NAF World Headquarters

Europe - No Spiky Open this year (and possibly going forward)

Darkson - Jun 29, 2012 - 01:57 AM
Post subject: No Spiky Open this year (and possibly going forward)
      Ace2k00 wrote:
No Spiky open this year buddy, couldn't justify the cost of the venue to the amount of people who attended, we made a huge loss.. sorry but i think that will be the end of the open..

      Darkson wrote:
Sorry to hear that Dave.

If I can be brutally honest, I think part of the problem was lack of communication and timescale. I don't know the in's and out's of the Spiky club, but last year there was approx 2 months notice for the tournament, and the only person that replied on the TFF thread was yourself, and that wasn't often (I know you don't use TFF much). I didn't see it mentioned anywhere else. As a counterpoint, I got a thread up for ARBBL '13 a couple of days after the '12 event. Although I couldn't give exact dates, I could at least get it on people's radar.

Ah well, I guess all good things come to an end.
Do you mind if I make a post to that effect on TFF, or would you rather do it? I ask, because I know a few people have mentioned it recently.

please feel free to put up a post, your right on the communication, and timescale front it was all left for me to sort out, and with the shop and all don't have that much time to dedicate to it. if things change at the club we might put it back on at some point.

If it is the last Spiky Open, I'd like to thank Dave for the years he ran it. Ok, sometimes the organisation wasn't the best, but I always enjoyed myself, it was the tournament that got myself (and the other ARBBL lads) into tourney-going, and what made me decide to run the ARBBL Open.

Dave, it's all your fault! Wink
Grumbledook - Jun 29, 2012 - 05:36 AM
Post subject: RE: No Spiky Open this year (and possibly going forward)
Deathwing - Jun 29, 2012 - 04:22 PM
Post subject:
Shame. Lot of history there. It probably fared particularly badly last year because of the WC. What was it, 3 weeks before or something?
Besters - Jun 30, 2012 - 04:07 PM
Post subject:
it struggled before the first world cup as well.

but this was a tournament that struggled for numbers over the last three or four years.

In the size of hall the lack of numbers was noticable. Shame really.
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