NAF World Headquarters

Europe - Verbotene Hiebe 27.10. Halle (Westf.)

docmaxx - Sep 13, 2012 - 06:38 AM
Post subject: Verbotene Hiebe 27.10. Halle (Westf.)
The Sturm Der Hiebe (Storm of Blows) presents Verbotene Hiebe (Forbidden Blows) the 1 day Blood Bowl tournament of the ‘Bellator-Alae’ Club. The tournament takes place during the Clubs convention and consists of 3 rounds.

3 Game Swiss Scoring System

TR 110 (1,100,000 GP)

Skills/ Mutations

Depending on their choice of race, each team coach should allocate the following number of Skill Combinations (SC) before the tournament begins:

Group 1: - 2 SC
Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Elf, High Elf, Human, Lizardman, Norse, Orc, Skaven, Undead, Wood Elf.

Group 2: - 3 SC
Chaos, Chaos Pact, Khemri, Necromantic, Nurgle, Ogre, Slann, Underworld, Vampire.

Group 3: - 4 SC
Goblin, Halfling, Lizardman (stunty), Ogre (stunty), Underworld (stunty)

Each Skill Combination (A-D) allows you to pick 1 of the following options:

A 3 Players, 1 normal skill each.

B 1 Player, 2 normal skills

C 2 Players (not loner), 1 normal skill and the other a ‘double’

D 1 ‘Double’ on a loner


Combination of A+A - 6 different players each with 1 normal skill

Combination B+D – 2 skills on 1 player plus a ‘double’ skill on a Loner (Big Guy)


All inducements are allowed except for Wizards and Special Play Cards. Only Stunty teams may hire Star Players.

Stunty Teams are:

Goblins, Halflings, Ogre (with a minimum of 12 Snotlings)

Lizardmen (with Skinks (with or without Kroxigor) but no Saurus)

Underworld (with 12 normal goblins, no Skaven Blitzer and no Skaven Star Player)

Tournament Rules

Each player will play 3 games following the Swiss System and scoring points as follows:

Win (TD difference 2+) 5 Points

Win (TD Difference 1) 4 Points

Draw 3 Points

Loss (TD Difference 1) 2 Points

Loss (TD Difference 2+) 1 Point

Scoring 3 (or more) casualties more than your opponent (only through blocks) 1 Point

Clearing the pitch of opposition players 1 Point

Conceding 0 Points

A conceded game is rated as a 2-0 win with 2-0 Casualties for your opponent!

Tournament Dice

Please send your completed Team Roster to before the 21st October 2012.

What do I need to bring?

A (preferably painted) team (does not need to be GW figures)

Blood Bowl Dice (Block, 2d6, dCool

Minimum two copies of your Roster, one for you and one for your opponent to refer to.

Saturday 27.10.2012

1st Round 10.00 til 12.30 hr
Lunch break
2nd Round 13.00 til 15.30 hr
3rd Round 15.30 til 18.00 hr
presentation circa 18.30 hr
All times are
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