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Rules Questions - Chainsaw + Mighty Blow?

peterd - Jul 29, 2012 - 04:48 AM
Post subject: Chainsaw + Mighty Blow?
One and a half quick questions: Is the Goblin Chainsaw Player "Looney" allowed, to get and use Mighty Blow (if he gets a double) during his Block/ Blitz Action. So +4 to the armour? The same for Dirty Player? +3 for armour and then +1 to the injury roll?
Thanks for help!
Pug - Jul 29, 2012 - 05:24 AM
Post subject: RE: Chainsaw + Mighty Blow?
No...The "Mighty Blow" skill cannot be used with the Chainsaw Extraordinary skill....this is mentioned at the end of the skill description of the C.R.P rulesbook for the skill. But you could use it if you perfrom a normal block without using the Chainsaw. Think of Mighty Blow as an improvement to the player not the equipment/weapon.
Mighty Blow is used either for Armour Rolls OR Injury Rolls.

Dirty Player with Mighty Blow...whilst player has a Chainsaw...and you make a foul with Chainsaw....first off you cant combine Chainsaw and Mighty you loose that +1 Armour OR +1 Injury can combine it with the Dirty the rolls..

The rolls:
+4 (Chainsaw & Dirty Player) for Armour & Normal roll for Injury.


+3 (Chainsaw) for Armour roll & +1 (Dirty Player) for Injury roll...
daloonieshaman - Jul 29, 2012 - 12:40 PM
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