NAF World Headquarters

House Rules - League "house" rules

Indigo - Jun 17, 2003 - 01:56 AM
Post subject: League "house" rules
Could anyone who plays any form of house rule for expanded league play, from mixed race teams to extra cheerleader rules - anything at all - please jot down what they do in a word doc or a text file and email them to me, or post them here.

My email for these is
However, if the attachments are larger than 1Mb please send to

Please note I am only looking for expanded league rules, not alternate game styles like Blood Bowl @ Sea or Jungle bowl. If in doubt though, send it in anyway!

Thanks in advance.
Valen - Jun 17, 2003 - 04:54 AM
Post subject:
I have some stadium rules I can send tonight if you want them?
Indigo - Jun 17, 2003 - 06:04 AM
Post subject:
yes please, anything and everything.

athough I should clarify that I don't need to know how you resolve forgotten boneheads, or whether you decide to do piling on after the dice roll - I am strictly looking for rules that expand the team management side of things.

For example, our league has an advertising system, whereby if your FF goes up you may get sponsored. If you do you place an advertising board (handmade) around the edge of the pitch and it generates you extra cash.

Similarly, assistant coaches can be used to train a player for a match, and if successful can grant them a bonus skill or stat increase for that match only. Chances are nothing happens, but at least it fleshes their role out
noodle1978uk - Jun 17, 2003 - 08:16 AM
Post subject:
Well, we are going to apply the negative modifiers on the winnings table to create a team debt. You can run with a debt, but as soon as you get any cash you MUST pay the debt off first. i.e. you cannot intentionally go into debt...

However if you really NEED that extra player/rerroll etc, you can get a loan. The loan is registered with the league commissioner and the interest rate is about 20% a game but will vary with a new "random league event" table I am inventing Very Happy

If a team fails to pay at LEAST the interest after each match then one player "has an accident" - as per the loan sharks rules in the BB annual....

We also have some stadium rules I can send you, including the chaos Faerie rings of the Cornholio Memorial Bowl, and the temperamental pitch of the New Sparum Stadium.

We also have Youth team rules. Never use these. They are broken!
aerofool - Jun 17, 2003 - 08:56 AM
Post subject:
We're looking to adopt many of the experimental rules from the compendiums (stadiums, loans, assassins, and such) for our upcoming fall season.
Valen - Jun 17, 2003 - 09:16 AM
Post subject:
Will you putting these up on a site once their collated?
Indigo - Jun 17, 2003 - 04:10 PM
Post subject:
yes - I can't say much more (as I don't know exactly, yet) but they will be published for all and sundry at some point

didn't quite realise the scale of the job until I started this morning... Shocked
KLK - Aug 25, 2003 - 11:27 AM
Post subject:
Hey David! the CBBL will send you our house rules, whit rules to stadiums, referees, teams, tournaments and more.
40KVet - Aug 25, 2003 - 10:19 PM
Post subject:

this was posted in the wrong thread.

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