NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Buying re-rolls at start of league

kalten - Jun 15, 2003 - 10:26 AM
Post subject: Buying re-rolls at start of league
Hi all,
I seem to remember reading somewhere that certain teams get a free re-roll due to being more organised than the others, or something. Only problem is I can not remember where, if at all I did, read this.

I think the teams were any elf and dwarf. Not sure

Any help would be great....

Aramil - Jun 15, 2003 - 04:22 PM
Post subject:
If I remember well, it was a rule present in the "Golden Edition Rules".... which was the rulebook used as a base for the Living Rulebook....

With the LR, I can assure you this rule isn't present, sadly for us elven teams, but now nobody gets free re-rolls....

kalten - Jul 14, 2003 - 01:14 PM
Post subject:
oops - forgot to thank you about that.

bad boy kalten, bad boy!

errr..... Thanks!
GalakStarscraper - Jul 14, 2003 - 03:37 PM
Post subject:
      Aramil wrote:
If I remember well, it was a rule present in the "Golden Edition Rules".... which was the rulebook used as a base for the Living Rulebook....

Aramil ... I'm sorry ... you've mentioned the unmentionable ... a nice man in a black suit will be by later to wipe your mind since it appears you were missed in the initial round-up ... please make sure to look at the little silver stick directly this time around. Thank you for your cooperation.

2nd in command, Security - M.I.B.B.
kalten - Jul 14, 2003 - 03:54 PM
Post subject:
Were they really THAT bad?
skummy - Jul 14, 2003 - 04:24 PM
Post subject:
      kalten wrote:
Were they really THAT bad?

Yes! Try mentioning "One Skill Per Action" on , and see what kind of a response you get... Wink
kalten - Jul 15, 2003 - 12:52 PM
Post subject:
oh yeah - I heard about that.... that sucks! Perhaps I wont go and do that methinks.... Smile
Gattolardo - Jul 16, 2003 - 05:31 AM
Post subject:
      skummy wrote:
"One Skill Per Action"

ooorrhg...... ugh...... yeeeeeeeeek..... AAAAAAAAAARGH!!
YEK!!! OUCH!!!! UGH!!! DOH!!!!

Tutenkharnage - Jul 16, 2003 - 06:19 AM
Post subject:
      kalten wrote:
Were they really THAT bad?

I believe their intentions were good. Their execution was a bit heavy handed, however. Many of the ideas contained in BBMs 1 and 2 ultimately made their way into the 2001 Rules Review. I'll grab my magazines tonight and post a short synopsis tomorrow over lunch. It's probably more than you think, but less than I imagine.

Aramil - Jul 16, 2003 - 10:01 AM
Post subject:
      GalakStarscraper wrote:
      Aramil wrote:
If I remember well, it was a rule present in the "Golden Edition Rules".... which was the rulebook used as a base for the Living Rulebook....

Aramil ... I'm sorry ... you've mentioned the unmentionable ... a nice man in a black suit will be by later to wipe your mind since it appears you were missed in the initial round-up ... please make sure to look at the little silver stick directly this time around. Thank you for your cooperation.

2nd in command, Security - M.I.B.B.

Sorry galak, but I've not understood what I've done wrong... Shocked I ask you sorry.. but can you explain me better what the problem is, just to avoid doing it in the future.
Darkson - Jul 16, 2003 - 11:35 AM
Post subject:
The 4th edition did not exist. It was not printed in BB Mag 1 withclarifications in #2. In fact BB Mags #1 and 2 did not exist except for a couple of pages about new teams and players. JJ never had anything to do with the designing of 4th ed, which in anycase didn't exist.
Who says there was a 4th ed? If you'd like to look here......

Aramil - Jul 16, 2003 - 06:36 PM
Post subject:
But I have it printed... I don't know where I found it.... but I still have it printed, togheter with optional rules for teams with team rating over 300 points...

Do you mean that those rules were fake?

Sorry if I seem so stupid... Sad

skummy - Jul 16, 2003 - 07:02 PM
Post subject:
We don't think you're stupid, but I'll give you the full scoop. The 4th edition rules were generally disliked by most of the Blood Bowl community, so Jervis ceded some of the decision making power over to a group of 6 active online people and they formed what's called the Blood Bowl Rules Committee. They hashed out what's essentially a 5th edition of Blood Bowl (called the Living Rulebook, or LRB) in 2001. Tutenkarnage up there is one of the members.

Every year the BBRC is going to go over the big rules questions and experimental teams out there and make decisions on whether or not to change or clarify the LRB. If you'd like to get the current, 56 page version of the LRB, you can find it here:

(Just remember that all this is from someone who got back into Blood Bowl again only as the LRB came out, so my info on how the BBRC was formed may be a little sketchy. I'm sure Chet can clear it up if it was outright incorrect.)
Darkson - Jul 17, 2003 - 12:37 AM
Post subject:
Sorry Aramil, it wasn't meant to make you sound stupid. It's a running joke that as far as GW are concerned the 4th edition never happened.
Tutenkharnage - Jul 17, 2003 - 06:15 AM
Post subject:
      skummy wrote:
(Just remember that all this is from someone who got back into Blood Bowl again only as the LRB came out, so my info on how the BBRC was formed may be a little sketchy. I'm sure Chet can clear it up if it was outright incorrect.)

That's it, more or less. The BBRC consists in part of 5 on-line coaches:

* John Kipling Lewis
* Milo Sharp
* Dean Maki
* Stephen Babbage
* Chet Zeshonski

Jervis Johnson and Andy Hall round out the 7-member committee.

Aramil - Jul 17, 2003 - 12:36 PM
Post subject:
I know what the BBRC is and what they do... my dubt was only why talking about the "Gold Edition Rules" was so bad... but I learnt that is taboo, so I won't do it anymore.. and we're ok Wink

Chet, only a question... Could you ask Milo Sharp if he can update his wonderful Excel Roster Sheet Question
I've modified it to adapt to the LRB new rosters and everything... but I'm not able to modify the
writing in red the names of players near to the new SPP's passage... and it's still the same as many years ago [new passages at 6, 11 etc etc...]
You could find my modified version here, can you please ask him if he can complete it? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese... Embarassed I love it.. it's so good and so light... I think it's the perfect one Exclamation

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