.7%]
Chaos              × 5  [ 3.1%]
Goblins            × 5  [ 3.1%]
Chaos Pact         Ã— 4  [ 2.5%]
Halflings          × 4  [ 2.5%]
Slann              × 4  [ 2.5%]
Amazons            × 3  [ 1.8%]
Elves              × 3  [ 1.8%]
Ogres              × 3  [ 1.8%]
Wood Elves         Ã— 3  [ 1.8%]
High Elves         Ã— 2  [ 1.2%]
Khemri             Ã— 2  [ 1.2%]
Nurgle's Rotters   Ã— 1  [ 0.6%]
Underworld         Ã— 1  [ 0.6%]
Vampires           Ã— 0  [ 0.0%]

I suspect my top 6 are from the other shitty coaches that I always tend to face during the last 3 rounds of most tournies as we battle for the spoon. That I inevitably always get Sad
Grumbledook - Apr 29, 2012 - 07:12 AM
Post subject:
@JP guess this is why you need xtreme to plan the show huh ;]

@Eric, well it is only really humans I am surprised to see up there, the other 5 races are pretty popular
Eric.R. - Apr 29, 2012 - 08:48 AM
Post subject:
      Grumbledook wrote:
. . . I am surprised to see up there, the other 5 races are pretty popular

I suspect it is a Canadian Thing Razz

Actually, I know it it mainly due to old games (c. 2005/2006) that I was always on the low tables playing against an opponent who used Humans consistently and some [later] coaches wishing to get ranked with all NAF teams.

It is an anomaly and easy removed from the data set.
Xtreme - Apr 29, 2012 - 03:53 PM
Post subject:
      Kilowog1 wrote:
      Xtreme wrote:
My dwarf team has played all but Chaos Pact.

Are they going to Chaos Cup this year? If so, tell FatFinley and he might bring a Chaos Pact team...

Yes they will be there, I would love for Fatfinley to make my dreams come true.

This is just for my dwarf team,

Eric.R. - Apr 29, 2012 - 04:21 PM
Post subject:
Nice array of stats,

Here is my full stats for and against. many interesting things can be found by going through and exercise like this . . . other than I just suck.

Xtreme - Apr 30, 2012 - 08:39 PM
Post subject:
So Eric's chart made me curious so I did the work to put together my own. Turns out I haven't played against a Chaos Pact team at all, I thought I had. So I still have one team to take care of.

SumBloke - May 14, 2012 - 03:10 AM
Post subject:
Races I've played against in NAF-ranked matches, sorted by number of matches (17 tournaments total):

Dwarves 12
Wood Elves 12
Orcs 8
Humans 7
Undead 7
Chaos Dwarves 4
Goblins 4
Necro 4
Norse 4
Skaven 4
Dark Elves 3
Elves 3
High Elves 3
Nurgle 3
Ogre 3
Amazons 2
Slann 2
Underworld 2
Chaos 1
Halflings 1
Khemri 1
Lizardmen 1
Vampires 1
Chaos Pact 0
lunchmoney - May 30, 2012 - 01:48 PM
Post subject:
Faced a Chaos team last weekend, so have update my list. I've now faced the lot Smile
Grumbledook - May 30, 2012 - 06:41 PM
Post subject:
weren't you reffing, sounds like a fix to me ;]
lunchmoney - May 31, 2012 - 01:07 AM
Post subject:
T'was at CakeBowlII
SumBloke - Jul 28, 2012 - 04:24 PM
Post subject:
I just faced Chaos Pact yesterday (in my 99th NAF-ranked match) so I've got the lot now.
Valen - Feb 20, 2013 - 08:09 AM
Post subject:
Heres my list

Amazons 15
Chaos 3
Chaos Dwarves 11
Chaos Pact 5
Dark Elves 24
Dwarves 26
Elves 7
Goblins 5
Halflings 7
High Elves 7
Humans 19
Khemri 10
Lizardmen 19
Necro 16
Norse 26
Nurgle 2
Ogres 4
Orc 37
Skaven 33
Slann 3
Undead 29
Underworld 2
Vampires 1
Wood elves 23

334 games played (Waterbowl included but not on here yet)

So played them all Smile
Valen - Feb 20, 2013 - 08:10 AM
Post subject:
I am not doing the w-l-t thing, it would take me ages for that many games lol
Darkson - Mar 18, 2013 - 11:07 AM
Post subject:
Played the 24, but still need to face a Pact team.
Maybe a should give them extra skills at next years ARBBL, make them more attractive. Wink
D_Arquebus - Jan 02, 2014 - 09:40 PM
Post subject:
Well from 347 games played primarily in and around Australia (with 2x World Cups and 2x tourneys in New Zealand as well) below are the numbers for games played against each race.

I think it would be much easier to get all 24 played yourself (as I have done) then to play against all 24. As mentoned above what you play is within your direct control. What races your opponents play is not.

Haven't managed to play any Underworld yet. Not a hugely popular race and even then often at different points of the leader board in each tournament.

Games Race % of total games played
44 Orc 12.68%
29 Wood Elf 8.36%
28 C. Dwarf 8.07%
24 Human 6.92%
23 Dwarf 6.63%
23 Undead 6.63%
21 Skaven 6.05%
18 Necro 5.19%
17 Dark Elf 4.90%
17 Norse 4.90%
16 Lizardmen 4.61%
15 Amazons 4.32%
10 Chaos 2.88%
10 Elf 2.88%
9 High Elf 2.59%
9 Nurgle 2.59%
8 Ogres 2.31%
6 Halfling 1.73%
6 Vampire 1.73%
5 Chaos Pact 1.44%
4 Khemri 1.15%
3 Goblin 0.86%
2 Slann 0.58%
0 Underworld 0.00%
Loki - Jan 07, 2014 - 03:46 AM
Post subject:
I got my played aaginst the 24 at the end of last year: Nurgle. That is 24 races in 89 NAF ranked matches. I still have a way to go with using the 24, think it will be early next year for that one.

C Dwarf........4
D Elf.............2
H Elf.............2
P Elf..............5
Underworld ...1
W Elf.............3
Taxal - Jan 07, 2014 - 12:17 PM
Post subject:
My totals as of the end of 2013

ORC --------------16
DWARF -----------14
NORSE -----------12
HUMAN -----------11
WOOD ELF -------11
NECRO -----------10
SKAVEN ----------9
HIGH ELF --------8
DARK ELF --------7
HALFLING --------6
CHAOS -----------5
AMAZON ---------4
LIZARD ----------4
ELF ---------------3
UNDEAD ---------3
GOBLINS --------3
SLANN -----------2
OGRE ------------2
NURGLE ---------1
VAMPIRE --------1
KHEMRI ---------0
babass - Jan 08, 2014 - 06:12 AM
Post subject:
Orc 6
Skaven 6
Goblins 6
Undead 5
Wood elf 5
Chaos Dwarf 4
Dark elf 3
Dwarf 3
Khemri 3
Elf 3
Slann 3
Lizardmen 2
Norse 2
Necromantic 2
High Elf 2
Chaos 2
Chaos Pact 1
Human 1
Amazon 0
Nurgle 0
Vampire 0
Underworld 0
Halflings 0
Ogres 0
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