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Rules Questions - Blood Lust

Opus - Aug 06, 2012 - 07:57 AM
Post subject: Blood Lust
Experimenting with a Vampire team, I re-read the Blood Lust skill. If the Vamp fails the Blood Lust roll, he must feed on a Thrall at the end of his movement or it's a turnover. If he is carrying the ball and finishes his move in the end zone, it is *not* a touchdown.

My question - why??? His movement ends, he's in the endzone with the ball - why can't you score the touchdown and *then* put him in Reserves for the next drive?
Grumbledook - Aug 06, 2012 - 10:12 AM
Post subject: RE: Blood Lust
because it would make the bloodlust skill in that situation pointless

if you had a thrall next to or in the endzone, then you can just bite that thrall and then score

it is part of the challenge of playing a vampire team
keggiemckill - Aug 26, 2012 - 11:02 PM
Post subject: RE: Blood Lust
It is silly. As I know it, you also must lust on a thrall before you make a ball action, ie hand off or throw. All other actions are afterwards. As a note, I always choose a hand off or pass action if Im trying to score a TD without a thrall near the end zone. That way, if I fail the lust and have to retreat to feed, the ball isn't totally dead.

It has been a while and I cant fully remember, but I think with LRB 4 the rule was reverse and people could score without feeding. I never played Table Top with Vamps until LRB 6.
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