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Strategy and Tactics - Humans vs Chaos Dwarves, how do the humans win?

jasonbarron - Jun 15, 2003 - 12:18 AM
Post subject: Humans vs Chaos Dwarves, how do the humans win?
Ok here is my team:
2 throwers
2 catchers
4 blitzers
7 linemen
1 ogre

and the Chaos dwarves:
2 bulls
6 chaos dwarves
6 hobgobos

So what should I do to beat them?
Doubleskulls - Jun 15, 2003 - 06:34 AM
Post subject:
What skills?
SkinkFury - Jun 15, 2003 - 09:32 AM
Post subject:
Chaos Dwarves are tough, but are there skills/traits involved? Both starting teams?
Melifaxis - Jun 15, 2003 - 09:38 AM
Post subject:
You can do nothing. Give in to your despair!!

Twisted Evil

(Seriously, any skills involved?)
jasonbarron - Jun 15, 2003 - 09:59 PM
Post subject:
Ok here is the updated teams with skills.


Thrower=sure hands, Pass
Thrower=sure hands, pass, Accurate
Catcher=catch, leap, dodge
catcher=catch, diving catch, dodge, sure hands
blitzer=block, guard, mighty blow
lineman=Dirty player
Ogre=mighty blow, bone head, thick skull.

Chaos :

bull=sprint, sure hands, thick skull, block, mighty blow
bull=sprint, sure hands, thick skull, block, mighty blow
Dwarf=block, taqckle, thick skull, guard
dwarf=block, tackle, thick skull
dwarf=block, tackle, thick skull, guard
dwarf=block, tackle, thick skull
dwarf=block, tackle, thick skull
dwarf=block,tackle,sure hands
hobgoblin=sure hands
hobgoblin=sure hands, dodge

Ok so thats the teams at this time. any help would be great as this guy just keeps on winning! Wink
Indigo - Jun 16, 2003 - 01:05 AM
Post subject:
it's hard to give specific advice as it isn't that kind of game. general ideas are to keep pressure on his hobgoblins as they will be his principle ball carriers, avoid getting into thumping matches with his blockers and centaurs. Use you superior movement to pass and run the ball around the pitch when you have it too.

as usual it's a case of attacking his weaknesses (the hobgoblins) while minimising his ability to attack yours
Doubleskulls - Jun 16, 2003 - 01:32 AM
Post subject:
Man mark the BC's - stopping them moving is a key to getting the upper hand. Save your fouls for these b*ggers as they really are his key players. If you can get one out of the game so much the better.

Try to screen the CDs - so they don't have anything to hit but can't get closer to the action. Maybe try to suck them into the Ogre (whose job is to get hit not to do damage).

Other than that hit the hobgobs (shame you've no tackle, but make sure you hit the dodging ones with Blockers) to remove his only AG3 players - and hopefully establish a numerical superiority.

Finally use your speed. Drag the BC's out of position and use your passing game to stretch the play over the length and width of the pitch. This reduces the effectiveness of the CDs and ought to allow you to apply the concentration of force to get through.

Things you need to change in your team
1) Kick - your next lineman to get a normal skill ought to take kick. Its a valuable skills for fast teams like humans
2) Tackle - you need at least 2 Blitzers with tackle, probably 3.
3) Catchers need block & sidestep. That keeps them alive alonger. Against BCs shadowing a very useful skill too. Leap is poor on an AG3 player and I'm surprised you really use Diving Catch or Sure Hands on the other one.
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