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General - Tabletop vs Computer

krlsrrll - Sep 11, 2012 - 02:14 AM
Post subject: Tabletop vs Computer
Hi all, just a general question/opinion request really.

As a new player with some friends just about to start a small league we have only played a few games but all used the PC and Xbox version to get to know the game a bit. What we have noticed is some subtle but noticeable differences between the rules. We are using the latest competition rules but even off the top of my head I know the Norse have berserker's in the computer version but nothing like that in the rules so am wondering:

- Which is more 'up to date' or are they just slight variations for the sake of the games?

- Do people adjust the competition rules (for example by adding berserker's) or stick with the rules as they are?

- IS there anything in the computer version that either completely contradicts the main rule, or clarifies them, that we should be using?

Thanks in advance, I know this is quite a subjective question based on who is answering but really value experienced opinions as tbh we are generally finding things out by trial and error.

Grumbledook - Sep 11, 2012 - 04:01 AM
Post subject: RE: Tabletop vs Computer
the Berserker in the Cyanide game is the same as in the competition rules pack, so not sure what you are seeing...

no idea about the xbox version, though that has been rather maligned, it should be using the CRP which are the official rules and what Cyanide based the game off

there are some subtle differences between the CRP and both cyanide and fumble, though that is because they haven't implemented them 100%

for example, I think on fumble you have to use a square of movement to do a foul (like you do for a blitz), when the rules say you don't

the differences are kind of subtle and on the whole they are pretty much the same game, I'm pretty much a table top player though so can't really list the differences for you

if in doubt the CRP is what to follow, sounds like you may have a dodgy version of the CRP though...?

the 100% official CRP version is on GW website at
Sandwich - Sep 11, 2012 - 06:43 AM
Post subject:
The Cyanide Xbox version is BB1, which ran with an older ruleset (LRB5), so there are some bigger changes between that and the CRP. The PC version (BB Legendary Edition) updated to CRP, so most of the rules there will be the same.
krlsrrll - Sep 11, 2012 - 08:15 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: Tabletop vs Computer
      Grumbledook wrote:
the Berserker in the Cyanide game is the same as in the competition rules pack, so not sure what you are seeing...

In the PC version the berserker is part of the standard Norse team listing on creation, in the competition rulebook though he isn't listed ... or am I missing something? (quite likely)
krlsrrll - Sep 11, 2012 - 08:19 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Tabletop vs Computer
P.S. Sorry, should of also said things like in the rulebook the Norse have 6 star players available for inducement but in the game there is only 3 listed (I have the legendary edition).

Also sorry for all the n00b questions but in the PC version Re-rolls initially cost £60k but after your first game they cost £120k but can't find rule for that ... is there a reason they double in cost, and is it just re-rolls?
Darkson - Sep 11, 2012 - 08:21 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Tabletop vs Computer
Berserker = Blitzer iirc.
Darkson - Sep 11, 2012 - 08:26 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Tabletop vs Computer
Cyanide have been crap at implementing the game. Stars is just one of there many fails.
What's in the CRP is correct. If there's a difference between what you read in the CRP and see in Cyanide, it's a Cyanide error/change.

Yes, rerolls cost double after creation, though only add the "normal" cost to TVs (CRP p.29 #5 of "Updating Team Roster").
Grumbledook - Sep 11, 2012 - 09:03 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Tabletop vs Computer
they haven't been crap, the actual game plays pretty much fine, they just haven't fully implemented all the things really needed for complete league play, though it is still on the whole playable

this mostly relates to inducements, of which star players are one big chunk of missing content

I heard a rumour there is due to be a "star player" edition of the game, (if you want to moan about this please don't do it in this thread and create a new one) which from the name would suggest that they are eventually going to get added
krlsrrll - Sep 11, 2012 - 09:47 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Tabletop vs Computer
Personally I have really enjoyed playing the computer version. Tbh we don't much chance to play as we have 1 person on shift work (without transport), I am a stay-at-home dad with a 2 yr old and the other 2 are generally free. the computer version, even with its faults, has helped me work on tactics and try and understand the norse a bit more.

Will take the suggestion of 'if the rules differ stick with the rulebook' though as makes sense, just wondering if there was anything in the computer version that helped clarify the rules.
Darkson - Sep 11, 2012 - 10:22 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Tabletop vs Computer
Unfortunately that was another missed opportunity by Cyanide. It's actually easier to learn to play by reading the rules and playing against an opponent across a board than it is via the digital version, even with it's tutorial, which doesn't really explain things enough.

If you haven't already found it, I suggest going to Coach's site for tips and tactics.
Oventa - Sep 11, 2012 - 10:58 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Tabletop vs Computer
Or if you want a Computer Client that is 99% crp compliant check out .
new client version scheduled end of this month.
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