NAF World Headquarters

Europe - Crumb-Bowl 21 July 2012 Sutton Benger (Nr Chippenham) *FULL*

Glowworm - May 13, 2012 - 01:52 AM
Post subject: Crumb-Bowl 21 July 2012 Sutton Benger (Nr Chippenham) *FULL*
Hi All,
Trying to run a small (1 day) tournament in Wiltshire on 21 July, details as follows:

Brought to you by The Cakebowl league (Swindon)

Rulespack here:

In Brief:
£7 NAF
£12 NoN NAF (Includes NAF sign-up fee)
3 games (2 hours each)
1.1Mil build
5 free FF
5 Skills prior to first match (4 Normal, 1 double, No stacking and no stat increases)

No weather rolls, all matches start in "perfect BB weather" (4-10 on weather table) if a 7 is rolled on any kickoff both coaches roll D6+Fame winner gets a card (Supplied by organisers) for that match, if tied both coaches get a card!! (cards are copied from 50K decks, be warned there are multiples of the same card, so your opponent may have the same one!! these have been chosen to be fun rather than game breaking EG: Custard Pie!!)

Also please note, unless agreed by both coaches pre-match illegal procedure cannot be called, just gently remind your opponent to move his/her (?) turn counter along!! Very Happy

usual Prizes Inc "The International Glowworm award"
sann0638 - May 15, 2012 - 08:21 AM
Post subject: RE: Crumb-Bowl 21 July 2012 Sutton Benger (Nr Chippenham)
Good job. We have a wee website too:, which has the rules in .doc format in case anyone struggles with the link.
Canteloup - Jun 03, 2012 - 08:51 AM
Post subject: RE: Crumb-Bowl 21 July 2012 Sutton Benger (Nr Chippenham)
Hi all

If you're thinking of catching the train to Chippenham and getting the bus up it's quite easy.

There's a number 91 that leaves the station at 8.36, arriving Benger at 8.50, and 9.36, for 9.50 if your trains later, Chestnut road is on the other side and right of the drop off in Sutton Benger High street. Then it's a two minute walk up Chestnut road to the hall, which is on the right, just after the little wiggle in the road, past the school.
The last bus (still 91) leaves at 17.54 to get to the station at 18.06 (by request only, so ask when you get on). It goes from the high steet again, but we should be wound up 17.45 okay.

I think that covers it, the timetables here if you want to look:
Glowworm - Jun 30, 2012 - 12:54 AM
Post subject:
Numbers capped at 36!!

So if your bringing a +1 please check in advance..... Very Happy
Glowworm - Jul 10, 2012 - 01:26 AM
Post subject:
Now full, so please PM me if your not on the list but still interested in attending....
tordallen - Jul 21, 2012 - 02:50 PM
Post subject:
great tournament really glad i went, anyone who considered it and decided not to you missed a really fun day
sann0638 - Jul 21, 2012 - 02:53 PM
Post subject:
Thanks Tordallen - glad you had a good time!
Besters - Jul 22, 2012 - 02:26 AM
Post subject:
      tordallen wrote:
great tournament really glad i went, anyone who considered it and decided not to you missed a really fun day

Can't argue with this, well worth the 6 hours driving.
lunchmoney - Jul 25, 2012 - 02:19 PM
Post subject:
Are the rankings going up any time soon?
sann0638 - Jul 25, 2012 - 03:55 PM
Post subject:
Score file went to hawca on Sunday, but he says it's the first time he's going to be entering them, and is working lots!
Boneless - Jul 25, 2012 - 10:25 PM
Post subject:
im waiting on 2 email addresses for the 2 new sign ups and then it will be done. hopefully today
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