NAF World Headquarters

Europe - Thanks to Southampton and Patatonia Cup in Spain!!!!!!!

peterd - Oct 10, 2012 - 02:48 PM
Post subject: Thanks to Southampton and Patatonia Cup in Spain!!!!!!!
Dear Blood Bowlers!
A few weeks ago, i combined two BB Tournaments with my motorbike holidays. From Germany to Southampton and then with the ferry to spain.
The Albion Coast Cup and the Patatonia Cup are two wonderful tournaments to play! Special thanks to all the fantastic persons who played there and a million THANKS to the two organisators Robin Caddy and Patxo Sans!!!!!!! I will never forget these perfect days in England and Spain. Because of playing Blood Bowl, now it was possible to imagine, how it feels like living in Southampton or in the Rioja wineland!! WONDERFUL!! That`s Europe.... .
Keep on playing....see you in Nottingham, Düsseldorf or next year in spain!!!

more than a million thanks and greetings

Peter D.
txapo - Oct 10, 2012 - 03:35 PM
Post subject:
thanks peter it was our pleasure having you arround! Very Happy
txapo - Oct 10, 2012 - 03:35 PM
Post subject:
      txapo wrote:
thanks peter it was our pleasure having you arround! Very Happy

and remember you have to come back with a chaos team!!!
Grumbledook - Oct 10, 2012 - 08:06 PM
Post subject:
hey Peter, was nice to see you come over, may see you at the Dungeonbowl again
Manuel - Oct 15, 2012 - 09:12 AM
Post subject:
Ey Peterd, I'm glad to find you here! It was a pleasure to know you, I had a really good time at this tournament. I don't know if I will be able to go to the Dungeon Bowl, but I will do my best to repeat at the NAF Championship.


Ceetee - Oct 16, 2012 - 03:24 PM
Post subject:
Nice to meet you Peterd - hope to bump into you at NAF champ LII!
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