NAF World Headquarters

Europe - Kayossbowl - 30th June 2012

swntzu - May 06, 2012 - 05:38 AM
Post subject: Kayossbowl - 30th June 2012
Kayossbowl is the first blood bowl tournament to be hosted by Chaos of the Warp.

Tournament pack:

Ticket price: £15 including NAF membership and buffet lunch.

Location: Sinkys, 19 Pilmuir St, Dunfermline KY12 7AJ

Schedule: 3 matches using the Swiss format

30 June 2012
0830-0930 Registration
0930-1200 Game 1
1200-1230 Lunch
1230-1500 Game 2
1500-1730 Game 3
1800-1830 Prize Giving

Rules: The “Competition Rules Pack” will be used. All 24 teams are permitted including Slann, Chaos Pact and Underworld.

Each coach may select their team from a treasury of 1,050,000 gold crowns. Purchasing inducements is permitted aside from Team Wizards and Special Play Cards.

Before each match, a coach may select one additional skill for a single player on your team. This player will keep that skill for the rest of the tournament. Additional skills may only be selected from the normal columns of that player (no doubles). A player may not receive more than one additional skill. Star players are may not be given additional skills.

A coach may view his opponent’s roster before selecting his skill. It is recommended that the coach selects his skill in secret before revealing it to his opponent. This is to prevent one coach from gaining any potential advantage by choosing their skill before another.

Tournament points are awarded as follows:

Draw: 10
Lose: 0

In addition to tournament points, record your touchdowns and casualties on the results sheets. Only casualties inflicted during blocking are counted.

The overall winner is the player with the most tournament points at the end of the tournament. In the case of a tie, a combined total of touchdowns and casualties inflicted will be used as a tie breaker.

Prizes for overall winner, most touchdowns and most casualties as well as best painted.
All times are
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