NAF World Headquarters

North America - ACBBL, San Antonio Texas league

GuillaumeTexas - Oct 16, 2012 - 01:53 PM
Post subject: ACBBL, San Antonio Texas league
Welcome to the ACBBL : Alamo City Blood bowl league.

The league is an open league format organized with 3 main championships: fall, spring and summer. Each championship lasts 10 weeks with every player qualified for the first round of playoffs.

Each championship has a theme and field rules. We are currently playing in the OrcaCola championship.

For more details on the league go to

Of interest is the special "Remember the Alamo" house rule.

You can pm me as well, I am one of the commissioner and I can fill you on everything.

We meet whenever is possible for players to play (Tuesdays and Thursdays most often). Most of us play at Dragon's lair in San Antonio and we are working to get us some table time at the GW store in San Antonio so we can get all those WHFB and 40K players to come and take part in a real game for real men.

We use LRB6 rules, and most of us don't foul (much). Teams currently engaged are Lizardmen, dwarves, Chaos pact, High elves and 2 more teams to come this week. So we are a small bunch of coaches and we play for a laugh.

Come and join us.
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